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Armor: An Alternate Perspective


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NOTE: Excuse me, readers, for the incomplete guide. I'm hoping I'm an exception; I really want feedback for this guide. I'm several hours into writing this baby and about 50% done, and now I have to leave for a 1.5 month vacation during which I will not have consistent internet access. Because I still have a fair amount of work to do on this guide, I may decide not to complete it if I don't get good feedback. Thus, please leave as much feedback as possible!




NOTE #2: This is quite a boring read. If you're reading guides to look at some pretty pictures, this guide is not for you. If you're reading guides to actually learn things, then read this. It's long, but I think it will prove valuable.








It may surprise you that a guide has been written about armor. There are many aspects to armor that are neglected by the general Runescape population. These aspects primarily include when defense is important and how to use armor to actually counter the combat triangle, as well as cost efficiency. The latter is a bit more complicated than you might think; itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s not just using dragonhide as a meleer to defend against magic. I will refer to most things with their internal designations, such as dhide for dragonhide, PvP for player versus player, or noob for newbie.



Part I


Most things in this section are quite basic and are intended for level 85-. However, I suggest that everyone read this section. You might pick up on one or two surprising little facts that might prove quite useful. Understanding this section will help you understand part II.




[hide=Basic Concepts]Basic Concepts


Basics. LetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s first understand the absolute basics of the combat system and how armor values are incorporated into the system. There are 3 main combat skills for every combat class: accuracy, defense, and power.




Accuracy lets you hit more often.


Defense lowers the likelihood that you will be damaged.


Power increases the amount of damage you will do.




Statistic factors. Here are the factors that affect each. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m including pots and prayer to be included as part of the ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅlevelÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


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Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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I have to say i really like this guide, even though its kinda complicated i got the overall meaning, and i read the whole thing.


I want to see the finish guided before i rate it. :D




Just a tip : Ask a mod to change title? make it more serious for a larger audience, i actually mis clicked and came here because really the title looked like was imature.

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continue making this guide! very useful and helped me out :)

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This is certainly an interesting guide, and will definitely be useful to a lot of people. I already knew most of the material you have covered so far, but there were still a few things in there I hadn't noticed. Here are some suggestions for more things you could add to make this guide even better.

    [*:3uhlenf4]Adding a section describing how changing your strength level and strength bonus alter your max hit
    [*:3uhlenf4]Showing how altering your attack level and attack bonuses changes the accuracy threshold in any given situation
    [*:3uhlenf4](ditto prior for defense)
    [*:3uhlenf4]Giving a way to determine the general area of the upper and lower accuracy/defense thresholds in any particular situation
    [*:3uhlenf4]Determining if the threshold effects work the same for all styles of combat, as well as for among the different melee attack styles, and showing how they differ if they do
    [*:3uhlenf4]Providing the general accuracy/defense threshold ranges for various levels against commonly fought monsters (and uncommonly-fought too, if you have the time)
    [*:3uhlenf4]Making the "Combating The Combat Triangle" section nicer to look at and more user-friendly

I realize that most of these changes would require a lot of research and effort to do, but if you could add them this guide would become phenomenal. Even without them, though, it is nicely done. Keep up the good work :thumbsup: .

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It's already amazing even though it isn't finished yet. This guide has much potential. (Note; posting an unfinished guide just before you go on vacation, probably isn't the smartest move. I think you better could have waited until you came back.)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Great, gotta wait for more... too bad you're on vacation with hardly any internet! :wall:




Nice guide, however, there's also the factor that defense is less useful when ranging things from afar, but in PVP defense is definatly more useful than attack in the long run... It really just depends what you want... fastest, slowest but most likely to win, or somewhere inbetween...




Also, I always thought ranged/magic level controlled the damage you hit aswell for all attacks, since I find I hit a lot harder the higher level I am... but maybe I am just noticing the extra accuracy values from the higher levels...




Can't wait for more of it to be written! :D

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I had a quick read through and it's quite interesting, I look forward to the completed guide.




Good work.


eddieperfect - (Unjustly) Banned 06.06

eddieperfekt - Created 05.11.06

Prankster_King - "ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just click after click after click."


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Very good guide, that helps a lot for playing. Cannot wait for you to finish. =D>

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Lots of details in there but there are a few problems...




First and foremost there is nothing that expresses the effectiveness of one bonus vs another (for example a range attack bonus might be 1.5 times more effective than a defense bonus).




As an extreme example from mage, if you have -67 mage attack you never hit, so it wouldn't matter if your melee defence was 300, in a fight to the death vs a melee'r you would always lose, because you can't hit them.




This doens't negate your guide but I think you should at least make it clear that there is almost certianly not a 1 to 1 relationship between the two statistics. Even better would be run extensive statistical tests in the duel arena, fight wearing the different combinations and record the difference in damage done over many fights.




You may even find (in fact I think it likely) that there is also dependance on level. For example a situation where the higher your range level becomes the less important range bonus becomes, so for a 99 ranger your suggestion might be perfect but for a level 75 ranger it might not be. This is probably further compounded by considering defence which may further effect the relationship.

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Personally I would enjoy seeing this guide completed. For the vets/fast learning players, this provides some info, but nothing major. But hey, why not save all those eager now guys the trouble of learning it the hard way?




Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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