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Remove the "You cant report within 60 seconds" thing!!!

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because of this, i cant report all the macroers it takes to much time, i saw like 20 at port sarim and i want to report them all, shall i wait 20 minutes??? + getting warnings about overusing the report system?




Remove that, make so you can report how much you want.




Anyone agrees?




I dont see why not being able to report in 60 sec is useful to jagex..






Because of this, i have started to skip reporting them, thinking it does no good, and that i cant wait to report them all, but if this was removed I would report every single one of them




Edit: Changed title, i had accidently used N instead of T in the word report and it censored it, but now it is changed

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Completely support! Although I think reporting one, because of the snapshot, they see the others too.


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Yeah, they should remove it, because often when you report, then they do something even worse in the 60 seconds which you have to wait!


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

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There's a reason to this. It's so some kid doesn't report an entire crowd of people who call him a noob. Maybe the 60 seconds thing is non-existent only if your reporting macros? I made a suggestion for it, before you say it's a cheap copy of yours, it's not, I have other stuff in there too.

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i got a better idea, instead of removing it entirely, just take the limit off for the reporting macro option. all the others should keep the 60 second rule. this way you can't abuse reporting, while still purging the world of macros




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I do support, I have seen the grim face of autoers... believe me, you are ready to do extreme things to avoid that face... :ohnoes:




I'm out there where I would even like to be banned for a year if it gets rid of Autoers for ever!


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i don't not support because if you read some here and there in kb, you would find that when you send a report you send a snap shot of the last 60 seconds so that is why they say you need to wait 60 seconds so they can probably save/processes it.

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Maybe you could put on an "report group" option allowing you to report as many people nearby as you want. But they need to be in line of sight so no reporting someone in another town.


In Soviet Russia, Veltia's signature stares at YOU!!

The Gielinor Tribune|Blog|The Twax Story

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But then you might report an innocent person, maybe you must still manually select who you are going to report, and this would be macros only.

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if someone abused this system, jagex customer support would be even MORE swamped!




i dont support




pretty much true.. People would create throw-away accounts and just do this to annoy jagex, and even if its only removed from the macro option, people would use "macro" when they spam it..




dang, theres nothing we can do, on one side macroers ruin runescape, on another side ppl who dont like jagex :/

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But then you might report an innocent person, maybe you must still manually select who you are going to report, and this would be macros only.




Well, I could also be reporting every one still just doing it manually. But in this way Jagex will only recive 1 report for that area.


In Soviet Russia, Veltia's signature stares at YOU!!

The Gielinor Tribune|Blog|The Twax Story

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i gues the 60 second rule is only there so people wont 'spam report' i mean, jagex might get OVERLOADED with people spamming to report another person? and what if the person reporting someone else is actually mucking around??








i still think ther should be a time limit, just not 60 seconds, maybe 10 or 15.

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completely support - i hate going to the yews in draynor and seeing 3 or 4 macroers and having to wait like 5 mintues just to report them all.. usually i get frustrated with having to wait and only report one or two... to reiterate:




support :thumbsup:

has anyone considered the possibility that lauren1211 is homosexual? anyone, anyone at all?
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For those saying that it could send a snapshot of the screen, and report everyone there, that would include yourself. Do you report an autoer and put your name in the report spot? As for only reporting macroers on the screen, how does Jagex know that they are a macroer, without you manually placing a name there to report a specific person? There could be innocent people that you are reporting.




For the original idea, drop the time, to like 30 seconds for reporting macroers perhaps. It's a start...

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