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??~~??Most Annoying P2P Quest??~~??


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when i still had hitman76 about 6 months ago, i thought of doing a quest one day and i looked through the list. One small favour. i think ok i've done all the quests needed for it and i have the lvls so i will try this one small quest...




to my surprise it took me over 4 hours and 20 law runes to finish it. i hated it so much but atleast it got me to 50 farming \'




that quest and recipe for disaster...its patheticly long....just useless


4 hours? wtf is wrong with you that took me 1 hour and it was fun im sick of people bagging it out it was a fun quest

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Monkey Madness or Holy Grail, where you have to kill the Black Knight Titan. But then, I haven't done that many quests.




Oh, and I still haven't beaten Shades of Mort'ton b/c I can't fins ppl to build the templ with me.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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Lol maybe im lucky, but the only times i failed the handholds in MEP2 was when i was coming back from the door. At the time i didn't know it waas the oh-so-hated agility obstacle. But then again, 70 agility might have something to do with that.




Sheep herder was my official hated quest. SO waas underground pass. I would know. I have 3 quest left till cape...




Get that 50 rc, 61 crafting, and 65 smithing, and im good. :)

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Having done all quests to date, I can say with 100% certainty that MEP2 is THE MOST ANNOYING QUEST EVER (especially when you do it a on a day with high winds, so you get lots of lags and disconnects like me)!!! Some quests such as Monkey Madness, Underground Pass, and Rat Catchers were quite annoying, but nothing compares to MEP2, for many reasons that I will not even start describing.

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I personally loved RFD, monkey madness and one small favor. now, i haven't actually done mournings end (either part) so i cant tell you what i think of those. I did hate sheep herder.....it was annoying, stupid and utterly pointless.

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Sheep herder indefinetly. I liked mep2, it's my favorite quest series. Rfd was awesome. I did one small favour with someone else so it wasn't as bad. All the other quests were fun though.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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so far.. RFD. I've done like 2 parts of it now and I can't bring myself to do the rest of it because of what it requires.




I can't even finish the quest because I haven't done Shadow of the Storm...




I really don't want to raise a cat for these quests, I don't want a cat! :evil:

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I haven't done any really hard members quests yet because i've only been a member for a month, but the most annoying i've done up to now is Olaf's Quest, which I did after like 20-30 trys with my 39 Agility :oops: .



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I haven't done any really hard members quests yet because i've only been a member for a month, but the most annoying i've done up to now is Olaf's Quest, which I did after like 20-30 trys with my 39 Agility




Olaf's Quest is annoying me too! I have level 40 agility and I've not even made it to the gate yet! Fallen off six times!

Retired from RuneScape as of November 10th 2007.




This is what I am doing now. | My Website | My RuneScape Programs

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I've done about 2/3 of the quests, and for me the most annoying were:




1) Sheep Herder. All that time, poking and prodding, for what? The reward was not worth it.




1A) Olaf's Quest. Especially day 1, before they fixed the bridge. Again, lots of time wasted relative to the reward.




Rat Catcher's is one I haven't done yet, but not looking forward to it after reading this thread.




I actually liked One Small Favour. Of course, I did it after being out with my friends, so maybe the excessive adult beverages helped my attitude. :lol:

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I'll go with the majority on Mournings End Pt II




I swear if I had to cross those handholds one more time I would have died; it was especially bad because my low combat level meant I practically drowned myself with prayer potions.




Never managed to reached 65 Runecrafting for the death runes :-k




But being able to wear that quest cape for a few months AFTER I returned to F2P was priceless. Too bad they fixed that glitch...


The Once and Future Quest Guru

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i've done all the quests, and actually really enjoyed MOST of them - even when i got frustrated lilke in the haunted mine...




but the WORST quest of all - the MOST FRUSTRATING - was that horrid








it was actually the last quest i did before i got my quest cape




i really hated it (liked RFD tho....)

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