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99 Range Banked? I Hope So!!!! *UPDATED* 6/14/07

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Sell the balls, sell the cannon, buy like 15k more chins, but some p pots and buy some range pots - do ALL your training at Ape Atoll. Its more expensive, but the time you save getting it you can make the monet back alot faster.




Assuming cannon hits an average 15 that's 30xp per 200gp or 6.66gp/xp


Chins hit an average of 50 so 200xp per 700gp or 3.5gp/xp


Ofcouse you need to add some ppots but chins are the main cost so I honestly doubt it's more expensive lol :-w

99 cooking / 99 magic / 99 ranged / 99 hitpoints / 99 herblore / 99 defence




Quoted for truth, wisest thing I've heard anyone say on Runescape.

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Edite : Only saw scopes post saying the same thing as me after i made this reply,looks like he beat me to it. :(





Lets do some fast maths here shall we ?




Cannon: Lets say 1 cannon ball hits an avarage of 15 damage points at 2xp per point with a cost of 200gp each. thats makes it 30xp for 200gp = 6.666666... gp per xp.




Chinchompas : I got 99 ranged off these litle hamsters and they gave me an avarage of 170-220 xp per hit. So now lets say they give you 170xp per shall we ? That makes it 170xp at 600gp = 3.53gp per xp.




Even with the prayers (you really don't need all that many) chinchompas would be alot cheaper. Also you can semi-AFK chinchompas and read tif :thumbsup:



..::Attack, Mage, Ranged & Hitpoints 99 | Total DK Drops: #223++::..

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I would suggest to use the cannon at daggnoths, maybe train defense or something with melle while cannoning (if you wanna be a tank) and to use the chinchompas at ape atoll. Also with just range armour the daggnoths are still gonna hit you pretty high.

Getting another sig


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ape atol is THE ONLY WAY(effectively) to train range with chins and youll need bout 40k chins to get to 99 from the level your at

stupid forums lost my dragon count , well atleast i know i got a d chain from a dusty!

99 Fletch, Late 06

99 Mage, late 07

99 Strength, 29th June 08

99 Hitpoints, 21st August 08

130/138 cmb

sooo close

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try useing chins at pc, in a bad world,where u rarely win and sit in a tower and w8 fro the creatures to pileup infront of the gate then use ur chins on them. i heard that was a good way to get xp + u could get points




--> 99 crafting 8/31/07 <--


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Pots (from left to right):


129 P Pots(4)


20 Super Restores(4)


75 Range Pots(4)


10 Super Anti-Poison(3)




Thats also what ill be wearing



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

Draconic Visage Drop: 1 - First Day Out!

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good luck on 99 range i would just get 99 range just so i can hit really hit with that dark bow :P



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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