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"God hates fags"


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<.< I have no views on what the Bible says cos to me its just a bunch of old bored men's writings which were scrambled together and edited over time. What u quoted is their views... not mine.




So why do you come on these forums to bash people who maybe do read the bible?




and especially if you have never read it i would appreciate you not being so [bleep]ing ignorant...damn atheist.




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Okay, this time your question is just dumb. No where, anywhere, ever, have I said that people never had souls before Jesus came about.




When you die, your...Soul...Either goes to Heaven, or it dies. Your soul dies. It's just gone. You're gone. Peace. See ya'. There is no place where your soul goes and burns in fire because you were a naughty boy once or twice. It's just a moronic concept that goes completely against God.




As someone said above there is no hell, then can't I do all the evil I want and not have any consquences? And then not be sorry about it? Yea, I'm pretty sure you just go poof. That would also be contradicting God because God doesn't destroy souls.


And saying that God makes you sorry would be going agaisnt God because he gave us freedom of choice.




Where is the free-will in choosing between Heaven or Hell? Remind me. That's not a choice, it's a demand. You guys like to CLAIM God gave you free-will, but the Bible only says that...It doesn't show examples...Infact, it shows that rather, he demands you choose him. Afterall, who's really going to choose Hell when given the option to choose either one? No one.




And where in the Bible does it say God doesn't destroy souls? I haven't seen that part. Can you do all the evil things you want and have no consequences? No. Your consequence is death, eternally. Perhaps death sucks more than people think.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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This is why I am agnstic (if that's how you spell i't lol)If god is all powerful then can he make a stone he cant lift???? =D> :wink: :D :lol: :thumbsup: ::'
















lol just proved you wrong super christchins!!!!!




Ok....firstly learn to spell....seriously...its Christian...you little 5 year old..


and how in the Hell did you prove us wrong?


Honestly he can do what ever he wants..if he really wanted to make a stone he couldn't lift then he would do it...




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The number of signs and theories they had about how god hates all homosexuals, all gays that were brave enough to fight the war in iraq are shameful and should be burnt, that 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were "blessings" from god and that god hates every "rulebreaker" according to the ridiculous Bible.




First of all, the Bible teaches that God hates no one, and that you shouldn't hate anyone.




Second of all, the Bible does teach against homosexuality, and it is shamed by it, but it nowhere says God hates anyone who is, he just is shamed by it, but God loves everyone, from Mother Teresa to Osama Bin Laden, even George Bush.








=D> , but anyway, anyone who actually knows anything about the Bible knows God hates no one. And yes, I do believe in the bible. :mrgreen:






And another thing to you athiest kids -.- , evolution makes no freaking sense at all, okay if humans did come from monkeys (lol?) why were some monkey's left behind? Not very fair you ask me. Just makes no sense at all to me, so that alone just proves God is real.

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Heh, only from HxC Christians.




They believe the silliest things. A while ago there was some extremist group protesting the Harry Potter movies because it was full of witches, wizards, and magic and whatnot. Yet in the Bible some of the "miracles" Jesus performs can only be described as "magic."




The entire Bible and the entire religion is complete and utter cabbage.






Taking a small group of people and applying them to an entire religion doesn't prove a point. If you would actually READ the Bible yourself, you would know that this stuff isn't in the Bible, or is just being twisted and warped out of proportion. You know, posts like that is why religious debates get locked.




Know what you're talking about before you go making these wild assumptions.




Have you read the Bible?




Yeah, I have. I realise that there are passages that condemn magic, like Deuteronomy 18:11-12: "casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you", but in this case, that is beside the point.




Harry Potter is a work of fiction. From what I've seen, the majority of Christians know that, so don't make the problem of it. Just becuase there is a small group of Christians who have deemed this some form of evil magic or something that promotes evil magic doesn't mean all Christians have. That's why I said "that stuff isn't in the Bible", I meant that a work of fiction involving magic isn't considered magic itself. I think I may have worded myself wrong at that point, I'll fix it up to make my message more clear. :P

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As someone said above there is no hell, then can't I do all the evil I want and not have any consquences? And then not be sorry about it? Yea, I'm pretty sure you just go poof. That would also be contradicting God because God doesn't destroy souls.


And saying that God makes you sorry would be going agaisnt God because he gave us freedom of choice.


Ah, this is a perfect example of why evangelists intrigue me. It's probably the only profession in the world where people make money by having no idea what they're talking about.




Okay, okay, there are a few others, but the evangelist profession is probably the only one where 100% of the people within the profession know 0% about what they're talking about.




