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PCing- Immoral?


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i, honestly, have more respect for legends cape then those crappy att/def/str/hp/cook/fletch and thieving capes. They think they look cool with a cape like that, but really, only thing they are showing off is how cheap they are...




Why cheap? those people just think- a skillcape is a skill cape, but no, it isn't. When people see a mining or agility cape they know how much work has been put into getting it, and respect them, and there really isnt anything to respectable about easy skillcapes.


First thing, it looks like you have all those "easy" skillcapes yourself too..




Here we can see an excellent example of a guy who wants to push his ego up with his skillcapes. Everyone in this game has a permit to do whatever they want according to the rules set by jagex. Getting a "cheap" skillcape is everyones own decision and I respect it. Like do you think if some newcomer wears bronze armours, he is a totally jerk becouse looking like he haven't put any effort to it? Most people wear their skillcapes becouse it's achievement to them, not everyone can play this game as much as you do and set as hard goals as you. If I would have 99 stat I would wear the skillcape with pride, no matter what anyone thinks. I would wear it just for me, to remember myself what I can do. Like it seems you can't really take it this is a game, not a work.. You don't honestly need anyones respect to make this game fun. It seems like all you think is what other people think about you. I wouldn't care less if someone had better stats than I do.. Instead of you I give my respect to everyone as a human and by their personality, not by the skills they got.


It's mad I would have so many things to critisize about players like you, who think they are somehow upper class to other players, just becouse they have higher combat and total, but becouse this is public forum I rather not tell everything I feel.




This gone pretty much offtopic, so to the PC. In my opinion it's good thing to have. I like to change between things I do like, PC - Slayer - Barrows.. Really, most of the people who call PC cheap and stuff, are the ones who get too bored to it after one game, and after that they keep calling it cheap and wrong way to level. And they rather afk train at axehut or something..




To sum up my thoughts, I think all of you guys who call Pest Controllers noobs, should think again. PC has been added to the game by jagex, and it's nothing like dishonourable to use. You have the same opportunities to go and play PC if you want, it's not an advantage to some people, it's advantage to everyone.




I really like how some of you like Hohto and Aquaschok told your opinion about it, nice texts, really. =D>


Just like pc made combat easier, cooking, fletching and thieving have been made alot easier, and used to be very hard to level aswell, and i was one of the people who got 99 cooking and flethcing without fletch/cook x, and as a skiller, why not level all skills.




And my point is, there is nothing to be proud about pc-ing your way to lvl 126, it used to be an achievement, but now, it is just too easy.




Looks like you haven't even tried PC ever.. It's not easy, it still takes thousands and thousands of games to get 99 there, it might be a bit easier but it's not easy. And it is an achievement, really. Try yourself get even 100 points and see how boring it actually is.


what is more boring, being at undead beings in rsc and gaining 17k attack experiance an hour or slashing away at a place where you cant die and gain 130k attack experiance an hour? i have done a fair bit of pc-ing on my noob, and it is dead-easy.


1) you dont gain 130k xp an hour, i rarely broke 100k an hour dividing the xp i gained every 2 hours in half at 98 attack and 99 str Combat potting every game


2) deciding what is 'more boring' is up to each person, not to you.




For people who say these new players, who just got a 99 cant feel proud because they got the 99 with pest control, Why should YOUR all nighters, and your early mornings mean more than ours?




We acknowledge that you did work significantly harder than us, but that still does not give you the right to put yourself on a pedistal over everyone else and hold it over our heads saying, " I got this before you, when it was hard!"




If a man builds a house with a hammer and nails alone, when he is done, he has a right to be proud. If a man builds a house alone 10 years later with a nailgun, your saying that he does not have the same right?




High levels with that attitude will die out, by quitting or conforming. Its happened in history, and it will repeat itself here. If you want to live in the past, go play RSC, im sure it wont update.


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The equilvalent is not man with nailgun, its millionaire owner of a construction company :P (15k xp per hour versus 100k xp per hour - cmon thats not even close). If i complete a game on 'hard' difficulty and someone completes the same game on 'normal' difficulty I VERY MUCH WILL LORD IT OVER THEM, as would you and every other person ever.

