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Jagex's code cracked!

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Hey hey, guys no fighting, thousand times congrats to the first person that solved it, happy now?




Why are some of you acting so strange, if someone has gotten a certain level in a skill he gets thousands of good congrats, yet it has also been done hundred thousand times before.




I haven't played in six months, did i know that it was allready 'cracked'? Yeah i did, but i did post it again, why? Becuase i cracked it myself, if people achieve something they post it aswell right? Yeah! Even though it has allready been done millions of times before!




And no i didn't use a program for it, i wouldn't even know where to look, and using a program takes away to fun, as a clue hunter i had an urge to crack it myself, if ya got nothing good to say don't post, becuase it's not helping anyone!


If someone gets 99 magic and post it on the forums, do you go infiltrate his post and post things like: pfft i was the first to get 99 magic, pfft has allready been done before, pffft you could have used a program to get 99 magic...






Thanks for the wonderfull sig Scar :)


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Lol, looking at the title I thought you haxed runescape.




Anyways, nice find.


Yea, so did I and when it said yuo recieved a message saying Surok was being watched, i thought it was a Jagex message saying you were being watched because of your hacking it. The i actually read it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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First I look at the title and think you hacked Jagex, then I looked at the code and thought it meant they knew you were hacking the system. I guess its good to read the whole post before replying. LOL. :XD:


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First I look at the title and think you hacked Jagex, then I looked at the code and thought it meant they knew you were hacking the system. I guess its good to read the whole post before replying. LOL. :XD:




HAhaha. Same thing with me. >.<

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Jesus christ, what have ou all got against this guy?




Somebody else has done it before - so what?




EVERYTHING you have EVER achieved in your life has been done before.




and whats all this, implying he has no life? This is a bloody Runescape fan site forums, ill bet 80% of the people here don't.




No wonder i meet so many stupid people on Runescape, i hear this community is the best, and you all berate this guy for doing something intellectually challenging? or even, doing something other than mindless clicking....




Well done to the OP, mostly on just playing the game yourself in your own way.

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Give the guy some credit. At least he took the effort to crack the coded message himself.




there are plenty of programs that can crack codes like that in about an hour or less. he could've used that.

what the hell are you talking about? do you even know what this thread is about?








this is just a general notice to all the 'Mr ubder leet' people out there, next time you find 'the leet haxor code' or w\e you think it is, around 100,000 people already know about it and was probaly found out 3 months ago, so dont bother wasting yours and more importantly my time, to tell me something very old

he never said he found something nobody else has, in fact, if you had any idea what hes talking about, its a part of the quest. Most people wont care and just read the message from someone else who has already cracked it, but he decided to have some fun and do it him self. how about you try and find out what people are talking about before you tell them they are somehow wrong.






nice job doing that anyway, must have took some time.

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