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Australia is dying ~ -NO JOKE- ~


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Australia is Dying


An important issue affecting Australia.




Mrs Bryam steps into her shower carrying a bucket of warm water and a sponge. She is not cleaning her bathroom, she is about to wash herself among the severest water restrictions Melbourne has ever known. With the lowest rainfall in decades and the climbing temperatures reaching to a new sustained high, Australian's throat is being squeezed by a drought that may never end.




Australia is a slowly dying country in need of rain and support.




Link to article (To read more):






Don't know much about Australia?


Well possibly soon Australia would die.


And this tells you what? why? when? how? where?


Some small towns have already been evacuated completely.




Australia is one of the highest water consumers in the world.

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I'm not sure that article is 100% correct. I think Australia may have a few years left in it. The drought is bad yeah, but I haven't heard of anything major. I dunno, I'm not really informed on the subject, but we haven't gone to sponge bathing yet, we still have a fair bit of time before that stage.




I think ... :o

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One Australian farmer commits suicide every four days, defeated by the country's worst drought in 100 years which has left them with dust-bowl paddocks and a mountain of debt.




I think that really says how bad this is for some Aussies :(


I can only hope we Brits can exile some of our rain over there too for them and get them the help they need.




Australia's a developed country, so they should be receiving some aid, right? I know the crops and farming can't be helped, but do these people get any aid? I imagine the debate over compensation would be divided, some arguing that it's nature and can't be helped, others saying that global warming, and thus our eco-footprint helped contribute.




Anyway, I hope for the best.

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Well it's not the majority of Australia. But in some parts some small towns have already evacuated due to lack of water. Brisbane is on a lvl 5 water restriction which is quite strict. I remember the old days playing with the hose.

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well we aren't defeated yet we still have desalination plants and such we just aren't quite at that stage but still its pretty messed up i haven't had a god ol water fight in like 5 years >.

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Topic reopened with some changes. This topic is now fair like all others so please discuss rather than say this is advertisement. If you don't have anything constructive to say don't post.


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Sorry about posting too much content in too less space of time. I was just sharing the article to more people to discuss the issue about Australia.


I'm new so don't look at me as if I'm a bot advertising websites. You can see the articles posted here with some constructive discussion going on.


http://www.rsboards.com/runescape-forum ... y.php?f=30


Yep, Rsboards. There isn't much users there as here, so yeah. Sorry.




I'm also learning from the discussions on people's opinions to learn more on the topic which has grown worse. Ironically I wrote this article last year and sent it to the council. Well the problem has grown worse, the council are looking into recycled water (Poo water as some call it) and Desalination plants. But yeah, more input would be nice.

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Basically, they published that without any proofreading?




That aside, the whole premise of the article is fallacious. Australia is most certainly not "dying". That is an absurd statement. The drought may well be easing in NSW, and could improve in the other states as well in the short term.




Face it, droughts are natural phenomena. You can't just shake the global warming stick and then expect things to suddenly change because you've identified the "problem".




It's a very unprofessional piece. You don't cite the source of your claim that a farmer commits suicide every four days. I'm sure it would have had some mention in more mainstream news if that was the case. In fact, you don't cite any credible research to support your arguments. I'm not saying they're strictly incorrect, but right now they're nothing more than wild generalisations.




The language you use doesn't flow, either. It sounds awkward, and your last two paragraphs really wouldn't look out of place on a Year 8 geography essay.




Sounds like doomsaying, really.

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Nice article, but I'm going to have to agree with ZonorhC at least on the sources. Add hyperlinks to certain pieces like "a farmer commits suicide every 4 days on average" to a BBC, MSN news etc. site and it becomes much more professional :)




As the URL says, the articles are "opinion", so when you spice the article with outside facts, link to them.

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They should add ermm whats that chemical called (potassium iodide??) to the clouds to make it rain <3:
Cloud seeding? May work but as far as i heard, Austrailia has some real extremely temperatures in the day that is high enough to evaporate much of the rain that comes down before it even reaches the ground?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Australia: Welcome to the Central-Southern US circa 1929-1938.




It's going to be extremely rough, but I think ya'll can make it. It won't be truly bad until the dust storms, though.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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They're surrounded by ocean...Are they not desalinating sea water to use if its REALLY that bad?

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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They're surrounded by ocean...Are they not desalinating sea water to use if its REALLY that bad?




thats what Im thinking. anyone ever heard of pipes to the interior of the country? Btw i live on the 4th biggest freshwater lake in the world, no water problems here.

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They're surrounded by ocean...Are they not desalinating sea water to use if its REALLY that bad?




There is some. Stress on some... We really haven't got our act into gear in this country politically. If I were running the show, there'd be nuclear power plants dotted aroud the place powering populations and desalination plants. There'd also be at least one major water recycling plant in every major city which first used it's water to prevent drinking water being used to cool power plants and then added the excess to dams or directly into supply. I wouldn't give a flying [bleep] what people think about me. Such selfish backpatting egotistical votegrabbers some politicians are...




Anyway the situation is dire, to be blunt. One person I can thank somewhat is the Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, for scrubbing a likely emotion based vote for recycled water in Brisbane and going ahead with the project anyway. That's the way politics should be. Cut the crap and get things done. I just wish more descisions were like that.




We'll get through it, though. If we didn't, it would be a joke, considering how resourceful us Aussies are. :P

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The US had a great dust-bowl and famine, and so did Ireland, and they survived.




I am sitting in a city devestated by the Dust Bowl. We are currently one of the richest cities in Texas, and known as the "Cotton King" as we produce more cotton here than anywhere in North America. No problems with water, either. It's been raining for 3 days now.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I never knew it was this bad, if it is..




I have an uncle who lives in Australia, i'll have to find out how bad it is in his area. Australia is not going to die though.

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QUICK THE AMERICANS MUST SAVE AUSTRALIA... Most houses dont even have a water supply we have to fetch it from the river




Wow. You're a fool who is too ignorant to realize how good you really have it.

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