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The only problems i have with pc =




-you get paid to use it


-no risk great reward


-every noob can go in crap gear and get good xp.


-you can melee your way to 99mage and ranged


-you dont need to pay to train mage or ranged but you get paid


-hp xp aint 1/3rd like normal training

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I haven't gotten more then 10 PC points simply because I hate it. I don't like that people can go and get cheap xp while the few, honorable people train on npc after monotonous npc. Why do they get the easy way out?






I think we're throwing around the word 'honor' here. There is nothing dishonorable about using PC, it's a legal addition to the game; like using a gym compared to push ups and sit ups only. This is kind of like the so-called 'honor' in PVP, 'stay there and let me kill you.' Essentially, in Runescape, honor seems to mean "play the game as boring and weighted against you as possible." This isn't life, it's a game, meant to be fun, not boring as hell. It mgiht be and easier means to use PC, but it's not some cheap easy way out that's not fair. If you want to prove yourself, go ahead, but you're more hardcore than Honorable (or just stupid :mrgreen: ).




Please don't compare what I said to those(but not all) idiotic PKers who do that. Those who call you Prayer, Defence, and so on Noobs, they have nothing to do with what I said.




It does moreso than you think; as while subjects may differ the underlying thinking is quite similar in terms of complaining about things that should be embraced; PC should be accepted as making combat easier and more fun, rather than something only people with enormous attention spans and way too much free time (not a bad thing, but only so many have the time required.) This is much like defense, teleports, running, and prayer in the wilderness; while not added to the mix, they change up the gameplay, making it harder for some (those with so-called 'honor') and easier for others (us who are smart, usually labeled cowards because we don't prefer standing there and die.) People are too stubborn about stuff like that, and from my view it's just annoying.

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The reason why I hate PC is not because it's faster than other combat training methods, I don't like it because you get little hitpoints exp from playing the game(Thats if you don't use your points on Hp which most people don't)




It takes off a good 1-6 Hp lvls off what the average player would have at the same combat if they havent used Pc.




You can always pc hitpoints, its not like it even matters anyway. If people want low hp, then let them. The only way their HP should bother you is if your pking, or staking them.




On the topic of being boring, I personally would rather run around kill portals rather than fight a monster thousands of times for experience.




And finally, i dont see how a minigame, in a game, can be immoral in any sense.




You can't understand any of our points because your a Pc Product lol


Shot at 2007-07-23

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I haven't gotten more then 10 PC points simply because I hate it. I don't like that people can go and get cheap xp while the few, honorable people train on npc after monotonous npc. Why do they get the easy way out?






I think we're throwing around the word 'honor' here. There is nothing dishonorable about using PC, it's a legal addition to the game; like using a gym compared to push ups and sit ups only. This is kind of like the so-called 'honor' in PVP, 'stay there and let me kill you.' Essentially, in Runescape, honor seems to mean "play the game as boring and weighted against you as possible." This isn't life, it's a game, meant to be fun, not boring as hell. It mgiht be and easier means to use PC, but it's not some cheap easy way out that's not fair. If you want to prove yourself, go ahead, but you're more hardcore than Honorable (or just stupid :mrgreen: ).




Please don't compare what I said to those(but not all) idiotic PKers who do that. Those who call you Prayer, Defence, and so on Noobs, they have nothing to do with what I said.




It does moreso than you think; as while subjects may differ the underlying thinking is quite similar in terms of complaining about things that should be embraced; PC should be accepted as making combat easier and more fun, rather than something only people with enormous attention spans and way too much free time (not a bad thing, but only so many have the time required.) This is much like defense, teleports, running, and prayer in the wilderness; while not added to the mix, they change up the gameplay, making it harder for some (those with so-called 'honor') and easier for others (us who are smart, usually labeled cowards because we don't prefer standing there and die.) People are too stubborn about stuff like that, and from my view it's just annoying.




I am completely against all of the Wilderness Honor things, I believe that you should be able to use those things to your advantage. But, I just do not like the fact that people spend all their runescape time in PC and learn nothing about the game itself. They go in and play the same thing enough to be a high level, but are still noobs on the inside. It makes it worse because so many people do this, and end up with no respect for other players.


