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.::11 April 2007 - Olaf's Quest Slippery Bridge::.


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11 April 2007 - Olaf's Quest Slippery Bridge


The slippery bridge in Olaf's Quest wasn't quite working how we intended, which resulted in a lot of frustration. We never like our content to be frustrating - we prefer it to be challenging (there's a big difference!) - so we've tweaked the calculations that sort out whether you succeed.




Originally, the bridge was designed so that you had a reasonable chance of passing each individual step, which seemed right to us... Unfortunately, with 12 steps in a row this all added up to a very annoying part of the quest. We're really sorry for this, and would like to thank all of you for persevering in the face of this mistake and trying to finish the quest anyway. It's a testament to your dedication to the game!




What we've done now is to make your character learn every time he or she slips, so the more times you fall the more likely you are to get past it. We haven't 'nerfed' the quest - high level Agility is still a big advantage and will still really help you cross the bridge much more quickly than players with low level Agility. It's still pretty challenging to get across, but hopefully a lot less frustrating because at least now each time you fail you know you've got a better chance next time you try.




As stated on the original quest page high agility is supposed to be an advantage for this quest (not an outright necessity). That was always what we intended, and so that is now how it works. Hopefully, this will make the quest much less irritating so you can focus on the story and get to the rewards!

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LoL, looks like the whiners won. :lol: At least i have not done the quest yet and i benefitted from it 8-)

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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I had no problems with the bridge at all....I only fell once getting accross to the treasure chest, then fell off when I was on my way out. I don't have high agility either. Had the quest done in about 45minutes of it coming out.

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And i suppose when most of the noobs who did whinge for this eventually get good enough to do underground pass and also further on to explore the elven lands that whole area will get updated so that the more you fail, the easier it becomes?




Oh and lets not forget Mourners End Part II, seriously those 3 areas were 100's of times more harder than this stupid bridge <.<




*feels bitter*

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:evil: :evil: Why do make the quest easyer, worked good. Sure i used some time on that slippery part, but on the other side. When you need high agility as a advantage, why can it not be as it was. Ruins some of the joy of finishing the quest before update.


Valuable drops ??? Ohhhh yes, let me see cabbage



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I give props to the people who did it yesterday and didn't complain :P


I didn't think anybody appreciated the non-whiners. LOL. I did it yesterday btw. Just took endurance. I was the only one down there at the time to get across too. :thumbsup: Everybody was like "how'd you do that!"


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The problem was that they didn't take into account sequential odds. It's a common mistake.




Think about it this way. I have level 67 agility. Perhaps that means I have a 67% chance of making it across each step. For any given step, that's not a big deal. However, as Jagex noted, there were 12 steps. Given that, the odds of me making it across ALL 12 steps was: .67^12 (i.e., .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67). That would mean that I have a less than 1 / 100 chance of completing the bridge in its entirety.




Now imagine that the actual success level was much higher: 85% chance of success. That would still mean it would take me, on average, 7 times to cross the bridge. With a success level set that high, if they didn't take into account sequential odds, they would have assumed everyone would get through very quickly. Obviously, that's just not true.

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what is the reward for doing this quest? ( i know it may say somewhere but im sure someone can answer quicker than me finding it :) )




1 Quest Point


Acces to Brine Rat Cave


20,000 gps


4 rubies


12,000 Def exp







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