We can't ever know what God thinks, at least not in this state of being. People need to quit acting like they have even the slightest clue what God is like, let alone what It tells us :| .




Oh, and just so you guys know, the Bible contains at least a dozen different distinct images of God. Five of them being the major ones, but all different nonetheless. Even within the sacred Bible itself of Christianity there is still indecision about what God is like, let alone our interpretations :| .




And another thing to you athiest kids -.- , evolution makes no freaking sense at all, okay if humans did come from monkeys (lol?) why were some monkey's left behind? Not very fair you ask me. Just makes no sense at all to me, so that alone just proves God is real.


That made about as much sense as a gerbil expounding on the wonders of quantum mechanics.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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It is a fact that God hates [bleep]s because if you smoke I don't think you get into heaven, but thats just my opinion and it is backed up in the Bible.






Hm, wanna show me in the Bible where it says that, unless of course you haven't read it which is why you'd make an assumption like that? :|








it sais nowhere in the bible god hates gays and if it does show me a picture of it because if you do i will call my slef a moron :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




I'm not dominating this forum, I just logged on and saw some interesting topics and starting posting on them. :?




And do you want me to show where it says that God does or doesn't hate gay people? Because it doesn't say that anywhere (It says that homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not touching that topic with a 10-foot-pole, that will just spark another war)...




no the morons who sais he does




Well ill touch this topic no pole...cause im guessing this is going to be locked real soon....but for those that havent read the bible...it is the ultimate book....it has everything a "story" should have...Sex, Murder, Lust, Lies, Betrayal, a beginning and an end, storys of kings and beggers..also God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for a reason....




Sodom = Soddemy or Gays




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Okay, first I'm from Louisiana (not going to specifie) and many many "bad" or "imorale" things were happening before Katrina and I am religous but I don't think that's why it happened I think God made the earth and nature happens. By the way remove the "ridiculous" in front of Bible it's extremely offending.

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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Now I apologize as I haven't read this thread in ages so I have no idea where the debates have left off at. I have seen several very baseless attacks against Christianity and religion and I've seen some just plain incorrect stuff being said.






The majority of Christians do believe in equality for everyone, that God loves everyone equally and all that jazz.




However just as it is with anything the bad apples ruin the bunch. Loonies like these people are not the main voice of the religion. Likewise things such as the film Jesus Camp are not the ideas and ideals of most religious people.






Point is is that this 'church' of theirs is incorrect but is in no way or means actually related to Christianity other than the base, so to speak.






I'm not religious in any way but attacking religions because of some idiots is just wrong. Likewise the few, *ahem*, less inteligent posters in this thread who are atheist are not the majority, but simply the vocal minority.

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Okay, first I'm from New Orleans and many many "bad" or "imorale" things were happening before Katrina and I am religous but I don't think that's why it happened I think God made the earth and nature happens. By the way remove the "ridiculous" in front of Bible it's extremely offending.




Heaven forbid someone offend a Christian.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Yeah, I have. I realise that there are passages that condemn magic, like Deuteronomy 18:11-12: "casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you", but in this case, that is beside the point.




Harry Potter is a work of fiction. From what I've seen, the majority of Christians know that, so don't make the problem of it. Just becuase there is a small group of Christians who have deemed this some form of evil magic or something that promotes evil magic doesn't mean all Christians have. That's why I said "that stuff isn't in the Bible", I meant that a work of fiction involving magic isn't considered magic itself. I think I may have worded myself wrong at that point, I'll fix it up to make my message more clear. :P




Yeah I know, I was just referring more to the fact that there's lots of worse stuff in the Bible than just condemning magic and witchcraft. But meh...

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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You shouldn't want or try to offend ANYBODY.




Why not? It's funny seeing people think the world revolves around them. "Oh, you've offending [sic] me!"




...So? Tell me why I should care about offending you.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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As someone said above there is no hell, then can't I do all the evil I want and not have any consquences? And then not be sorry about it? Yea, I'm pretty sure you just go poof. That would also be contradicting God because God doesn't destroy souls.


And saying that God makes you sorry would be going agaisnt God because he gave us freedom of choice.




Ah, this is a perfect example of why evangelists intrigue me. It's probably the only profession in the world where people make money by having no idea what they're talking about.




Okay, okay, there are a few others, but the evangelist profession is probably the only one where 100% of the people within the profession know 0% about what they're talking about.




