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Photographic Proof of a Black Hole?

The Dark Lord

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Black holes are eaiser to recognize while looking at it from the side. It would look like a black ball or hole with a lot of dust (stars) around it. kind of looks like saturn but it's rings would be a lot longer.




What would happen if you flew a ship into one?




Just wondering.




It would be sucked into nothingness.




you cant see black holes. its that simple






no light can escape them. there for you cant see the hole itself






if you look at the spread of start and see a large patch with nothing, there is possibly a black hole there




i wont go into more detail for fear of breaking someones brain




Excuse me for a moment here, I need to pick up the pieces of my brain that fell out.




Lol, me too. =P~








Not again D:













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What would happen if you flew a ship into one?




Just wondering.


I honestly don't think anyone knows :-k . It's mass would be compressed... but I don't think scientists know all that much about what happens inside a black hole o_O.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Hm. I expected some of those Britney Spears no-panties pics. Creepy.




I've seen some black holes pictures...one in Guiness, maybe? Very interesting stuff.




:shock: O_O.




I'm speachless. :lol:




I can totally agree with you...

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If you tried to fly a ship into a black hole you'd never see it actually hit it. Time dilation is so great that close to the singularity that the object would approach the mass (the black hole) at an infinitely slow rate (to outside viewers). If it got close though, tidal forces would rip it apart or it'd be stretched to great lengths via spaghetiffication (should be obvious what this is :roll: ) Black holes aren't like huge vortex tunnel things that you can just fly into, if they do function like that there would have to be more than the three dimensions we can perceive at work.

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\there would have to be more than the three dimensions we can perceive at work.


That's a big word in my dictionary, as it was humans ourselves that created the concept/thory/law of dimensions, so why shouldn't there be more to the three that we have created based on what we alone know?

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\there would have to be more than the three dimensions we can perceive at work.


That's a big word in my dictionary, as it was humans ourselves that created the concept/thory/law of dimensions, so why shouldn't there be more to the three that we have created based on what we alone know?




it might be the fact that it's 1:30 here, or that you wording is odd, but I'm not entirely sure i understand what you mean. there are obviously things we know must exist, but we can't understand them. it's ignorant to think that there are a fixed number of dimensions just because we can only freely move within three. If a black hole is a vortex of some kind, by which i mean some hole in space that can transport matter (like in the movies) then it would have to utilize some other than the three first dimensions to be able to move it, since it's just a spherical, really dense ball of matter. any matter that entered this 'vortex' if it is some kind of vortex would be destroyed, possibly turned into mutilated bits of basic elements, as black holes can tear atoms apart.

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If you tried to fly a ship into a black hole you'd never see it actually hit it. Time dilation is so great that close to the singularity that the object would approach the mass (the black hole) at an infinitely slow rate (to outside viewers). If it got close though, tidal forces would rip it apart or it'd be stretched to great lengths via spaghetiffication (should be obvious what this is :roll: ) Black holes aren't like huge vortex tunnel things that you can just fly into, if they do function like that there would have to be more than the three dimensions we can perceive at work.




Ah thanks for clearing that up for me, and the other posts also thanks a lot.

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Yeh, definatley photoshoped.




OFF-TOPIC: Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but are there not scientists somewhere in world, sometime soon, going to create a mini black hole? I'm sure I heard it in physics. They'll be firing protons in a circular motion, sending them both way, making them collide, and creating a mini black hole. It'll disappear quickly, but they'll managa to hold it long enough, I'm sure. =D>

Writing in colour was fun while it lasted...

The Tip.It. Furry! :D HappyWolf.png

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some matter can actually escape the black hole, at near light speeds, in the jets of incredibly hot and fast matter ejected from the black hole at the opposite sides of the singularity.




Actually... there is stuff that can escape the grasp of the black hole, but its not matter. Its anti matter.




It is known that at some points in time, some matter just comes into existence, and with it, some anti matter. Now if this happens near a black hole, a certain effect starts to happen. The matter does go into the hole, but the anti matter comes out of the hole. This gives it the effect of radiation.




That's not quite right. You got the general jist though which is that matter can escape from black holes through quantum tunnelling. I know it's lazy, but to save me explaining it all again i'll just copy the relevant section from that project I did on black holes last year:




However to understand this concept will require a brief (I promise) explanation of vacuum fluctuations. As explained earlier, electrons and neutrons exhibit degeneracy motions on the quantum scale when you try and confine them to extremely small spaces and try and stop them moving. The same is true for electromagnetic and gravitational waves. If you were to try and remove all the oscillations of gravitational or electromagnetic waves from a region of space, quantum mechanics insist that there will always be some random motions. And itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s not a simple matter of removing all their energy either, because on average gravitational waves have no energy at all. However, this is an average, at some locations and some moments in time they will have positive amounts of energy ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅborrowedÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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The image itself could easily have been photoshopped. To me it looks like a bunch of filters used in photoshop. I'm not saying black holes aren't real or anything though.




yep, this code is a bit of a give away.




Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh 2005:12:15 15:07:26






Since 27 Aug 2002

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I can't tell if this is real or not but it looks real.




Anyone else know of any actual photographs of black holes? The event horizon?




Have a look at online peer reviewed science articles, also go to the library and look at some books.




You'll find real photos there.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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ah, I read that somewhere, "black hole evaporation" or something. how is a virtual photo turned into a real photon?




It's in effect boosted into existence through the hole's massive tidal gravity, the hole imparts some of its energy into the photon making it "real" and so the hole loses a bit of mass.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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lol no, that picture is no where near real. you cant see black holes because light cannot escape them since as the gravitational pull is too strong, therefore if there isnt any light, then you cant see it, because the light is what makes us see things, since as eveyone gives off light :)

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lol no, that picture is no where near real. you cant see black holes because light cannot escape them since as the gravitational pull is too strong, therefore if there isnt any light, then you cant see it, because the light is what makes us see things, since as eveyone gives off light :)






no no no, everything reflects light, not gives it off.






the distortion around a black hole is caused by light that isn't captured by the black hole, but bent.

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Black holes do exist however u cannot see them! Every picture that is made is an interpretation of what they are like. The shere size of them and gravitational force means that getting anyway near to view them would mean being sucked in. Sorry to say it but it actually true, Physics at uni all the way 8-)

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Black holes do exist however u cannot see them! Every picture that is made is an interpretation of what they are like. The shere size of them and gravitational force means that getting anyway near to view them would mean being sucked in. Sorry to say it but it actually true, Physics at uni all the way 8-)




Thank you for saying what the people on the first page said.. and the second... and well, the third and forth as well.




However you have big text so that must mean you are important in which case I will let it slide.

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Black holes do exist however u cannot see them! Every picture that is made is an interpretation of what they are like. The shere size of them and gravitational force means that getting anyway near to view them would mean being sucked in. Sorry to say it but it actually true, Physics at uni all the way 8-)




Thank you for saying what the people on the first page said.. and the second... and well, the third and forth as well.




However you have big text so that must mean you are important in which case I will let it slide.




Thanks for letting it "slide" i was so worried that u would not let it go! And sorry for choosing not to read the usual drivel people write and saying straight what i think? Hope u let this "slide"

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