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I just can't quit Runescape.


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I've quit alot. Never stop browsing forums, though. They keep you Aware of what is going on, along with many other non-rs topics.




Maybe that's why I can't quit decently...

Two men were walking through the forest. When they got out, they saw a war. One said cool, and ran forward, the other turned back. Later, both envied the other's decision. Who was right?


~It's not done till you're done with it~

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So I'm not the only one... ::'








Must be like a classic. I still get those urges to play Super Mario Bros. :D




lol i play rs while playing mario bro 3 :P !!!! and me too been 5 years i play rs and i play then stop ... sometime its 1-2 month sometime its 1 week




and sometime i logg in after 1 month and 10 sec after i logg out and im out for onother month lol .....

something to say about my english grammar ?!?!? , okay , but do it in french !

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Ive quit two times


1st time my mate Errr Ok kept telling me to come on at school


2nd time i came back of my own accord


But i once heard a saying after you got bored of a game itll be the first thing you think of playing when you get bored :XD:


Which means you need a lot of will power to quit :ohnoes:


Thanks Yaff2 for the sig^,^

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Ive taken breaks, but I never quit. If you need help quitting once and for all, pm me, my private chat is always on (but don't say "Hey" as your fist word cuz then Ill think you're just some noob and ill ingnore you)




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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Quitting RuneScape is really hard. I can't say I'm fully quitted, but atleast I don't feel the urge anymore to log in on the game.


My problem is more fora, I'm registered on a few forums and how much I try I keep browsing them. It's hard, because RS is a great game. I would still play it but honestly if you say in real life " I play RuneScape " people say, isn't that for 12 year olds?




Hah! So true. A lot of people have a bad opinion of this game...


Even so, it seems even the players think the game sucks, but they keep playing anyway. I suspect mind control... :ohnoes:

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I always like to play RuneScape, I never quit completely, I just stop playing when I dont have time and come back later...




Unlike all my friends, I will not quit until I achieve something awsome (like 99 in 2+ skills or something) I think I might get 99 Construction and 99 RuneCrafting before I quit but I always change my mind... ::'

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Congrats you entered a game that never dies...people who quit do for no more than a year ...they always come back at least i did after a 5 monthish retirement

"My Weapon is my faith. Even I die, my faith shall never fall before the enemy"


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People like you drive me mad. You are ridiculous immature people. Runescape is a game. Get that into your head if its possible. It is a game. You don't have to 'quit' games, you quit drug addictions or bad habits.




You make it so dramatic. Don't quit. Just reduce the amount of time you play. When you really are ready to stop playing you'll know. You can't just say, "Okay I don't want to play this anymore. I QUIT!" Noob.

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I once quit for like 7 months while I was addicted to D2. I even went as far as to trade my RS account for D2 items, to ensure I'd never return. Well, I ended up getting bored with D2 after a while and reset my recoveries on RS to get my account back. The guy apparently took all the items and scrapped it *shrugs* So I started from scratch, but still had all my stats. In less than a year I made 20m+ from nothing.

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People like you drive me mad. You are ridiculous immature people. Runescape is a game. Get that into your head if its possible. It is a game. You don't have to 'quit' games, you quit drug addictions or bad habits.




You make it so dramatic. Don't quit. Just reduce the amount of time you play. When you really are ready to stop playing you'll know. You can't just say, "Okay I don't want to play this anymore. I QUIT!" Noob.


Erm very harsh..how can you relate to other people..how do you no they are not addicted?




Edit: Never heard of mmo addiction? :roll: . People have died over games. Take Shawn Woolley for example.

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Why do you need to quit? :? It's a game.. Play when you feel like playing, don't play when you don't feel like playing o_O Which is what you're already doing. You should live your life how you want to, however that may be, if playing runescape is what you enjoy doing why should there be a reason not to? :wink:














A person who cannot resist a habit, especially the use of drugs or alcohol, for physiological or psychological reasons.






Not the perfect definition but it will do, some people quit because they are so "addicted" that they know it's bad for their health.


Play when you feel like playing, don't play when you don't feel like playing


If you are truly addicted you do not decide weather you want to or not, you do it. Wether you feel like doing it or not.




I'm concluding this from what my friends have told me, since I have never been addicted to anything.

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i had to quit runescape yesterday. it was a hard thing to do but i KNOW ill never be able to come back. before then i would think about qutting and i could never do it, now i cant believe its actualy been done...



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

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