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Weekly Poll: Which version of our quest guides do...


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I would like to have both. For the short easy quests (which is most of them), I like being told exactly what to do without all the extra stuff. But something like Mournings End Part 2, the old version would be really helpful since it has pics and explains everything in detail.

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I prefer the older style. I use tipit over rhq because of the pictures and detailed walkthroughs. I am a more visual person and it helps me better.

"it's frustrating when you know all the answers, but no one bothers to ask you the questions"


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The newer style is good for the easier quests, but the older style will help alot in the more challenging quests. I voted for both.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

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Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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I like the old ones WAAAAAY more then the new ones. The old ones makes quests look a lot more fun, while the new ones look like something you would do in a business. Just my dos centavos.

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Skiller: Maurdin, Black(omgracist) pure: Alotofnoobs

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I think a combination. The pictures included would be great, but with just the bare information in bullet point form, it's cleaner and easier to navigate through. I find that when I'm doing quests and I switch between screens I lose my place and have to re-read paragraphs again and again to figure out what to do next. With them in bullet point, you do one point, and move on to the next. If you add in the pictures and maps and such, it would allow for a good flow whilst still giving the detail needed for some requests or for some users.

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I would combine features of both. Have the bulleted list of step by step like the new one. Then underneath in a different color or font or size or something I would have the detials like in the older ones. That way you can easily remember where you were since you just need the bulleted (or whatever) point instead of a paragraph. Having the maps is helpful. Some of the pictures are help also but a lot of them I didn't see the point in. But I do have to agree if you have to leave for an extended period of time then trying to find you place in the older guides can be challenging.

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I'd say keep both, but if I had to make a choice, I'd keep the older one. The new one is good, and I'd probably use that one more often, but if I didn't understand a part of it, or needed help with killing something, I'd probably use the old one, as it has lots of useful hints & tips. :o :D


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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I definitely think both should be avalible




The 'full' quest guide is good for thoose who want to be guided in doing the quest but still want to pick up a little bit about WHY they have to do these bits and the general context/story




The 'condensed' quest guide is good for thoose who wish to jsut get in do it get out




Having just condensed would probably lose tip.it a fair few fans. Because I know friends who love condensed guides like that but still use tip.it guides as they find other sites guides to be less reliable.




Where as friends who prefer full guides stick to tip.it is as it is one of the few sites to offer GOOD full guides.




Therefore just full : remians same


Just condensed: lose the full guide wnaters


Both: gain some more condensed guide lovers


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I prefer the old style to read up on the quest it self but prefer both styles when I am actually doing the quest.




So I vote for both styles! :thumbsup:

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Use both... No use of deleting one, puting another one in, And people loving it, And others hating it...

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Use both... No use of deleting one, puting another one in, And people loving it, And others hating it...

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Keeping both is great, sometimes you just dont need to read through a long paragraph and story, you just want to finish the quest. Other storylines you may be interested in, or maybe some quests are just best helped by showing a picture of a puzzle or a confusing looking area to show where to go. Both is the way to go, that way anybody can use whatever version they want and everyone will be happy.

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I think the new condensed version needs pictures and tips to make it complete. (A picture is worth 1K words!)




However, I like the *numbered* steps that tell exactly what to do, instead of the paragraphs that have too many things in them all together. It's easier to follow along with the steps, and if I have to leave it I know where I am when I come back.




Just my opinion.






Ditto! :thumbsup:




Thanks AJC for the siggy!

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I think that the new system and the old one should be combined, so that you can hide the guide, then you open that up to see the short guide, then you can expand all of those to make a more indepth guide to that tip, that system would make for the sleakest and best over all guide.




on a side note the pictures never bugged me, one thing i really like about another sites guides is they often have a map and the map has on it labeled the people or places to go, i really like that.




What bugs me about the current (old) system is that when you are wondering what you forgot to do you often have to read an entire paragraph to figure out what you didnt do. That is why a shorter version would be really nice. Had there been no option for both i would have gone for the shorter one, but since there is really little point to not having both i see no reason not to have both.

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I can see how the condensed guide would be useful. But seriously now, this ties into Jagex's plans to dumb down the game. People should if they are going to use a quest guide (which I am against even though I use them) at least READ them. That and I love how the style of the author comes out. It gives it personality.




I totally agree with phoenix1421. I was thinking the same exact thing and did not even see what he wrote.

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I always thought the guides were condensed before hand.....




Condensing it more isn't a good idea.




The only people that will want a condensed version are the ones that struggle reading a paragraph and extracting the relevant information.




I think you should overhaul the way in which you present guides so that it is less taxing on the eye.




A white background for example breaks up text aesthetically for readers and doesn't make it look so daunting.




The white on blue you have atm is one of the most off-putting styles to present text in.




As has also been said in this post people want high quality, image filled, well written guides. Number the points by all means but don't dumb down the guides.




Feel free to check out RuneCrypt for some examples. :thumbsup:

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I hate the new version. Nonsense step-by-step walkthrough is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to suggest before. My opinion? Get rid of it and don't write any more. If some people really need that kind of walkthrough, and if the staff has time, I guess it can't hurt to include it as an addition, but in general I'm AGAINST.




Quests are a very important part of RuneScape, they give us something more to do between training skills. Following steps in order completely disregarding what happens in the game just doesn't make sense. You play games for fun, don't you? And not to press keys in the order described in some manual.




Moreover... I was looking for something better than current quest walkthroughs, because the normal, not condensed version, still contains some nonsense (examples: combination to the safe in The Feud is given straight away without explaining how to figure it out; method of winning Fishing Contest also given straight away without much sense - no explanation how this could be possibly figured out).




I'd like to suggest writing Quest Storylines so that we can remind ourselves once more what was going on in some quests after finishing already. This could help us understand things we didn't quite understand at first in the twisted plot. That would also be a good place to explain how one would manage to figure out the puzzles. I heard the crew was planning to write things about RuneScape history and similar things (I see "Gods guide" in future projects), so Quest Storylines would be a nice addition too.

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i prefer the old one significantly, guess i'm afraid of change...lol


That and i enjoy pics, just to mkae sure u r doin it correctly ::'


There's no such thing as "wireless." Just really long extension cords.

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hmm... I guess I really never used a guide o.O I did all the quests in classic and again in RS2 just to see what they were like with better graphics... plus all the new ones when RS2 came out aswell... after that I just knew how to beat the quests o.O

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