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Think I can do it =D?

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5 months seem an awfully long time considering you can actually get firemaking in like 140hours, thats maybe a month or less depening on play time.




You're 30% there to woodcutting, you that can easliy be done in a month.




Consider I only play approx. 2 hrs. a day :shock:

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Good luck I would get 99 firemaking over and done first then do Woodcutting btw are you a member?




I tried that but then I got too bored so now I'm just alternating =P and I'm not a member yet. I will be when I get 99 in both of those skills...maybe a little sooner ::'

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People don't have a lot of faith in you. But I think you can do it, goodluck man. :D




Well I don't blame them...getting 99 in 2 skills is a pretty big goal...but I'm f2p so I don't get distracted lol...

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Good Luck!




I started with similar stats as you, done it all in f2p, so yeah, you CAN do it.... You just need a bit of determination lol :P

1600+ Total 96 Combat

1656th to 99 Firemaking. Completed on March 24 '07


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Good luck! You seem really determinded to get it - that is good :D.




I hope you achieve these goals within this year! :).




Thanks for the support :mrgreen: At longest - it will take me 5 months :-# hopefully it wont take that long though!! :ohnoes:

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