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Tip.It Times Presents: Anything Goes


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This article is ridiculas.


1) there is no ''honour'' in 1 iteming, 1 itemers are simply noobs who want to gain by risking nothing its like saying hey i'll draw up the plan for robbing the bank but you have to do all the hard work, they fight people who actually risk something and waste there resources




2)the ''prayer noobs'' that get called prayer noobs are the ones who fight 1 on 1 and then pray.




3)most of these points are common low level wilderness curticy.




4)you never under any circumstances attack someone after they've fought a fight, thats just low taste and should be punishable by ip ban




5)anyone who consents to a fight and runs is dishonourable,




My advice you don't like the unwritten rules of pking dont pk. I have a feeling i would eat a running,preying 1 iteming peice of noob like you for breakfast




the only thing you got right is the part with the freeze and attack just so you know

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and no offence to the pkers out there, but if you ask the people in edge they could say yes here are the rules....... you follow them thinking you are abiding by the rules of the world, and they turn around and mash you. yes you come away knowing you were the honourable one... but you are also the dead one who proved nothing other than the fact you are gullible. the current outlook on the wilderness is each to their own. you look after you and yours, not other peoples rules, because no one out there will follow yours






Wanting a fun/fair fight is not guillible.




I don't follow those rules to be respected, I do so to actually HAVE a challenge, something everything else in rs lacks.

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I totally agree with this article....


except I get really ticked off in clan wars where the other clan says no running/teleporting and they end up running like chickens and teleporting away 10seconds into the fight.


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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go the Arthur of this article. :thumbsup:

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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I totally disagree with this article and find it greatly amusing at the amount of support. Of course this is probably due to the large length of time I've played the game, and likely the short length of time you have.




RS1 pking was great and I challenge anyone to say otherwise. Why? There was honour, and everyone had it. If you were a pker and fighting another pker, it was generally to the death. Though of course there wasn't the ancients, teleblocking, teletabs and extras that the RS2 wilderness now has, it should still be the same.




Runescape has simply grown too big, and the age/maturity of the general population has dropped significantly.




I find it pitifully pathetic that you wear prosthlyte(sp) just to annoy, as well as encourage anyone else to do so. It is no honour.




Of course you will shrug off my comment, as everything I'm saying will go in one ear and out the other. I expect the word "noob" to be thrown at me sometime in the near future.




It is the internet, so granted the youngin's love to act tough and run their mouths. However I doubt you realise that, despite being a computer game, the characters that surround you are people too. And therefore they deserve your respect as much as if you knew them in real life, computer game or not.




"Honour" in pking makes it so much better. If you're a good pker you'd make money. If you're a bad one you'd have to train better, rather then pull out your anchor and waste someones food just for fun. For fun? Why don't you pk with honour against someone else with the same. THAT is fun, and a challenge.




You call honour pkers lazy? HAH. The ones without honour are the lazy ones. 1-iteming, risking nothing to make some gain? Level 70's attacking 90's with anchor, trying to get lucky, rather then training their stats? Today's noobs are spoon-fed and it's destroying the game.








This article just shows the sad future the game Runescape has coming.




It shocks me that despite the vet's in the Tip.it staff this article would get published. I suppose it's some RS-2 Product that's incharge of the times, though.

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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* return with one item to harass the player who attacked you;




So, in essence, it's "dishonourable" to do anything that keeps you alive and protects your valuable items, or that helps you kill the next player that comes along along and take theirs.




Yes, harassing people really is just to keep you alive and protect your items...






one of the key principles of Clan wars is the motto "stand and die". I can see that standing is important (if half your clan runs off, the stragglers are definitely going to lose), but when was dying ever a good idea?




Sometimes you can't stand without dieing, if you run, you didn't die, but ypu didn't stand either ... Nobody's clan motto is 'everyone do your best to die at a war', it's 'everyone do your best to survive at a war, and when all hope for surviving is lost, don't run away, but die and give your clanmates 10 more seconds before they're attacked'.






Which would you rather be? Would you rather have one player ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ a faceless internet person you'll never meet - thinking you're a "nh noob" while you loot their corpse, or one thinking you're a weakling while they loot yours?




So if he doesn't care about people calling him a nh noob, why is he making such a long rat about it? Why can't he just leave the people that want to use a few 'honour rules' alone and ignore them?






The PK world needs to realise that the wilderness isn't the Duel Arena with dragons. There are no rules. People who don't want to lose their rune armour can wear proselyte. People who don't want to die can teleport.