We can't ever know what God thinks, at least not in this state of being. People need to quit acting like they have even the slightest clue what God is like, let alone what It tells us :| .




Oh, and just so you guys know, the Bible contains at least a dozen different distinct images of God. Five of them being the major ones, but all different nonetheless. Even within the sacred Bible itself of Christianity there is still indecision about what God is like, let alone our interpretations :| .




have you ever read or heard story's of people with near death experiences?




and what fakeitormakeit said...yes havent you ever seen that movie Seven...the guy did all sorts of bad stuff and then repents before he dies, and gets to goto heaven....




and lol o reddragon, you really make me laugh..and this is why i dislike you on these forums..


You dont just go Poof...yes God has given us free will, to make choices that will determine are future. and God looks like TO YOU whatever you want him to look like, he is there to make you more comfortable...you want god looking like a old man or a young chick, whichever is most comfortable to you or whatever. God is just a state of being, He is the Past the present and the future I think that noone will ever really know what he looks like.




and what you said

Okay, okay, there are a few others, but the evangelist profession is probably the only one where 100% of the people within the profession know 0% about what they're talking about.




Its based on faith...there wasnt a Manuel other then the bible on how to live are life's, and to those that have nothing gives them a sense of direction or hope...of course we cant know everything, noone ever knows 100% in there profession...but im pretty sure your ASSumption of people knowing 0% is wrong...




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The number of signs and theories they had about how god s all homosexuals, all gays that were brave enough to fight the war in iraq are shameful and should be burnt, that 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were "blessings" from god and that god hates every "rulebreaker" according to the ridiculous Bible.




First of all, the Bible teaches that God s no one, and that you shouldn't anyone.




Second of all, the Bible does teach against homosexuality, and it is shamed by it, but it nowhere says God s anyone who is, he just is shamed by it, but God loves everyone, from Mother Teresa to Osama Bin Laden, even George Bush.








=D> , but anyway, anyone who actually knows anything about the Bible knows God s no one. And yes, I do believe in the bible. :mrgreen:






And another thing to you athiest kids -.- , evolution makes no freaking sense at all, okay if humans did come from monkeys (lol?) why were some monkey's left behind? Not very fair you ask me. Just makes no sense at all to me, so that alone just proves God is real.




Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not, it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless. :|

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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You shouldn't want or try to offend ANYBODY.




Why not? It's funny seeing people think the world revolves around them. "Oh, you've offending [sic] me!"




...So? Tell me why I should care about offending you.[/quote




first off tigra...i thought we were on the same side...you shouldnt want to offend anyone..what if i did something that offended you? (and dont tell me you dont get offended...because your only human everyone has feelings...) what would you do if i offended you? just sit back and take it? or speak out?




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Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless.



. "hello, I am mr. Period. I can fit in between sentences so people know when to stop!"




, "hello, I am ms. Comma. I can put in a break in sentences."








Anyways where have you been living all this time? There are just as many Christians labeling Atheists as "immoral" and looking down to them as there are Atheists to Christians.

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You shouldn't want or try to offend ANYBODY.




Why not? It's funny seeing people think the world revolves around them. "Oh, you've offending [sic] me!"




...So? Tell me why I should care about offending you.[/quote




first off tigra...i thought we were on the same side...you shouldnt want to offend anyone..what if i did something that offended you? (and dont tell me you dont get offended...because your only human everyone has feelings...) what would you do if i offended you? just sit back and take it? or speak out?




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Yeah, I have. I realise that there are passages that condemn magic, like Deuteronomy 18:11-12: "casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you", but in this case, that is beside the point.




Harry Potter is a work of fiction. From what I've seen, the majority of Christians know that, so don't make the problem of it. Just becuase there is a small group of Christians who have deemed this some form of evil magic or something that promotes evil magic doesn't mean all Christians have. That's why I said "that stuff isn't in the Bible", I meant that a work of fiction involving magic isn't considered magic itself. I think I may have worded myself wrong at that point, I'll fix it up to make my message more clear. :P




Yeah I know, I was just referring more to the fact that there's lots of worse stuff in the Bible than just condemning magic and witchcraft. But meh...




You're right, there is, and it is very confusing. I just try to remember that this is a document that's been around for a couple thousand years, and has without a doubt been tampered with. But there's a lotta good stuff in the Bible too, despite all the contradictions within it.




I was just getting mad becuase through this entire thread people were going "Oh yeah, Christianity preaches this and that, it's in the Bible!", when it's not. But like you said "meh", I feel tired all of the sudden. :P

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Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless.



