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What Item Did you Treasure as a Newbie? - 12k+ Views!


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A tie between my full ham and my addy 2h. A lot of people asked me to sell my 2h, and I always made up some excuse because I still didn't know about those three magic letters, nfs.




As for my full ham, someone offered a sapphire ammy for my hood, saying it was a good deal, and I accepted. They then called me a noob. I went online to check prices, they were worth the same thing... :shock:

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When I finally got full steel I thought I was invincible. Then I accidentally sold my steel plate to the general store (Dang rsc one clicking sell lol) and I was devastated.




I am still angry to this day at how much more general stores sell items for than what they buy them for lol. I thought "Oh well, at least now someone really lucky will get to buy my steel plate!"




How noobish of me :oops:

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When I was a noob, around level 5, A pretty rich guy gave me 1k for some bread dough. I'm like OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm rich! I then lost it by dieing from some zammy mages my the wildy, I was very upset. As for an item, I'd have to say a a sapphire, I was impressed I could cut 1 :thumbsup:

farcasting is fun!

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Hmmm, when i first started playing it was the willow bow that someone gave me, at least i think it was willow, maybe yew, i don't remember. Now it would be my Saradomin Armor. How I have changed.... ::'



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I remember back when I first started in RS1 Beta, and there was only 1 server. I sat in the varrock bank all night picking up that 3gp spawn because this guy offered to sell me a MITHRIL SHORT SWORD OMG for 500gp.


That was hard too, because back then you had to physically move every five minutes or it would log you out. That and you couldn't stand on top of people, so I had to make sure that the other 2 people that were there couldn't get my gold (Those two people were probably the only other people on, I remember getting on at midnight once and seeing "There are currently 0 people playing")




And then the time I collected Bananas on Karamja for a Mithril Long...

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On my first day i had a fight with a cow...and sadly for me there was only one outcome... while wandering aimlessly about lumby i was befriended, and the person showed me how to kill lev 1 rats...slowly but surely i progressed onto lev 3 rats...then the goblins...and then i had my first real drop, my bronze dagger...no more fists or feet. Over a year later and i have progressed much, yet dont forget those who helped me at the start, i visit them on the free worlds and help them out however i can, the dagger got sold, but for me was an amazing weapon. Tis nice to remember...and nice to be nice.

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Thanks for reading my last post people. (Evil_Pig20, Adventurer86, Snoopy flipz) You're some of the few people who actually know why I choose to use a mace of my own free will.




Something else I thought of that happened before that post though: Getting my first chefs hat. I was ecstatic. Seriously. I mean, I had just gotten this awesome black cape to go with my shiny bronze square shield and this hat was the icing on the cake... Yep, life was lookin pretty good. 8-)

Black coffee is my ally, green tea is my friend. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

Don't call random people noobs. You've got nothing to gain and teeth to lose.

Insanity runs in my family. We get it from our parents, but it's not hereditary...

You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

You who stand against the darkness... get the **** out of my way!

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It would have to be the mithril plate that got me through so many things... until I could afford a Rune one, that Mithril one was awesome.




In all seriousness, it got me from level 20 defense and ~22 combat to level 50 defense: and level 60 combat :P




I killed dragons in that plate.




I pked in that plate.




It was my lucky mithril plate.




It was "teh pwnage lucky mithril plate", and it was all mine XD




I never lost it, too.... Lasted me ages, had it for months; I eventually sold it to a friend who wanted it as memorabilia of our having completed dragon slayer... I would've enshrined that plate had I kept it, though :P We've both quit now, though...

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my fire staff lol. I thought i was an awesome wizard with inf. fire runes. When i became a member I saved up for ages getting a lava staff(I don't know why I was obsessed with fire) and now (although i have more expensive items) my most valued item is my ancient staff. It owns with my 82 mage :twisted:

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The item I treasured most back in the day was my Ghostspeak amulet. I wore that thing constantly. I can't remember what happened to it, though. :-k I probably died with it on and lost it.
you know you can get another 1 from the guy you first got it from...that meditating priest in lumby swamp....aargh i always forget his name! i think it was urny or something...probably wrong


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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i was a newbie and i was with a mate of mine ( a girl) and some guy came up and said to her "hi would you like 3k?" and shes like no thanks and i was like "me me me plz!!!" and he was like "NO!"


i wanted to buy addy long sword (lol) and so like my friend was like "on second thought i would like the 3k!" so he gave it to her "hey... wanna b my gf?" and she said "nty" and traded me the 3k!!!!




i treasured that addy long for ages! then i died and lost it... bought a new one to replace it and kept that one even after i had a rune long as a reminder

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When I was like lvl 10, I found half of the shield of arrav on the ground. I'm like OMGOMGOMG!!!! This must be some super shield!!!! I ran over to pick it up, and I was so happy. I thought it was the only one in the game \' Well, I eventually dropped it, and then I got full mith, so I was so happy 8-)

farcasting is fun!

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Beofre you were able to store items in the bank - ohhhh, "good times" - I remember saving up 30 wool for that stuipd quest where you have to spin that farmer loads of wool... I hated that quest. I actually started my character again at the time for that quest.

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