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War on Terrorisim.....Your Opinion?


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This is quite a big topic. The war on Al-Queda/Taliban. What do you think? In my opinion I think we shouldn't let the terrorists get away with 9/11. And if we leave Iraq and Afganistan, then they will just come back and possibly kill many more then they did before. On the other hand, many american soldiers are being killed.




Opinions anyone?


Please Don't Make This a Flame War!




~Alyssa :?

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Terrorism is this decade's buzzword.




Damn, I had my vote on "Decider". I even had a soft drink lined up...De Cider, the Cider not for chavs, but for intellectuals. Oh well, Terrorism works too. We can always use more "ism's".




The war on terror is a pretty big joke as it stands right now...I thought it was sufficient when we were bombing the holy hell out of Afghanistan's mountain ranges and using shock and awe in Iraq. THAT is America...Right now, we're being reduced to whiney pansies. America shouldn't HAVE to occupy a country, we should only have to give a proverbial "What's up now, biatch?!" by bombing the hell out of some place and leaving, work done.




Right now, we're just pissing more people off who will grow up to hate us. Trust me!

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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We can always use more "ism's".




I prefer somnambulism to terrorism any day of the week.




It seems to be "terrorism this", "terrorism that", "freedom this", "liberty the other". I like the recent episode of Family Guy's take on it, where Lois is running for mayor.

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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I think it's misleading and confused, in reality we should be addressing the key problem behind Islamic terrorism, faith.




We can't win this 'war' as long as we allow fundamental Muslim beliefs to go unchecked and unquestioned.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I think it's misleading and confused, in reality we should be addressing the key problem behind Islamic terrorism, faith.




We can't win this 'war' as long as we allow fundamental Muslim beliefs to go unchecked and unquestioned.




I agree that sometimes faith is a problem, irrational belief in anything can be dangerous but to say that Islamic faith is more dangerous.




I think we should be concentrating on checking the power of fundamental Christians in the white house, as they believe in the literal end of the world and have the world's largest stock pile of atomic weapons.




And the "Islamic terrorists" key problem are issues like the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and the also illegal invasion of Iraq, simply because the American junta wanted its oil reserves and were willing to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians to do that.




America will never win the 'War on Terror' as it never won the even more ridiculously titled 'War on drugs' and it seems that the upper echelons of power know this but are still willing to use them as front for all manner of things they would rather not tell the masses.

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We can't win this 'war' as long as we allow fundamental Muslim beliefs to go unchecked and unquestioned.


Why, that would be immoral of us, sir.


Of course, but it's the reality. I don't think he's saying we should go and do it, btw.

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Of course, but it's the reality. I don't think he's saying we should go and do it, btw.


Oh I know, I was being sarcastic (hard to tell I guess). I agree with Assassin, but I think the problem starts on the home front. I mean, G Bush believes himself that he's president because of some divine providence. That can be just as dangerous as the extremist wackos in the middle east imo.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Of course, but it's the reality. I don't think he's saying we should go and do it, btw.


Oh I know, I was being sarcastic (hard to tell I guess). I agree with Assassin.


I thought you were, but was just double checking. Sorry for the misunderstanding! :)

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I think its going about as well as the war on drugs and the war on crime. =P~



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hmm one thing always bugs me about this "war". its how people call it the war on terror i mean when i 1st heard that i thought they were going to hunt down jaws or dracula but to this day they havent killed either :cry:

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I guess it's kind of hard to say anything about it. I'll just say that I don't like it.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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9/11 was ordered by the american government if you ask me. It was in their interest, war was always used as a method of keeping the people affraid and voting for those who will "protect" them, and that's Bush. Just when they needed a war, an excuse for making one appears just by magic. Heh.




So war on terrorism, is just going to make the terrorists unhappy and REALLY wanting to attack the USA, aswell as a way to keep control over the population. Not to mention all the innocent people of that were killed, and I'm not talking about american soliders, they're the ones doing the killing. This war is filth, people should know better than to meddle with things that do not concern them.

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9/11 was ordered by the american government if you ask me. It was in their interest, war was always used as a method of keeping the people affraid and voting for those who will "protect" them, and that's Bush. Just when they needed a war, an excuse for making one appears just by magic. Heh.




*Looks at New Orleans*




Yeah, I'm sure the Bush administration was able to pull off something like 9/11...

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Terrorism is this decade's buzzword.


Terrorists are the new communists. It's all about creating fear in America. We'll always have to elect the right leaders to keep the terrorists away. We'll always have to pour billions into fighting them. Nothing's helped the republican party more lately than these made up terrorists. Giuliani's new line is to elect him or expect another 9/11. The media obsesses over terrorists, and America buys into all of it. Sure it happens, but it doesn't need to be this national obsession and be our forefront issue. There are more important things.

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I personally think the war on terror was handled wrong. Osama is not a religious nut, he is a political activist who hires religious nuts. Osama essentially embodies what can go wrong with patriotism to ones country(or in his case, ethnic background). I think that we should have withdrawn everything we had in the middle east, cut all unneccessary tied to the region, and put up a warrant. War creates more terrorism, more terrorism creates more attacks, more attacks are no fun at all. Removing what instigated the attack in the first place should calm, or have calmed, Bin Laden. If it hadn't, and he still was a threat, then war would be warranted.




As for the "Bush did 9/11, there are no terrorists" i can think of a particular place you need to get your head out of, because bush isn't everything. Its not unreasonable to believe someone wouldn't want us in their territory, but its extremly unreasonable to believe that a president and his cabinet would kill thousands of its people, and all of the agents, demolition experts, contractors, and even all of his cabinet would remain silent about it, osama would take the blame so willingly, and all gaining little or nothing for the gain of a few men. Just because you dislike bush doesn't mean he is evil and will end the world. Grow up.



Some people are like slinkies, normally they are dull, but they always give you a smile

when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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Terrorists are the new communists.


dont talk rubbish man. terrorism is VERY different from communism




Way to miss the point entirely.




Anyways my opinion on the war on terrorism isn't quite set in stone yet, since I don't have all the facts in (and never will).



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9/11 was ordered by the american government if you ask me


I'm going to stop reading this right now...Why would the American government want to kill 3,000+ of its own taxpayers?




I'm not saying that they did, because there is no way they'd be able to pull it off (too many people would have had to know about it), but a select few people would have profited quite a bit given the right circumstances.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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