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So, basically, you're giving as a formula without any reasoning? That's just a load of crap, to be brutally honest--it would take ten seconds to make any old formula up on the spot. I really think that you're making this up. :|

Nothing left in my right brain; nothing right in my left brain.

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For the record, Einstein was no maths prodigy. Yes, he was pretty good at it by most people's standards but he wasn't some absolute maths genius who could solve problems instantly. His greatest revelations came from profound physical insight, thinking about the nature of light (specifically what it would be like to ride a motorcycle next to a beam of light). He was a creative genius, not a mathmatical one.




Secondly, I would be genuinely interested in seeing this mysterious "formula" and the reasoning behind it. I'm not trying to be cynical, it's a genuine curiosity. Pm it to me if you want somehow and i'll have a look over it. No, I won't "steal" it or whatever. (I fail to see how any mathematical reasoning can generate that kind of money, especially if it's already been done, as you said, but I wouldn't anyway).

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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er,,,...as far i have researched the relativity theory, it isnt about light speed, but the difference between extremely high speeds and time....




ps.before i post it i want to know your name, (dont think i want personal details)




but, this is to me really important, so i wont post it to someone i dont know/trust. ::'

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Another possibility is he will respond to this topic, but just to give an excuse why he can't post the formula.




no there is a reason for it, but im not gonna tell it to you...it might be stolen....and it's just a lot of work...as you cant make tables in this forum...



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er,,,...as far i have researched the relativity theory, it isnt about light speed, but the difference between extremely high speeds and time....




Actually it's right there in the postulates of special relativity:



1. Special principle of relativity - The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. In other words, there are no privileged inertial frames of reference.


2. Invariance of c - The speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant © which is independent of the motion of the light source.





It's from these two (and lots of thought experiments) that the all rest of it springs up, not the other way round.

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-I think I may be austism or aspergers


-I may very well be one of the most unsocial people you will ever meet.


-I collect many things magizines, coins, etc.


-Half the time I talk to someone I have to always restate what I say.


-I excel very well in science and history with always a A+.


-I usually get bad to average grades in mathmatics and language.


-I can work on puzzles or work on a job for long periods of time and just have no bother.


-You don't wana see somethings I have been bullied about in school but i've always had few really good friends.


-I am a man.




This formula interests me whenever you get to posting it I will have to see.

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Lol, so many things wrong with this.




First off, Anyone can get a copyright, from a 3 year old to a 102 year old. Copyrighting somthing only takes around a half an hour. I don't see why you couldn't do it right now so no one could take it.




Secondly, you didn't even give us a genral idea whats it about. Or what the varables mean...




Thridly, if you made money off of it then you must have giving it away to some one meaning they could steal it unless you had a copy right, sense you said you don't then they could steal it just as easy as we could if you posted it so I don't see why you don't if your so worried about some one taking it.




Fouthly, I doubt your a genuis or have asperger's disorder. I'd only belive it if a doctor (real one) sent me a fax of the exzamtion claiming that you have asperger's disorder.




Lastly I don't belive your a genius because your posts makes no sense if you think about them logicaly.

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With all the new forumulas made, I made my own!








T=Troll, x=arthor of this thread, p=posts, A=avoiding/changing the subject that may reveal his trollness.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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With all the new forumulas made, I made my own!








T=Troll, x=arthor of this thread, p=posts, A=avoiding/changing the subject that may reveal his trollness.




Genuis! You are the next Einstein, Nick.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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hm....ok i will post the subject where it is used for, but im not gonna post the whole formula, a part of the formula is:




but that's only 1 of the 5 in total, but the most important.


here's the link wherefor it is used but then with a 20 by 20 square:






btw. if you think thats a simple formula, it is not, look at einstein's formula






really easy, but the caculations to be made are more difficult, becaus with light, C is 300.000 times 3600 ::'

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You miss the point entirely--BEFORE Einstein came up with E=MC^2, it would have been just as easy to make that formula up and veil the fact that it has no meaning behind 'zomgz copyrights'. Just copyright it, then, and tell us what it means. >> Oh--and if it's been done already, which you said it has, you're not going to make the thousands you think you are anyway, so just tell us if it's the exact same formula. :\

Nothing left in my right brain; nothing right in my left brain.

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Magic squares? I fail to see how they can be so amazing or capable of generating money unless you show us some proof. Please.




E=mc^2 may be simple but the rest of his equations in his field equations certainly aren't. E=mc^2 has been popularised because of it's simplicity and relation to nuclear weapons.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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That tells us nothing any one can some up with a equation and say its used with a magic square. There has to be meaning behind the equation and varibles other then that it means nothing.




