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Baggy pants background


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However there is one advantage to someone wearing them, it's easier to pants them. :P




Fortunately I don't mind when someone tries. I've got no problems showing off what I've got ;) 8-)




I've actually never done it myself, but Ive seen others do it, and it's quite funny. I usually shout, "sucker!"


Me doing staff.

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in the great words of Jeff foxworthy, "If your momma still drops you off at school, you aint gangster, pull up you damn pants."

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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lol like i said, to each their own, looks hilarious to me, especially when i see grown men wear them like that.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".




I just know from experience from skating that wearing them so that the seam of the back of them doesn't contour your butt makes it easier to pick your legs up and pull them towards you. If you wear them on your hips correctly, they'll pull and tighten up at a certain point and it makes it harder. :P




And I'm judging by the OP's comment (chasing down people) that he's a cop...You shouldn't talk. Your pants don't even reach your shoes. You look like someone who grew 5 inches overnight and didn't notice.




It's okay though, I like laughing at cops pants. It's pretty much the #1 reason I'd never be a cop. Your pants suck.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".




I just know from experience from skating that wearing them so that the seam of the back of them doesn't contour your butt makes it easier to pick your legs up and pull them towards you. If you wear them on your hips correctly, they'll pull and tighten up at a certain point and it makes it harder. :P




And I'm judging by the OP's comment (chasing down people) that he's a cop...You shouldn't talk. Your pants don't even reach your shoes. You look like someone who grew 5 inches overnight and didn't notice.




It's okay though, I like laughing at cops pants. It's pretty much the #1 reason I'd never be a cop. Your pants suck.




Skating? Wouldn't they just fall off? That's what the contour of the butt does, it helps support them.


Me doing staff.

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The pants I like to wear are the ones that are a couple sizes too big length wise, but just right waist wise, so they don't fall down to my knees, and they are still big. I like that because I'm not into showing my boxers and triggering some other guys gaydar, at the same time, I'm comfortable because I got room in my pants and I'm not wearing those pants where they are 5 sizes too small and looks like I'm preparing for a flood.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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Their butts just hang out it's harlious. Makes them look kinda homo trying to show off their butts to the other gangstas. :lol:




But sure wear whatever you want, silly fashion always gives me a simile.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".


Well, knees is a bit extreme, but honest to smeg mate, I really do find it comfortable. Have you tried it yourself? You never know you might convert :)




I don't have any pants that are loose enough to try on.

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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".


Well, knees is a bit extreme, but honest to smeg mate, I really do find it comfortable. Have you tried it yourself? You never know you might convert :)




I don't have any pants that are loose enough to try on.




I've tried it...and hated it.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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God, I hate it when people accuse the baggy-pant trend as "gangsta" it's NOT a gangster fashion, but I can see where people might get that idea.


My school is small, and in the country, all the guys all where their pants low, but not revealingly low, it's pretty moderate and completely normal. I'm 17 and I think some guys who wear tighter pants are fruity. :?




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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".




I just know from experience from skating that wearing them so that the seam of the back of them doesn't contour your butt makes it easier to pick your legs up and pull them towards you. If you wear them on your hips correctly, they'll pull and tighten up at a certain point and it makes it harder. :P




And I'm judging by the OP's comment (chasing down people) that he's a cop...You shouldn't talk. Your pants don't even reach your shoes. You look like someone who grew 5 inches overnight and didn't notice.




It's okay though, I like laughing at cops pants. It's pretty much the #1 reason I'd never be a cop. Your pants suck.




Skating? Wouldn't they just fall off? That's what the contour of the butt does, it helps support them.




Guess not. :P I guess the fact that your legs are spread wider than your hips kept 'em up. Some skaters don't do it at all though...I can only think of one off-hand, Franky Morales, that really does it. I think if I was on TV like he was, I'd pull 'em up just so nothing embarassing happens! :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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reason why i sag is because frankly wearing tight enough pants that stick in the same spot all day isn't comfy i let my pants hang a little nothing so my buttocks is completely hanging out but enough so my pants aren't above my pelvis. The reason why my boxers are worn higher up than my pants is because i find the pants touching my hip skin irritating and i don't find it comfortable so i simply have my boxers slightly higher because boxers are far more comfortable than jeans.




On how skating with pants lower is more comfortable. I used to skate and ive noticed that leaving more legging for my legs to move constricts them less when i did tricks so i would wear them lower and simply wear a belt so they would stick to one general area.



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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".




I just know from experience from skating that wearing them so that the seam of the back of them doesn't contour your butt makes it easier to pick your legs up and pull them towards you. If you wear them on your hips correctly, they'll pull and tighten up at a certain point and it makes it harder. :P




And I'm judging by the OP's comment (chasing down people) that he's a cop...You shouldn't talk. Your pants don't even reach your shoes. You look like someone who grew 5 inches overnight and didn't notice.




It's okay though, I like laughing at cops pants. It's pretty much the #1 reason I'd never be a cop. Your pants suck.




Skating? Wouldn't they just fall off? That's what the contour of the butt does, it helps support them.




Guess not. :P I guess the fact that your legs are spread wider than your hips kept 'em up. Some skaters don't do it at all though...I can only think of one off-hand, Franky Morales, that really does it. I think if I was on TV like he was, I'd pull 'em up just so nothing embarassing happens! :P




Sometimes I think it's farmer who has as issue with pant height.




Haha Morales. His pants are no where near as bad as his "teef" though.




There was a comp in WI and there was a guy who's skates kept falling off. He leaves the laces and buckles undone. With Remz.




[/skater babble]




But srsly, they're just pants.

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I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".




I just know from experience from skating that wearing them so that the seam of the back of them doesn't contour your butt makes it easier to pick your legs up and pull them towards you. If you wear them on your hips correctly, they'll pull and tighten up at a certain point and it makes it harder. :P




And I'm judging by the OP's comment (chasing down people) that he's a cop...You shouldn't talk. Your pants don't even reach your shoes. You look like someone who grew 5 inches overnight and didn't notice.




It's okay though, I like laughing at cops pants. It's pretty much the #1 reason I'd never be a cop. Your pants suck.




um okay...my pants fit, it's called getting the right size. don't know what your going on about there, but whatever floats your boat.




its not the baggy comfortable look most teens like that i have a problem with, its the gheto looking pants below your behind, with shirt tucked into the underwear, and the whole butt area exposed thing that makes me laugh....dumb.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Wow, that was just unintelligent, assuming that all who wear baggy pants are wannabe thugs. I wear baggy pants (not as large as your describe -.- though) because they're comfortable. I have them anchored my hips, which by some is considered sagging. If that's sagging, then sagging is pretty comfortable.




Have fun in your skin tight jeans/khakis.

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Jesus Christ, people, he meant pants that are worn around one's knees, not baggy pants in general.




Just because he didn't word it particularly well doesn't mean that you suddenly stop knowing how to read.

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I can back up the claim about the origins of these loose fitting pants, Iv heard it from at least one credible source that this is indeed the case.




and no we don't meen baggy pants in general we meen low riders... I have anouther name for them but its not apropreate as this is a G Rated forum.




Frankly I think these Thug wanna be's wearing low ridders are a bunch of fools thinking some how that if they conform to a marketing trend they are hip when in reality they are just being good little consumers of a junk product that makes them look like fools to people like myself.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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I wear jeans... They're comfortable, not baggy, but not skinny either.




My boxers ride up occasionally, which is annoying, but y'just pull 'em down.




I don't care much about the 'fashion' crap... A shirt and jeans do me fine.


It really has

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