People who want to make rules to make a fight more interesting can. <- See, no rules.






If you can't kill someone before they get away, it doesn't mean they're a noob or "dishonourable". It means they're craftier than you are and maybe, just maybe, you're just not good enough.




If someone calls you a nh noob for not following their rules, and you say 'hey I don't want to be called a nh noob' and next time you do follow his rules and die, he has been craftier as you. It's called taunting and frequently used in any form of battle.




I myself do safe (while eating), I do run or teleport when I can, or log out when I managed to avoid being attacked for 10 seconds, I do pray, I use all my advantages, hey I'm a so-called def-noob because my defence is a bunch higher than my attack and strength, but I don't let their taunting get the better of me and I don't need to vent my anger of them in a useless rant. Therefor I am craftier then the lot of em xD








Did You Know...




...rune essence pouches can be repaired without taking them with you to the Abyss? The Zamorak Mage in the centre of the Abyss will still repair your pouches even if you leave them in your bank.




=O I didn't!! Lol that'll be usefull in the future :)

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I agree Edgeville pking is extremely lame with all the rules RSC pkers have, although some make sense. You say people should use tb + entangle before they fight someone. After reading that sentence I can say for 100% that you have no idea what you're talking about. If you bring tb, entangle and mystic, you loose at least 8 spotsin your inv, which means you'll loose any Edge fight.




You say protect praying should be done by everyone. Well trust me, you won't get 1 single kill if everyone protects melee the whole. It's way overpowered. I agree that safe eating is a stupid (RSC pker) insult, but think about it. If everyone eats at 79 HP, then pray melee and run when they get below 5 sharks, you're not gonna get anything. Sadly enough Edge pking works pretty bad; you can hit over 500 HP off someone, and he still easily gets away. You find yourself with wasted supplies. I rather have some kills and some deaths, then nothing at all.




I've been at the same stage as you, but trust me on this one, if you PK there every day for a few weeks, you'll see the point of some of those rules. Some like farcasting are stupid insults, but most of them have a reason to be there.

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Thanks very much, that was a very enjoyable read.




I absolutely agree with your sentment. The "honour system" is truelly idiotic, as ridiculous as the abyss pker that says "GF" after pking you while you are unarmed, skulled, low on health, entangled and teleblocked.




Yes, as you point out, he is simply using the mechanics of the game to his advantage and the person using the abyss to rc surely understands the risks involved, but according to the "honour system" that is apparently a good fight???




Please explaine the logic here, because i really dont see it.

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Thanks very much, that was a very enjoyable read.




I absolutely agree with your sentment. The "honour system" is truelly idiotic, as ridiculous as the abyss pker that says "GF" after pking you while you are unarmed, skulled, low on health, entangled and teleblocked.




Yes, as you point out, he is simply using the mechanics of the game to his advantage and the person using the abyss to rc surely understands the risks involved, but according to the "honour system" that is apparently a good fight???




Please explaine the logic here, because i really dont see it.






Your confused.




Rc pking is no-honoring.




And they say GF to be demeaning, not serious.

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Sausageman's article was the most coherent and well reasoned editorial that I've read on this site in quite some time. Not a single proponent of "honour" pking has put forth a sensible counterargument to it.




Sure, lots of people have puffed out their chests (I'm a better PKer than you, so I know better....I've played longer than you, so I know better...You must not be a PKer at all...) but these statements are meaningless and don't address the points that Sausageman made.




There is a kernel of truth in what Flamemaker89 said, but its something that these "honour" pkers don't want to accept: the very practice of "Edgeville Pking," as it has developed over the years and as it currently exists, is flawed.




People want to go to level 1-5 wildy, right next to a safe zone, and then complain when someone runs into the safe zone. They don't want to have to use entangle or an ice spell to keep their opponents from running, either because they don't have the magic level, they haven't done desert treasure, or they don't want to "waste" the inventory space on the runes.




They also don't want to go into deeper wildy, where it is much more difficult for their opponent to run into a safe zone, because that's too dangerous for them. Their solution is to try to set up this system where everyone is required to just stand there and act like they are entangled or frozen, even though they aren't.




People don't want to have to use teleblock, because they can't be bothered to get 85 Magic or because they don't want to use the 3 inventory spaces for a spell, but then they complain when someone teles from a fight. So, their solution is to try to set up this system where everyone is required to act like their opponent has 85 magic and has teleblocked them, even though they haven't.