Like A2 + B2 = C2 means nothing until you put a picture os a triangle next to it with the varbiles listed on each side. E=MC2 means nothing either until you are told that E is engery, M is mass and C is the speed of light.




Now einstein thinked logicaly, but logicaly out side the box. The heres a quote.




Man only uses 20% of his brain, if man used 100% then he would be pure thought and could go anywhere




Now you might think thats foolish if you didn't think about it for a while. Einstein spend YEARS thinking about just one thing and in different ways each time. I doubt you spent years coming up with that, if you did then you wouldn't be so scared to copyright it and post here. Cause you know that little equation you made up means nothing.

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Aspergers is a serious condition, anyone with it will feel deeply uncomfortable in their life, it is a problem that needs threatment and everything. If you feel happy and rather normal in ur life, then it's not that, it's just the epilepsy.


You cud also stock up something like 300$ to pay 4 visits at a (good, important because theres a lot of crappy ones out there, rofl here I am the psychologist expert) psychologist and ask them the question. Just by looking at u, how u act, talk, they could probably see if u have it or not.

2480+ total

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Wow, it turns out I was wrong. This kid isn't trolling, he actually does believe he is a genius :lol: .




:lol: .




How about you show the full equasion or just stop talking, wiz? You aren't a genius.

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really easy, but the caculations to be made are more difficult, becaus with light, C is 300.000 times 3600 ::'






erm... C is the speed of light in a vacuum, a universal constant. rounded off, it's 3E^8, or 300,000,000.




the only reason that equation is so controversial is it proportionizes energy and matter, and destroyed every law of physics basically. the whole problem is that sometimes, photons act like waves(energy), and sometimes they act like particles(matter).




like i said before, just because you can come up with a formula to describe something doesnt make you a genius, i have to make up formulas every day in calculus and physics to describe certain situations.




explain why photons act the way they do, and you're a genius.




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my teacher asked me if i am a genius......., becaus im reallybad at languages(except dutch and english for some weird reason <.< )




my marks for languages are all around 4/10


my marks for other subjects except languages and PE are all around 9/10


my marks for dutch and english are 7-8/10




so my teeacher thought that i could possibly have the syndrom of asperger




here's the link to wikipedia




a bit shorter:


-really good at some subjects


-most also have something else with their brain..


-really bad at languages and ability to communicate with each other


-interested in things which no one would ever like to.....


-ability to total focus on one thing


-getting really angry if something is annoying you(like flikkering light, flies, someone who whistles)


-love to make jokes(only with words, like: i thought i already had this deja vu)


-mostly they are bullyed at school


-think its really hard to make contact with other people


-mostly are male...




read the wikipedia part for more....




but the funny thing is....albert einstein had this too and isaac newton....




this are the things my teacher stated as an argument, if i have the syndrom:




-...bad at languages good at other subjects


-not the ability to talk in a way everyone understand, and with talks, telling to much. dont know when to interrupt.


-hate changes


-i used to be bullyed


-never had a lot of friends...and trusted almost nobody


-i have epilepsy


-i have made a solution to a math problem :XD: (no one in the school knew it, how to get that......they thought i was the first...but then they searched the internet...and found someone had it already done....but i never heard from that person..)






my friends also say:


-making those jokes all the time...


-i can realy get angry when sound is not right(mostly with music)


- i collect everything!!!(from trading cards to stamps)








-i am a male!!! ::'






please post what you think!!!!


(you can ask me about my other "behaviours" if you want more information)




btw, im in the 3e class of highschool




fits the description of a nerd

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really easy, but the caculations to be made are more difficult, becaus with light, C is 300.000 times 3600 ::'






erm... C is the speed of light in a vacuum, a universal constant. rounded off, it's 3E^8, or 300,000,000.




And he feels like expressing this constant of 300,000,000 m/s in 300,000*3600 km/h. There's nothing wrong with expressing a constant in derived non-base SI-units. As long as one doesn't use the derived constant in the equation itself.


Which is probably the point he was trying to make: if you don't know the background of the equation, one might be tempted to use the constant in the wrong units. Doing so results in horribly wrong answers. The same would hold for his equation, where if you don't know what's what, one would go wrong.




[guess] If I'm not mistaken, there's some sort of nation-wide contest going on overhere amongst highschools on magic squares. I'm guessing the money comes from this equation having to do something with that. [/guess]




Here's a link to see what the hoopla is all about, I can show some more links, but this is the only one I could find in English: Dutchnews on the most magical 12x12 magic square found in 5,000 years.

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