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In my opinion, PCing Magic and Range is acceptable, only because the alternatives for that much experience per/hour are just as boring and usually aren't that much experience. Furthermore, they usually cost the individual more money than they actually have, while PCing you make money. For example, ranging ogres in King Lathiases training camp with steel knives decked out in the best range gear is, what, 70k per hour? And if you want that you can't waste time picking your knives up, it ends up costing a HECK OF A LOT!

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The reason why I hate PC is not because it's faster than other combat training methods, I don't like it because you get little hitpoints exp from playing the game(Thats if you don't use your points on Hp which most people don't)




It takes off a good 1-6 Hp lvls off what the average player would have at the same combat if they havent used Pc.




You can always pc hitpoints, its not like it even matters anyway. If people want low hp, then let them. The only way their HP should bother you is if your pking, or staking them.




On the topic of being boring, I personally would rather run around kill portals rather than fight a monster thousands of times for experience.




And finally, i dont see how a minigame, in a game, can be immoral in any sense.




You can't understand any of our points because your a Pc Product lol


I can almost gaurantee that i know just as much as you do, if not more. Just because ive used pest control before does not classify me as someone who has used it from 70 combat to 120+ and doesnt know squat about the game.




If you even get on the subject of my stats, this conversation is over. Im not going to train something I dislike doing when the only gain i get is having people talk to me because of a higher skill level.




Im all for everyone feeling accomplished, but you cant say your accomplishments mean more than mine.


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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.



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People who complain about pc or say that pc stinks are usually the poeple who suck at it and regularly get the "not enough zeal" message.




I started doing pc months after I got to combat lvl 124 (99 def, str, att and hp) only because i wanted to train my prayer from lvl 83 to lvl 90. Once I go to lvl 90 prayer and combat lvl 125 I stopped doing pc and haven't been back there in almost 6 months.




I have no intentions of going back there again since it bored me crazy doing the same thing over and over and over again.




I will train my prayer to lvl 99 by using a gilded altar just to save my sanity even if it costs me 10s of millions of gp.

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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.

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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.



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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.

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Yes you are crazy, and PC is wonderful. It much faster then the way I used to train on RSC, which I why i never really did combat training till RS2. On RSC i mostly was mining or crafting...

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yea pcing is fun to me i go on my main and pc alot but i see alot of the un honest pcers making their mains go on pc sites and taking the world disguisting to me because they cant even train their pure




off topic im gona go crazy if they dont freakin make use x amount of points! why cant we use 100 points then use all the points we have.

R.I.P. R.S. S.T.A.K.I.N.G.



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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.



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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.


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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.



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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.


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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.

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I can see where you're getting at and I've gotten 91 range and 86 mage (not a big achievement) by training on fire giants and high alching but since pc came out, my levels are very common. Every 3rd pure I see has a range, mage, or a strength cape. Training is so much faster now, but at a price, its more boring than sitting on a gold spawn for 25 hours a day.




Immoral though? I think not. Its not immoral wanting the most efficient way to achieve an end. It requires absolutely nothing to get exp and raise up. Hell, if your good enough, you can box the portals for your points. Many other training spots are filled with gold farmers these days and PC is the fastest way to train, and you get some cash doing it.




Clans make PC more enjoyable. I love it when I come across HU or some Affliction people. Hell, the 30 second games make it fun! Its a fun race against time, the only way to have fun at PC I might add.




My thoughts, might have a few errors or forgot something.

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look at it from my point of view..




ive been playing for over 4 yrs now and up untill about 6 months ago i had maby 100k in stuff on my account. even when i started gaining some wealth,not much just about 6m, geting the mage level i have now really wouldnt be possible unless i wanted to bankrupt myself and have nothing really to show.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.




it's because the world is a good pc world, then the clan ruins it. and by the way str lvls wouldn't help me, i can do more damage but it won't make me do it more often. you're only taking the clan's side because you don't like low lvls doing pc. well, i'm not gonna talk about this anymore because i do think that pc is immoral if done in bulk.



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i played for a while before pc came(my stats dont show because i wasn't very good at training) and when it came i didn't play it until my friend told me to come with him cause he knew a good world, and i had alot of fun and loved the game, before i even knew you got extra xp from it. pest control is a good way to train and if you don't use it, it's your loss.

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