No reasonable person lets their opponent set rules of a fight if those rules work to the person's disadvantage. I don't do that in the duel arena, and I'm sure not going to do that in the wildy.




Do you really expect me to abide by these "rules" that disadvantage me and might lead to my unnecessary death? Are you completely out of your mind?




I'm playing JAGEX's game, not your game.




I'm not going to act like I'm teleblocked when I'm not.




I'm not going to act like I'm entangled when I'm not.




You have absolutely no authority to make these supposed "rules," and you have absolutely no recourse against anyone if they tele on you or run.




Its up to your judgment and ability as to whether or not you use the necessary spells to stop someone from teleing or running. If you have the power to stop your opponent from teleing or running, but you don't, then you have only yourself to blame. If you don't have the power to stop them in the first place then, for goodness sake, shut up.




If you want to teleblock me, then you had best get the magic level and use the runes to do it. I'm not going to act like you are a level 85 mage when you aren't, and I'm not going to act like you have sucessfully cast teleblock on me, when you haven't.




I have won many, many fights by a combination of teleblocking/entangling/ranging/meleeing/charged sara striking despite the "waste" of inventory spaces. I don't leave the behaviour of my opponent to chance, or assume that he's going to follow some "honour" rules that don't really exist in the first place. I take CONTROL over my opponent and STOP him from doing things I don't want him to do. It can be done. The fact that you can't be bothered to do it isn't my problem .




At some point, you are going to have to realize that there are things in this game that irritate you and that you can't control, just like in real life.




I don't like arrow thieves, but a long time ago I realized that I had no power over them, and that I had to adjust my OWN behaviour accordingly by picking up my arrows more frequently. When my arrows got taken in spite of that, I just had to put on my big boy underwear and deal with it. It would be best if these "honour Pkers" would do the same.

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I totally disagree with this article and find it greatly amusing at the amount of support. Of course this is probably due to the large length of time I've played the game, and likely the short length of time you have.


RS1 pking was great and I challenge anyone to say otherwise. Why? There was honour, and everyone had it. If you were a pker and fighting another pker, it was generally to the death. Though of course there wasn't the ancients, teleblocking, teletabs and extras that the RS2 wilderness now has, it should still be the same.


Runescape has simply grown too big, and the age/maturity of the general population has dropped significantly.


I find it pitifully pathetic that you wear prosthlyte(sp) just to annoy, as well as encourage anyone else to do so. It is no honour.


Of course you will shrug off my comment, as everything I'm saying will go in one ear and out the other. I expect the word "noob" to be thrown at me sometime in the near future.


It is the internet, so granted the youngin's love to act tough and run their mouths. However I doubt you realise that, despite being a computer game, the characters that surround you are people too. And therefore they deserve your respect as much as if you knew them in real life, computer game or not.


"Honour" in pking makes it so much better. If you're a good pker you'd make money. If you're a bad one you'd have to train better, rather then pull out your anchor and waste someones food just for fun. For fun? Why don't you pk with honour against someone else with the same. THAT is fun, and a challenge.


you call honour pkers lazy? HAH. The ones without honour are the lazy ones. 1-iteming, risking nothing to make some gain? Level 70's attacking 90's with anchor, trying to get lucky, rather then training their stats? Today's noobs are spoon-fed and it's destroying the game.


It shocks me that despite the vet's in the Tip.it staff this article would get published. I suppose it's some RS-2 Product that's incharge of the times, though.




uh dude...its a online video game :-s . Its not real-life war :-$


Honor (honour for you non-americans) does not exist in a GAME....do you people know what honor is anyway? Go look it up. ::'


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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totally agree but there could be a bit more respect in the wildy like when people are skilling, yes its their fault they are in the wildy but i mean theres always people to fight fairly rc pkers included. as far as skillign in the wildy is concerned there does need to be honour systems but not "no teleing" and not any "no protecting" .




well thats kinda off topic now on topic. you can use the game mechanics how you like. "ANYTHING GOES" . if you want an honour fight go to duel arena. the wildy is supposed to be a place of confusion, back-stabbing and chaos. you just cant help it. its like half playing a game. like saying "ok we will play football but we will make some rules that we cant make you follow. ie trying to stop people using dds specs is like telling you you cant use tricks (in football)"




good article




yeah brand me a noob cos i never pk and only rc and drag kill, go on. =D>

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Artificial_Doom_Flavor the point i was trying to make is that there is no sure way of knowing is you are on a world where these rules are followed. numbers of people at edgville really arent a very good guide are they? if it was generally accepted that, for example world 3 is a duelling world... the same wy world 2 is the market world, then that could work, but that takes time, and the insults from the pkers there wont help people abide by the rules pkers want them to




