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@ Celt ------True say. It's not shocking though. They did a survey at my college and 55% of the students had some sort of hate/suspicion against the Islamic community. But hey, everyone is ignorant nowadays - it's the new fad.




It's not entirely ignorant.

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^^ Let me get this right. Its okay to stop a Muslim person and search their belongings, just because they're Muslim? :-k



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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Sorry I misunderstood. Could you atleast say why it isn't ignorant? Im curious...



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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^^ Let me get this right. Its okay to stop a Muslim person and search their belongings, just because they're Muslim? :-k




You sound very ignorant, Do we have very many non Muslim Terrorists attacking America? oh wait no we don't. Extremist Muslims are the majority if not 95% of the threat of terrorists attacking America, It seems logical that you would check the majority party that has and still is killing thousands of people worldwide.


But I guess we should throw logic out the window and open America up to terrorist attacks because we need to be fair to everyone :roll:






Is it fair that thousands of people should die instead of a small amount being slightly inconvenienced.

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Yes you're right! We should strip search every Muslim we come across!






Just because there is a handful of extremists who decide to engage in terrorism doesn't mean we have to point the finger at the religion to which they claim to follow. You, my friend, are ignorant. You obviously don't know anything, I'll treat you like a child and let you bang you're head against the wall.



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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because, and I'm not joking, people hate Christians.... DUH dah DAHHHH!




Big surprise, any way, Christians are persecuted almost everywhere, at anytime, and all levels. IT is that simple...




I'd have to disagree. When you say people, I'm assuming you're referring to atheists at least partly, correct? I'm an atheist. I don't hate christians. That's a blanket statement and is incorrect, basically. There are a key few things that a believer of any faith can do that will make me 'hate' them individually (dislike, more like. Hate is such a strong word).




A true atheist, i.e. someone with no belief system, will most certainly not persecute or hate others for believeing whatever they do. Although undoubtedly, there are nutters on 'our side' too.

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I, for one, would wish there would be less religious debates on this forum. Don't get me wrong, a religious debate can be compelling, interesting and very enlightening, but there are far too many idiots on this forum to prevent that ever happening.




PS: Deloria, how's quitting tip.it going? :lol:




On both sides of the debate.




Damn right you are. Sorry if I was sounding exclusive.

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How about you get dropkicked? :-k




It was a reference to 24, don't get me wrong.




And yeah, I asked for religion topics to be banned before. Obviously, it should've been banned longer.


I pretty much share the same opinion as you and Bubsa. I don't like religious debates. It always ends with a few idiots blabbering insults while having no idea what they're talking about. For example, I've seen a few guys having a conversation like this...


"God and the Bible and Jesus are real believe it or else u nubs."


"No tats dumb u idiot"


"You insult my beliefs u lose u flamer u nub evolution dumb duh everyone nose"


"No u da nub u suck"


If we could have an intellectual religious debate, one that continued without people flaming each other's opinions, perhaps I would have a different opinion. But for now, while all these noobs (Not saying I'm not one...) are here in OT, I don't plan on entering any religious thread. But then I entered this...


And er...I knew you were referring to 24 before you said so. ::' Great show, can't/can wait until this season ends...


(And do people realize that there are AMERICAN and BRITISH NON-MUSLIM terrorists as well? Not just Muslim and Middle Eastern?)


(And do I need to put "Warning: Lost post above" in my signature? My last...Er...10...posts...have been long...ish...?)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Well its been said, but ill say it again.


Christianity is the largest and most openly powerful religion in the world (look at the vatican). So i suppose some ppl who are not christian would like to see the old giant fall. Then crushed. Then ground into little pieces and never talked about again.




Now im a Christian myself, so this is my personal views and please feel free to disagree. Anyway, i honestly believe atheists in general think of themselves smarter than those who are not, and that anyone of religion is brainwashed (come to my school....those fools). And on the other hand, several christian folks consider those from other religions and atheists as ignorant persecutors (i dont, believe me).




And quite a few folks from other religions are in the recieving end of prejudice and stereotyping, for example Muslims. As a result, those exposed to such hating or racism just dont like atheists and christians in general, or simply try to not discuss their religion openly.




As a result, only christians are willing to battle out their faiths openly. And altho there are plenty of faiths atheists would care to argue with, christianity is the prime target, the most powerful and obvious religion that is only too happy to impose themselves back in return. Thus, there are many, many christian vs atheism threads.




If i were u, and u encountered haters to ur particular beliefs in forums, best advice is to just ignore it and move on, regardless of ur standing. If it was in real life, i cant help u much there. Just try to be polite, as many ppl in this forum are (ur welcome).

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I just ignore the discussion's about religion. The idiots who don't know what they're talking about (they're both religious and non-religious) always just end up turning it into a fight. It's a shame. :?


They're just arguments. What's so immature about those?




Not mature enough?

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Well its been said, but ill say it again.


Christianity is the largest and most openly powerful religion in the world (look at the vatican). So i suppose some ppl who are not christian would like to see the old giant fall. Then crushed. Then ground into little pieces and never talked about again.




Now im a Christian myself, so this is my personal views and please feel free to disagree. Anyway, i honestly believe atheists in general think of themselves smarter than those who are not, and that anyone of religion is brainwashed (come to my school....those fools). And on the other hand, several christian folks consider those from other religions and atheists as ignorant persecutors (i dont, believe me).




And quite a few folks from other religions are in the recieving end of prejudice and stereotyping, for example Muslims. As a result, those exposed to such hating or racism just dont like atheists and christians in general, or simply try to not discuss their religion openly.




