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Celt23's Blog ~ SnC Olympics ~ Slaying

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I'd like to know any tips on using the abyss :D


And goodluck, I need 100k essence for 70 RuneCrafting...




Thanks :D The best one is to bring a teleport and prayer potion incase you are tb'ed, it allows you to turn on protect item (keep glory) and protect from mage (50% reduction in holding spell times).




Sweet6556, aka Lady Artemys donated this stack of P ess:








Thanks a lot! :D Deciding on whether to use it on steams/lavas/smokes or nats.

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How do you do it??




RC is Evil!!!! :evil:




I don't know, it's just a lot fun a lot of fun to me :D Thanks for the post!








grats, I just got that level too =)




Thanks :D And grats. :thumbsup:




Updated the first page; I added a list of links to all my friend's blogs in here that I know of.






23k/30k nats crafted. I'll be making 500 smokes, 500 steams and 1k lavas before continueing. I went bot pking, it seems that they are becoming obsolete! I only saw a few that I could PK, and the area north of the graveyard was almost empty! :) I killed one and almost got another. He ran below the level of wild where I could attack him and I followed him to the ditch. I kept following him and then he followed me and we danced for a few seconds lol \:D/




Also I'll be doing a few changes to my sig. I'll be removing some of the stats because they are so annoying to keep up with.

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Recently crafted the 2k ess (thanks again Sweety!) into about 500 steams, 500 smokes, and 1k lavas. That was about 40k xp in about an hour total!




Here is my combo rune stock so far - I hope to increase it in the future!








By the way anyone interested in crafting these should read the guide, which can be found here.

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Don't listen to Shey runecrafting is not evil it is just :-X Nah actually I am enjoying it only if I have company so come craft with me. :-w


Good Luck on the goals and congrats on the levels thus far. :thumbsup:




Thanks! :D Will do, I am starting on the abyss again soon. :)




Well I went to the TETAU event today, it was fun! I almost got PKed by crashers though, but we managed to kill the one that was bugging us the most.




Back to RCing!

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Thanks to Mvpmonkey2 for this donation of prayer potions! These will probably save me a lot of glories :D








Getting extremely close to a runecraft level, about 13k xp til. I wasn't able to play much today, only about 1k. 18k/30k essence left! :D

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Celty! Wtg on 78! :P *Tries not to show envy* \'




Keep up the great work, and i'll see you soon in the abyss! <3:








Thanks Mvp! :D




Crafted about 3k ess today, 12k/30k essence left!

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hey celt, cool blog, i like all ur outfits :thumbsup:




anyways, thanks for inviting me to the blog chat, and i thnk its a really good idea.




Im still pretty new to TIF, but so far its awsome and i love having cool ppl to chat with, especially in this new chatroom, so thanks for making it and gl with ur goals!! <3:

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