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in responce to kido's comment on making rcing cheaper... it dose not in anyway. I use to be able to buy ps at 95ea fairly easy and sell nats at 320ea. Now sure u can buy p ess 80ea, but it takes for ever to sell them at even 295ea. so i end up making less money...

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You should Pmed me or Mcginness.... We got owned... I got tbed but made it out, we got like maybe 8 autoer kills total...

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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That was a lot of fun, we should do it again with maybe more people. The ending wasn't that great of course; I got pked myself. I can TB now and it's like 500x easier than icing them so I can't wait :)

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That was a lot of fun, we should do it again with maybe more people. The ending wasn't that great of course; I got pked myself. I can TB now and it's like 500x easier than icing them so I can't wait :)


So did I :oops:


Ok heres how it basically went....


We met at Edge and left. We soon got to our destination and Tbed, Froze, Ddp++ speced, and Entangled them :mrgreen: . There were about 6 (?) kills, with me getting 1, I think toshiba got 3 :shock: (Barrage FTW), Saru got a couple, Celt, Kold, Utli, Delta, and Sk8ter also got a few kills! Then the Extreme happened. I got chased south with a team on me, while Saru was following me to multi so he could help me kill off the guys, then I got semi-pked cos the ring of life saved me. Others were left at the dragons while I was making my way back to them after i got teled to varrock from my ROL, then I got pked just before the black salamanders, and lost everything. Next thing i know Toshiba got chased by a clan and managed to tele back to edge (i think he got his 3 kills around then), Ulti disapeared, Kold teled back to edge (because he got chased), Same with Sk8ter (or did you die?), Celt got pked, Delta got pked, and Saru managed to tele back to edge with all his gear (and gave me 100k <3: ).


Then half of us were left, and we went off to kill some ess Bots, we mucked round there for a while reporting the bots, shooing the dogs away, and luring the muggers towards them. There were no kills tho.


only me and Sk8ter were left, and we went to the flax bots, we made a trail from the bots to the bats, but the break between my line and Sk8ters was to long. So the bot walked away. Then Sk8ter went, and the event ended.




Quite an Event, the best I've ever been to :mrgreen: .


Saruman44 has offered to organise the next one (that guy's a legend!!!).


What a trip! :mrgreen:

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Haha, you sound like such an idiot in those pictures of you in the wild.




This organization? is going to do nothing lol. But keep going, your ignorance amuses me.




STFU moron. :roll:

"He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; his water will be sure." ~Isaiah 33:15-16




My BlogScape!

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i'm in...




too many experiences with bots to mention, they ruined my game... and i want revenge






The world is full of self proclaimed experts who really don't know what they are talking about.


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ohh, and has anyone noticed that every once in a while there will be someone there protecting the bots... making sure nobody attacks them...


The world is full of self proclaimed experts who really don't know what they are talking about.


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listen dude, your task is noble, I am all for killing yew autoers and rune ess autoers etc., but the only problem is with green drags, how do u know they are autoers? it really pisses me off when i get pked when im fighting drags for some str exp and cash, and you guys should understand that. I wear almost exactly the things the autoers where with the exception of i wear a str ammy, and i use a d scim. and another thing.... it says in the guide that the autoers will often bury the bones, thats a load of BS. If u see a guy that is burying the bones THAT GUY IS NOT A AUTOER LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE! pking honest green drag killers like myself is nooby and a waste of time because when it happens to me, i add the noobs and I hunt them down, and ultimately they either die pathetically or pray and tele.....




so you're fighting next to the green drag autoers and not even killing them...




second, it's the wild, expect to be attacked if you go into the wild


The world is full of self proclaimed experts who really don't know what they are talking about.


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Hey Mcginess :D i'll gladly take part in the TAB's effort to kill, report and annoy all bots/autoers :D I am always reporting em weneva I see one and I do the occasional Green drag autoer pk aswell 8-)



~Add me on RS if u wish: 12378933

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That was a lot of fun, we should do it again with maybe more people. The ending wasn't that great of course; I got pked myself. I can TB now and it's like 500x easier than icing them so I can't wait :)


So did I :oops:


Ok heres how it basically went....


We met at Edge and left. We soon got to our destination and Tbed, Froze, Ddp++ speced, and Entangled them :mrgreen: . There were about 6 (?) kills, with me getting 1, I think toshiba got 3 :shock: (Barrage FTW), Saru got a couple, Celt, Kold, Utli, Delta, and Sk8ter also got a few kills! Then the Extreme happened. I got chased south with a team on me, while Saru was following me to multi so he could help me kill off the guys, then I got semi-pked cos the ring of life saved me. Others were left at the dragons while I was making my way back to them after i got teled to varrock from my ROL, then I got pked just before the black salamanders, and lost everything. Next thing i know Toshiba got chased by a clan and managed to tele back to edge (i think he got his 3 kills around then), Ulti disapeared, Kold teled back to edge (because he got chased), Same with Sk8ter (or did you die?), Celt got pked, Delta got pked, and Saru managed to tele back to edge with all his gear (and gave me 100k <3: ).


Then half of us were left, and we went off to kill some ess Bots, we mucked round there for a while reporting the bots, shooing the dogs away, and luring the muggers towards them. There were no kills tho.


only me and Sk8ter were left, and we went to the flax bots, we made a trail from the bots to the bats, but the break between my line and Sk8ters was to long. So the bot walked away. Then Sk8ter went, and the event ended.




Quite an Event, the best I've ever been to :mrgreen: .


Saruman44 has offered to organise the next one (that guy's a legend!!!).


What a trip! :mrgreen:




i'm the lowest level there \'

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for the next one we deffinitly need some more tbers, or just 1 person to run around and tb every1, or everyone do wat tosh did (he got the most kills without tbing) just barrage/burst/blitz them.




Oh and im covered up in the ess bot killing lol (in the house)

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If yall wondered what happened to me, I disconnected and logged off, to find myself in fally with my gear and a ring of life short

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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That was fun, but we need to improve. The next one I think needs to be in mutli, that way if someone is getting pked, we can team. But it also needs to be close to the ditch, the charred arena in a no-no event wise, way too many tb'ing pkers.... I liked the spot we went to last time. Maybe everyone can post their timezones, and I'll try to make a time that is not too early, but not too late. And next time I'm bringing ahrim..... I think. I might TB + god spells.... Sounds good to me... 30 hits ftw?






Good trip, but I don't know why none of like the 12 pics I took got deleted. I went to upload them, and they weren't there...






EDIT: These are the spots where green drags are. The green circles is wear you can PK autoers, the red X is where you shouldn't, because lots of TB'ing pkers are. I had to make one pic from the RS site, because Tip.it's wildy map didn't cover it.










This next one is where we went last night, it was above the black sally hunting ground, and full of autoers.





I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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