. "hello, I am mr. Period. I can fit in between sentences so people know when to stop!"




, "hello, I am ms. Comma. I can put in a break in sentences."








Anyways where have you been living all this time? There are just as many Christians labeling Atheists as "immoral" and looking down to them as there are Atheists to Christians.




No human has the power to judge anyones life style, therefore those Christians arnt really being Christian...and just because someone says there a Christian doesn't make them a Christian...because, within Christianity, there are many denominations some are wrong some are right we wont know until we die...but usually when someone says there a Christian i ask Of what denomination..(myself am a Lutheran)


so, really they most likely arnt Christians if they are bashing atheist..and atheist arnt atheist if they keep making threads like this...because they obviously believe something if they feel the need to attack when people say they are Christian..




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and lol o reddragon, you really make me laugh..and this is why i dislike you on these forums..


Ah, good, a fan. A fan.... who can't spell my name right :D .




have you ever read or heard story's of people with near death experiences?


Dear God, my Mom's got more Sylvia Brown books than can fit in a room. She's completely whako on everything spiritual (well, not "whako" per say... I think).




So, yes, I have heard about all those near-death experiences. I still consider it an illogical plate of bologna.




and what fakeitormakeit said...yes havent you ever seen that movie Seven...the guy did all sorts of bad stuff and then repents before he dies, and gets to goto heaven....


What :lol: ?




Wait, hold on... let me catch my breath....








You dont just go Poof...yes God has given us free will, to make choices that will determine are future.


You don't know that. You don't even know if we have free will.




The universe is a series of causes and effects. Our actions are merely reactions to our surroundings, which we have no control over. How can free will emerge in that state of being?




and God looks like TO YOU whatever you want him to look like, he is there to make you more comfortable...you want god looking like a old man or a young chick, whichever is most comfortable to you or whatever.


If you're trying to counter my point about the different images of God, you have no idea what I was talking about. The images of God (or rather Yahweh) include those like the Trinity, a Warrior, Leader, Nomad, Judge, Liberator, Peace Maker, King, and many others, (basically whatever the people of the time needed) which contain many contradictions. They are different images of God, which after shifting through time eventually led us to our current image of God: the one and only, creator of all, immanent God.




God is just a state of being, He is the Past the present and the future I think that noone will ever really know what he looks like.


Which is part of my point that people do not and will never understand God, so they should stop talking like they do.




and what you said
Okay, okay, there are a few others, but the evangelist profession is probably the only one where 100% of the people within the profession know 0% about what they're talking about.




Its based on faith...there wasnt a Manuel other then the bible on how to live are life's, and to those that have nothing gives them a sense of direction or hope...of course we cant know everything, noone ever knows 100% in there profession...but im pretty sure your ASSumption of people knowing 0% is wrong...


You just put "it's based on faith" and "knowing" in the same argument. Want two cookies or three?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless.



. "hello, I am mr. Period. I can fit in between sentences so people know when to stop!"




, "hello, I am ms. Comma. I can put in a break in sentences."








Anyways where have you been living all this time? There are just as many Christians labeling Atheists as "immoral" and looking down to them as there are Atheists to Christians.




Sorry about grammatical errors and I said it's not the entire religion it's the people.

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless.



. "hello, I am mr. Period. I can fit in between sentences so people know when to stop!"




, "hello, I am ms. Comma. I can put in a break in sentences."








Anyways where have you been living all this time? There are just as many Christians labeling Atheists as "immoral" and looking down to them as there are Atheists to Christians.




No human has the power to judge anyones life style, therefore those Christians arnt really being Christian...and just because someone says there a Christian doesn't make them a Christian...because, within Christianity, there are many denominations some are wrong some are right we wont know until we die...but usually when someone says there a Christian i ask Of what denomination..(myself am a Lutheran)


so, really they most likely arnt Christians if they are bashing atheist..and atheist arnt atheist if they keep making threads like this...because they obviously believe something if they feel the need to attack when people say they are Christian..




I attacked no one I was telling them to not attack me. (By the way I'm a Southern Baptist.)

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

Visit my guide on internet conduct and abbreviations!

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Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not, it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless. :|




If you don't like the fact that people are going to question your beliefs then don't read these kinda threads. Otherwise, the freedom to hold opinion and criticise is crucial, and I will always question your belief just as I would expect others to question mine (or lack of).




So don't you dare tell me to mind my own business and shut up, because I know damn well that most Christians don't do it with me when i'm open with them.




Stop burying your head in the sand, wake up and smell the debate.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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