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Pass blocking - Part 2 of Jagex's update for fools


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Some people here really dont have a clue. This is a good update, if you are using common words as your password then any real so called 'hacker' would know that a dictionary based cracker would take your password out with ease.




I really think that 'high' levels are selfish and just looking to complain. Most 'high' levels have passwords that will never come up in conversations so whats the problem with it; it doesnt affect you. Grow up 'high levels'

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The amount of whining I see going on in general P2P, where people claim to be a few brain stems better than the kids on RsOF is stunning to the point of amusing.




What's it to you if Jagex wants to prevent some 13 year olds from being tricked into typing out their passwords? I dare any of you complainers to think back to when you were 13 and honestly tell me you weren't the dumbest thing on the planet ever to be born. I'll help you right now- you were stupid, you were gullible, and so was everyone else when they were younger.






The "yeah but they could be spending time with other updates" is countered by the fact that Jagex will now be recieving FEWER complaints and reports about scamming, luring, and whatever other nasty things happen to them. That means less work in customer support required and MORE UPDATES FOR YOU (even though you have no idea what kind of cushy life you have with rs2, rsc players got 1 update a month at the most and they were HAPPY about it).






Seriously, if you pick this update to whine about, you're really no better than all the babies in the RSOF rant forums. Go yap with them if a security measure for kids bothers you so much.




I wouldn't say I was stupid. I was pretty unintelligent when I was 11. But the summer when I was 13, something finally clicked in my head and I was stupid anymore.




I was quite guilliable however



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

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"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."




The problem isn't so much that Jagex is trying to protect it's players as much as it's fostering player idiocy. Jagex can't fix player stupidity; They can try, but it's impossible. By continuing to dish out updates which are, by internet standards, very babyish they only send the message to it's players that things such as common sense and accountability are a thing of the past.




You never saw inane updates such as this on RSC because players were generally older, wiser and more accountable for their actions. While I can't speak for everyone, I can speak for a large majority. If you were scammed on RSC you took it as a learning lesson and worked your way back up. Nowadays if someone is scammed they head over to the RSOF and whine and complain to Jagex. If Jagex would simply say "We've given you the necessary tools to protect your own account, so use them!" then a lot of these problems would all but disappear.




Sometimes the hard way is the only way people will learn. I can assure you that if someone is lured or scammed or whatever that they're less likely to be scammed in the future. I saw the following example on the RSOF and I happened to like it:




In the real world people tell their children not to touch a hot stove as it will burn them. Often the child does it anyway and gets burned, ultimately learning his/her lesson. This is similar. Jagex had told people for years to not tell people their password (Don't touch the hot stove) and yet they do it anyway (Touch the hot stove); Ultimately, these people learned their lesson. What Jagex is doing now is telling them not to touch the stove and then grabbing their hand and preventing them from doing while they try anyway; People aren't going to learn and will still try anyway.




One doesn't need to be told that you don't say your password on Runescape; We know this. If you don't know this, then you shouldn't be playing Runescape, much less using the internet. IMHO, Jagex needs to stop trying to protect those people who are unwilling to protect themselves.

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So what if they are trying to help out,more naive people?




The only people it will affect is:




1. The "foolish" who fall for these things


2. And the ones who use it against them.




If you're not in either category, then why does it matter what Jagex does to safeguard it's players?




Because it's like FEEDING the leechers on your body. Only in this case, the leechers are the brainless baffoons or eight year olds that really should not even be playing the game.




The more they PROTECT them, the more they will want to play. But that's jagex goal after all, because they have such a wide range of young players; financially this is the best move for them in the short term period. In the long-term run, the game will be dead within a few years unless they do something to fix it.




Please, just because someone is naive, doesn't mean they are 8 years old. I work with people that have never played an mmorpg, they could fall for something like that if they played no differently. Not knowing that there are people out there that would actually want to steal imaginary items.




Just because someone has experience in game and knows the scams, doesn't make them smarter, just more knowledgeable about the game.