As a result, only christians are willing to battle out their faiths openly. And altho there are plenty of faiths atheists would care to argue with, christianity is the prime target, the most powerful and obvious religion that is only too happy to impose themselves back in return. Thus, there are many, many christian vs atheism threads.




If i were u, and u encountered haters to ur particular beliefs in forums, best advice is to just ignore it and move on, regardless of ur standing. If it was in real life, i cant help u much there. Just try to be polite, as many ppl in this forum are (ur welcome).


You really, really hate atheists, don't you?




I'm sure many Muslims would get mad at you for saying something like that.




I think that you're the ignorant one here. You're just throwing a bunch of umbrella statements together to form some kind of logic.

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Well its been said, but ill say it again.


Christianity is the largest and most openly powerful religion in the world (look at the vatican). So i suppose some ppl who are not christian would like to see the old giant fall. Then crushed. Then ground into little pieces and never talked about again.




Now im a Christian myself, so this is my personal views and please feel free to disagree. Anyway, i honestly believe atheists in general think of themselves smarter than those who are not, and that anyone of religion is brainwashed (come to my school....those fools). And on the other hand, several christian folks consider those from other religions and atheists as ignorant persecutors (i dont, believe me).




And quite a few folks from other religions are in the recieving end of prejudice and stereotyping, for example Muslims. As a result, those exposed to such hating or racism just dont like atheists and christians in general, or simply try to not discuss their religion openly.




As a result, only christians are willing to battle out their faiths openly. And altho there are plenty of faiths atheists would care to argue with, christianity is the prime target, the most powerful and obvious religion that is only too happy to impose themselves back in return. Thus, there are many, many christian vs atheism threads.




If i were u, and u encountered haters to ur particular beliefs in forums, best advice is to just ignore it and move on, regardless of ur standing. If it was in real life, i cant help u much there. Just try to be polite, as many ppl in this forum are (ur welcome).




That sums it up pretty well, in all fairness to you. As for the comment on stereotyping and then stereotyping atheists and some christians, you are right, but it's just a little quirk of mine to cringe at stereotypes or generalising. It's true though, there are a few stuck up, 'think I'm better than you' atheists and christians out there.




As an atheist, I really endorse challanging why you have the world view you do. For me I can say I am an atheist because I have generally no interest in the supernatural and simply don't share the beliefs of theists. Many theists do this as well and can't see the universe without a creator, and I can see why they do. Sorry for the tangent, but I'd have to say that most atheists and christians are generally pretty sensible, moral people.

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Its okay to stop a Muslim person and search their belongings, just because they're Muslim? :-k


Yes, it is.

Care to tell me, PurpleCrayon how it's right because of his or her religion?
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Care to tell me, PurpleCrayon how it's right because of his or her religion?


I really don't understand this question/statement. If you want me to explain why I think it's okay to search a Muslim then I'll let you know, but please word it better next time.




It's not a personal attack on the person when they are searched, and it's not like we are sticking a gun in their mouth and telling them to take all of their clothes off. That 'small percentage of radical Muslims' are all over this world, and they like to bomb things and kill people. I'd rather search everyone that walks onto a plane and take the chance of hurting their feelings then allowing someone to walk onto that plane with a bomb and kill a bunch of people.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Its okay to stop a Muslim person and search their belongings, just because they're Muslim? :-k


Yes, it is.

Care to tell me, PurpleCrayon how it's right because of his or her religion?




How many of the 19 hijackers during the 9/11 attacks were non-Muslims?

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The biggest problem with religious debates - well, with just about any debate we have here, except as soon as religion comes into it people just lose all sight of their own blind spots - is sheer ignorance. There are so many people who are so convinced they know what they're talking about that they never pause to consider other opinions.




Like the people arguing that the earth really is only 6000 years old and presenting "evidence". We blew those arguments apart with a single link to the right site and not only would people come back with the same argument, they'd completely ignore the link in question.




How many of the 19 hijackers during the 9/11 attacks were non-Muslims?




And how do you tell someone's religion by looking at them? Does traveling by airplane nowadays require you to fill in a survey where you state your religion?




Searching all "muslims" is a mesure that just makes you feel safer without actually improving security. And at that point, one has to ask whether it's pointless discrimination rather than examining potential suspects. If you want security; Search everyone.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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If you want security; Search everyone.


By all means, search everyone. But until we get to that point, search the potential suspects.




And what is a potential suspect, anyone holding a sign saying "I'm a muslim"?




That's great. If I was a terrorist aiming to blow something up, it's not like I'd go out of my way to look inconspicious. In fact, I'd probably *not* don the sign that says "I'm a muslim" when I get up in the morning.




Actually, I'll just ask again; If all muslims are potential suspects, how do you tell who's a muslim?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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How many of the 19 hijackers during the 9/11 attacks were non-Muslims?




That makes people like you believe every Muslim is a terrorist. They're not all terrorist, that's just a stereotype.

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If a black woman was raped by three white guys would you put an Asian man in the line up of suspects?




If a Zippy mart was regularly robbed by Eskimo people that happened to be an incredibly small minority at that location wouldn't it be wise to become wary of Eskimos if you worked at that store? Would there be any point in being wary of Russians that walked in if it was always Eskimo's holding you up?




Now to put some realism on it...




If something bad happened where grown men of a certain type declared war on the US and operated using guerrilla style tactics where no uniforms were worn and had staged multiple attacks on US interests does it make any sense to search Grandma at the airport?

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