It is already fairly well established which worlds (and the pattern their propagation follows) are dueling worlds. On weekends, these dueling worlds may extend all the way to 8 and beyond. A person who takes the time to think about the subject will realize that Edge pkers (and otherwise) will flock to any world where it is potentially easy to buy/sell supplies and equipment: Hence, market worlds easily double as dueling worlds. The dueling world of choice is generally the lowest-numbered, non-full server (usually 3 on weekdays and higher on weekends).




and no offence to the pkers out there, but if you ask the people in edge they could say yes here are the rules....... you follow them thinking you are abiding by the rules of the world, and they turn around and mash you. yes you come away knowing you were the honourable one... but you are also the dead one who proved nothing other than the fact you are gullible. the current outlook on the wilderness is each to their own. you look after you and yours, not other peoples rules, because no one out there will follow yours.




Go pilejump someone in world 3 edgeville in front of a bunch of people your level. See how well they appreciate your "to each his own" philosophy.




oh and for the record? bold capital font is the written equivalent of shouting




careface :|




Sausageman's article was the most coherent and well reasoned editorial that I've read on this site in quite some time. Not a single proponent of "honour" pking has put forth a sensible counterargument to it.




Other than the numerous points which you've conveniently chosen to ignore. Yes, some people can't help but resort to ad hominem attacks, but that gives you no right to overlook the merits that do exist in their arguments.




Sure, lots of people have puffed out their chests (I'm a better PKer than you, so I know better....I've played longer than you, so I know better...You must not be a PKer at all...) but these statements are meaningless and don't address the points that Sausageman made.








There is a kernel of truth in what Flamemaker89 said, but its something that these "honour" pkers don't want to accept: the very practice of "Edgeville Pking," as it has developed over the years and as it currently exists, is flawed.




People want to go to level 1-5 wildy, right next to a safe zone, and then complain when someone runs into the safe zone. They don't want to have to use entangle or an ice spell to keep their opponents from running, either because they don't have the magic level, they haven't done desert treasure, or they don't want to "waste" the inventory space on the runes.




Some pkers do that, but I won't. So won't most of the pkers in the dueling worlds I go to. They understand going in that there was no personal agreement made between themselves and their opponent, and unless they choose to DM then running is more than permissible. If people give you a hard time, just ignore them or own their sorry little butts. If you can't do that, either, then switch worlds.




Teleporting in any circumstance, however, is not seen as acceptable because the fight is generally done near (as you said) safe zones and being unable to run down those few little levels reflects on how bad your foresight is. Teleports take up one to three inventory spaces; spaces you could have used for food or different equipment. Running on low food instead of teleporting on no food saves money for both yourself and your opponent (I am not going to spell it out because you should be able to understand why).




They also don't want to go into deeper wildy, where it is much more difficult for their opponent to run into a safe zone, because that's too dangerous for them. Their solution is to try to set up this system where everyone is required to just stand there and act like they are entangled or frozen, even though they aren't.




People don't want to have to use teleblock, because they can't be bothered to get 85 Magic or because they don't want to use the 3 inventory spaces for a spell, but then they complain when someone teles from a fight. So, their solution is to try to set up this system where everyone is required to act like their opponent has 85 magic and has teleblocked them, even though they haven't.




And this is a problem why-? If you agree to a DM, then you should stick to it. That's basic respect. People are also much more likely to interfere in the fight the farther you go from Edgeville. It's not so much an issue of danger as it is of avoiding inconvenience or annoyance. It's pointless to waste money on teleblocks and entangles when you want a melee duel.




I bet at least one of you is thinking "LOL OMG GO 2 THA DOOL AR3NAH THN DOOM! LOL!" I've already explained why people fight near Edgeville (that means outside of f2p, as well) and don't think I need to explain any further.




No reasonable person lets their opponent set rules of a fight if those rules work to the person's disadvantage. I don't do that in the duel arena, and I'm sure not going to do that in the wildy.




Do you really expect me to abide by these "rules" that disadvantage me and might lead to my unnecessary death? Are you completely out of your mind?