RS, in my opinion, is a beginner sort of mmorpg. Meaning that most players first game is going to be something like RS (because of the F2P aspect). Why shouldn't Jagex try to educate players that have never played this type of game before?




As for the "leeching" or catering to the "fools". No, it's actually teaching them the same lesson, just without the loss of items/account aspect.




EXAMPLE: Player uses "helmet" as their password. They like to talk about helmets. So everytime they type that in, they get the message "blah blah blah, said your password, account security blah blah blah". They then LEARN, to use a less common password as they won't be able to talk about helmets until they change it. And they'd see that changing it to another common word would do the same thing.


End result, they figure out to make a more secure password.




As chris1216 said, with this, there will be more time for CS to get to other reports faster. Which will benefit, the "non-fools".

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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Theres nothing wrong with updates that help protect peoples accounts. Everyone complains about jagex's customer support, did you ever think 90% of the crap they get deals with these type of scams. The more they protect and make things "idiot" proof I think the better their cust service will become. It makes me curious to why anyone would have a problem with this kind of update

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Eh... update doesn't affect me that much. My password was always blocked, seeing as how it's something censored and if someone asked for my pass I could've just said it and they would've gotten the message.




Just kidding! I'm not that stupid. Anyway, yeah, I like how people think it's fun to complain. It amuses me.

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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Some people here really dont have a clue. This is a good update, if you are using common words as your password then any real so called 'hacker' would know that a dictionary based cracker would take your password out with ease.




I really think that 'high' levels are selfish and just looking to complain. Most 'high' levels have passwords that will never come up in conversations so whats the problem with it; it doesnt affect you. Grow up 'high levels'




Maybe we would just like a choice instead of having a forced censor that many of us DON'T want on our hands. A toggle option would be great, perhaps with a password lock system. Parents would be able to insure that the censor is on, but those that don't want it could turn it off.

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So what if they are trying to help out,more naive people?




The only people it will affect is:




1. The "foolish" who fall for these things


2. And the ones who use it against them.




If you're not in either category, then why does it matter what Jagex does to safeguard it's players?




Because it's annoying i now have to pick my password looking at if i ever use the word to. Had to change my pass and i hate changing it =(

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Stop your whining!This is a pretty good update good update

Dude, you're an idiot #-o
Dude, your feeble attempt at an insult is hilarious.

... You can tell JAGeX is British - No common sense. :notalk:
Supportmage:Quick Robin,to the roflcopter!
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Please, just because someone is naive, doesn't mean they are 8 years old. I work with people that have never played an mmorpg, they could fall for something like that if they played no differently. Not knowing that there are people out there that would actually want to steal imaginary items.




There was a wilderness sign that pops up every time you go near the wild entrance. If they willingly choose to ignore it and still go inside the wilderness, it is as their own peril that they do so. And THEIR OWN RESPONSABILITY. No Jagex's or anyon else.




Just because someone has experience in game and knows the scams, doesn't make them smarter, just more knowledgeable about the game.




Oh, but it does not take much knowledge of the game. It just takes common sense.




RS, in my opinion, is a beginner sort of mmorpg. Meaning that most players first game is going to be something like RS (because of the F2P aspect). Why shouldn't Jagex try to educate players that have never played this type of game before?




They can educate them all they want, but not by FORCE. EVERYONE must suffer the "password block". The forced censor, the ditch. EDUCATE them at their own will by providing them with the tools and means they require to learn more about the game.




IF THEY DON'T choose to learn about it to save their own hide, death is their own fault.




As for the "leeching" or catering to the "fools". No, it's actually teaching them the same lesson, just without the loss of items/account aspect.




You're not teaching them anything, apart from telling them that they can get anything they want because they are the majority and as such control the flow of content.




You learn by experience, not words.



EXAMPLE: Player uses "helmet" as their password. They like to talk about helmets. So everytime they type that in, they get the message "blah blah blah, said your password, account security blah blah blah". They then LEARN, to use a less common password as they won't be able to talk about helmets until they change it. And they'd see that changing it to another common word would do the same thing.


End result, they figure out to make a more secure password.




That's not learning. That's just avoiding the censor by changing the password. If someone is so stupid to choose a password as obvious as "helmet" I see no reason why Jagex should focus their resources and time on protecting them EVEN MORE.



As chris1216 said, with this, there will be more time for CS to get to other reports faster. Which will benefit, the "non-fools".




I'd bet you that it will hardly change at all.

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I agree the wilderness ditch was a bit to much. If they get lured it's there fault being stupid enough to go near the wildy to trade... But the password blocked is one thing that's pretty good. I've thought of this for a while (back 4 years ago <.<) and now that (finally) added it. It's not like it's going to screw how you play the game. Unless your password is like "nature rune" so when you say it in game it gets blocked. Now remove the ditch and they will be all good.

Quit RuneScape :)

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I think runescape players need to take some kind of test to play, not a hard test like with real life questions, just average questions about the game. Mostly questions about the rules, perphaps on tut island when your at the prayer guy who tells you about the rules there should be a quiz after. Then players who want to beable to talk or trade or duel or do anything have to take a quiz from the wise old man, (I pop-up comes up every time you log in that you havn't done it thats in red "You MUST take a quiz before you can play please click Accept to be teleported to the wise old man for some questioning, if they hit no they get logged out, if they hit yes then they get tele'd and get asked questions by the wise old man, maybe it can have little video clips of some one trying to scam some one or some one asking for personal details or maybe some one selling an account thenthe old man would say is that against the rules? If they hit yes then they get asked which rule is it against. Every one who plays runescape would have to do this (If you already had an account) that way all the 'noobs' and rule breakers would have to take it. Maybe then...maybe we'd get more people with a higher IQ then rock moss who go around calling people but cheese :?

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1st it was the wilderness ditch. Now Jagex actually blocks your pass. Whats next?




"Warning Simon Il Pk is trying to trade you"


"Keep in mind he might be a scammer"


*Accepts, 1st trade screen opens*


"Make sure you check both sides of the trade window"


"CAUTION! Simon Il Pk has changed the value of one of the items"


*accepts value change*


"Warning, you are about to trade, be aware you cannot get your items back"


"unless you press THIS button within 10 seconds"






Honestly, Jagex should require an IQ higher than 70 to play runescape. Anyone that give thier pass to someone else is itching to get all thier stuff taking away. The ditch is just a pain, and it looks boring.




And I love it :D




The fact is, for every update the moaners come out:




If its low levels, the high levels moan


If its high level, the low levels moan


If its medium level, well then everyone moans




If it involves a weapon pures can use, mains moan


if the pures cant use it, guess what, pures moan


If is doesn't involve cabbage the OoC will moan




I stand by my "not every update can be catered toward you" statement.


^Barons Theory^


Jagex can stop complaining in a few ways.




1. Stop the behind the scenes every month, they only dissapoint us by getting our hopes up too high.




2. Less frequent but wider updates. (No update for 4 weeks, but we get bracelets, new ranger armor from lvl 30 to 80)




3. Stop the Behind the sc...nevermind


^My solution^




And I got an even better once, Sit down, Shut Up, and play the game, you dont have to moan and groan over every update they have trying to help you out. So what if they put this in? Does it affect the game in a negative way?


Shot at 2007-07-23

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I'm betting someone's said this already, but I think it'd be pretty funny if a scammer who was gone for a month came back after this update and began the usual: "LOOK JAGEX BLOCKS YOUR PASSWORD!!!" spam in a f2p crouded area. He'd actually be telling the truth and it'd no longer be a reportable offense. :P

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I love it. No more of the stupid "HEY LOOK JAGEX BLOCKS YOUR PASS *****!!11!"




I do think the wildy ditch may have been a bit too much (Just a simple line would've been much better), but this update just gets one of the most annoyign scams EVER.

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I'm starting to get annoyed by all the things they do to make it easier for newcomers, in the long end you'll most likely more naieve players who never experienced a scam or whatsoever and they'll fall for new ways to scam anyway lol.




I rather have them expanding the skills ... afterall, didn't we all survived without all these nursing-stuff which jagex throws in the game.

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