I picked up the issue with safe-eating quickly when I started fighting. I understood that not safing would make killing me and taking my stuff easier for my opponent, but in exchange they would also subject themselves to the same level of risk as I do.




Another thought on safe-eating: keep in mind that when you safe-eat you leave yourself open to attack, are not striking your opponent, and could potentially consume some food unnecessarily: keeping your HP high at all times is a TERRIBLE strategy. Not saying you should be redbarred when you eat, but at advanced levels you don't need to have more than say 30 hp left in f2p.




The first time someone told me not to safe (and I stopped), he 21's me with a rune scimitar and kills me. But I didn't let that discourage me. In later battles I didn't safe and I killed my opponents instead.




Would you believe I once fought (skulled) in full sara against a guy with 99 range? Probably not, but I did. I never safed, had no teleports on me, and never protection prayed. Neither did he. If I lost my sara, he would have deserved it for having the guts to take me on. He lost, but he was still one of the worthiest opponents I've ever had.




Apparently, most of us are very unreasonable because we adhere to this code. Either that, or we have BALLS OF STEEL!




I'm playing JAGEX's game, not your game.




I'm not going to act like I'm teleblocked when I'm not.




I'm not going to act like I'm entangled when I'm not.




You have absolutely no authority to make these supposed "rules," and you have absolutely no recourse against anyone if they tele on you or run.




Its up to your judgment and ability as to whether or not you use the necessary spells to stop someone from teleing or running. If you have the power to stop your opponent from teleing or running, but you don't, then you have only yourself to blame. If you don't have the power to stop them in the first place then, for goodness sake, shut up.




If you want to teleblock me, then you had best get the magic level and use the runes to do it. I'm not going to act like you are a level 85 mage when you aren't, and I'm not going to act like you have sucessfully cast teleblock on me, when you haven't.




The rules exist (through social contract) in dueling worlds because people go there for that sort of fight. If you want your lawless fighting, then there are plenty of other places to do it: we duelers just ask that you give us some space to call our own because there isn't a place we'd rather do it (or can do it if you're f2p like me). For us it's fun to fight with challenging rules near Edgeville and if someone like you wants to take that away from us then you'll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.




I have won many, many fights by a combination of teleblocking/entangling/ranging/meleeing/charged sara striking despite the "waste" of inventory spaces. I don't leave the behaviour of my opponent to chance, or assume that he's going to follow some "honour" rules that don't really exist in the first place. I take CONTROL over my opponent and STOP him from doing things I don't want him to do. It can be done. The fact that you can't be bothered to do it isn't my problem.




It's not that we can't be bothered, it's that we want to prove we can win without needing some of these things. It takes a stronger person to win the fight without needing to resort to means that are underhanded or require less skill to use. If you want to tele, run, safe, pray, or all of that other crap, go ahead because we can easily do it back. There's a reason the rules are in place and people agree to them.




It would be best if these "honour Pkers" would do the same.




Stereotyping is bad, mmk?




We can't alter your behavior but we can certainly slice you up right nice.




Honor (honour for you non-americans) does not exist in a GAME....do you people know what honor is anyway? Go look it up.




R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Are you telling me it doesn't and shouldn't exist between people even in a game?

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I am beginning to understand Artificial_Doom_Flavor's viewpoint.




I was ignorant of these arrangements between PKers and now see that they make sense. (Respect gained).




Sausageman's original complaint though, surely, was with regard to the verbal complaints and other actions when these agreements are broken or thought to be broken.




So, in order to enlighten me further (and this is a genuine request for information - no sarcasm intended), can Artificial_Doom_Flavor or someone with similar views tell me: if a non-PKer (such as an Abyss Runecrafter) comes into sight during one of these honour sessions does the honour-code extend to that one?




If you answer YES: then fine - I walk away content.


If you answer NO: then tell me - where is the honour in that? <.<

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Just to let you know, Sausage's original point was not about what was said by these people, Sausage's point was that he didn't feel this code was acceptable, because his Pixels are important to him and he doesn't have to show respect because Jagex didn't say he had to so there.

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So, in order to enlighten me further (and this is a genuine request for information - no sarcasm intended), can Artificial_Doom_Flavor or someone with similar views tell me: if a non-PKer (such as an Abyss Runecrafter) comes into sight during one of these honour sessions does the honour-code extend to that one?




If you answer YES: then fine - I walk away content.


If you answer NO: then tell me - where is the honour in that? <.<




Yes. We duelists look for fair, challenging fights. We aren't in it to kill helpless people, especially when we gain nothing but our victim's contempt. This is the same reason people who have armor don't attack people looking for no armor fights (remember that "no-armor" doesn't necessarily mean it is not in their inventory for the sake of raising the stakes of the battle, it's just to raise the risk) in these dueling worlds: It's out of respect and a desire to fight opponents who want to fight us in our own style. There is of course also a money factor, but it comes second to these.




Those for whom money comes first and rules second are not welcome in our territory and generally do not linger because of our hostility toward them.




Just to let you know, Sausage's original point was not about what was said by these people, Sausage's point was that he didn't feel this code was acceptable, because his Pixels are important to him and he doesn't have to show respect because Jagex didn't say he had to so there.




If people have done nothing to lose a basic level of respect you should express toward them (golden rule), then by all means show it. I live by that both in the game and the real world.




JaGeX said you didn't have to in the game, but Andrew himself says that it's not in the spirit of the game to be nasty to other people :) Just a thought.




Sausageman's original complaint though, surely, was with regard to the verbal complaints and other actions when these agreements are broken or thought to be broken.




If you never made the agreement and wished to engage in a fight nonetheless, then complaints are of course unwarranted. If you never made the agreement and never wished to fight, then a person who complains is clearly greedy. If you made the agreement, chose to fight, and broke that agreement, you should be stepped upon.




The reason a problem springs up is often because people perceive someone who continues to fight as agreeing to their rules without actually acknowledging them verbally.

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It fascinates me when people use the term, but do not understand its meaning. This is a wonderful article. Personally, I do not get any satisfaction out of PKing; therefore, I do not do it. Those of you who do, power to you - we are all here to have fun.




But as far as Honor is concerned, you have to live by some form of code that allows you to claim you are honorable before you can talk of honor. And you can not hold people who do not live by the code to the standards of the code.




So someone saying "you are dishonorable" or "you have no honor" is clearly not familiar with the historical precedents available to them that define the context of honor.




A very short web search for "warrior code" takes you to many, many entries (some are for progarmming tools - lol - oh well). But high up there is the wikipedia entry about "warrior codes". Quickly, they cite (with links) codes such as "Dharma", "Chivalry", "Bushido", and "Xia" (leaving out the diacritical in the last one for simplicity).




Any person or group that wants to claim that They Have Honor must be able to demonstrate that they live by a code of some sort (most western civilizations have some history lessons involving Chivalry and Knights).




And for them to claim someone else has or does not have honor, they must be able to demonstrate that the other person does claim to live by a code AND that they failed to adhere to the code.

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I totally disagree with this article and find it greatly amusing at the amount of support. Of course this is probably due to the large length of time I've played the game, and likely the short length of time you have.


RS1 pking was great and I challenge anyone to say otherwise. Why? There was honour, and everyone had it. If you were a pker and fighting another pker, it was generally to the death. Though of course there wasn't the ancients, teleblocking, teletabs and extras that the RS2 wilderness now has, it should still be the same.


Runescape has simply grown too big, and the age/maturity of the general population has dropped significantly.


I find it pitifully pathetic that you wear prosthlyte(sp) just to annoy, as well as encourage anyone else to do so. It is no honour.


Of course you will shrug off my comment, as everything I'm saying will go in one ear and out the other. I expect the word "noob" to be thrown at me sometime in the near future.


It is the internet, so granted the youngin's love to act tough and run their mouths. However I doubt you realise that, despite being a computer game, the characters that surround you are people too. And therefore they deserve your respect as much as if you knew them in real life, computer game or not.


"Honour" in pking makes it so much better. If you're a good pker you'd make money. If you're a bad one you'd have to train better, rather then pull out your anchor and waste someones food just for fun. For fun? Why don't you pk with honour against someone else with the same. THAT is fun, and a challenge.


you call honour pkers lazy? HAH. The ones without honour are the lazy ones. 1-iteming, risking nothing to make some gain? Level 70's attacking 90's with anchor, trying to get lucky, rather then training their stats? Today's noobs are spoon-fed and it's destroying the game.


It shocks me that despite the vet's in the Tip.it staff this article would get published. I suppose it's some RS-2 Product that's incharge of the times, though.




uh dude...its a online video game :-s . Its not real-life war :-$






Honor (honour for you non-americans) does not exist in a GAME....do you people know what honor is anyway? Go look it up. ::'




Well said! I really like the article, whoever wrote it deserves a cookie.



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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