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~Diesel's Bloggy~

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good luck on 1700 total dadi, and gratz on all those other levels <3:<3:<3:








Thanks!! ::'




You're going great <3: Update your title tho :P its not 1680 total anymore :)








*goes to update title*




1 More for Tonight:








I'll get 1700 either tomorrow or Friday. :)




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Thanks Everyone! I love you all! <3:<3:<3:<3:


8 More pl0x. :pray:


I knew you loved me! :o Just playing :P Grats on the awesome levels though..they're..very..neat? ::' Good luck on the fletching thingie...i'll give you 8 invisible fletching levels.k? k.

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Thanks Everyone! I love you all! <3:<3:<3:<3:


8 More pl0x. :pray:


I knew you loved me! :o Just playing :P Grats on the awesome levels though..they're..very..neat? ::' Good luck on the fletching thingie...i'll give you 8 invisible fletching levels.k? k.








Thanks. I'm getting back to fletching now!








[hide=Levels achieved today before 1700 Total]58sum.png








And.....1700 Total!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!








[hide=And also]61sum.png[/hide]




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Very nice stats! Good Luck on level 99 fletching, you are almost halfway there! :XD: Congratulations on 1700 total and 61 summoning, get 68! I'm very sure everyone asks you this..... But could you add me please? I would like to know you, I like having mod friends. ;)




^ Quite nooby, I know, but I've never been that good at posting in forums.

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Very nice stats! Good Luck on level 99 fletching, you are almost halfway there! :XD: Congratulations on 1700 total and 61 summoning, get 68! I'm very sure everyone asks you this..... But could you add me please? I would like to know you, I like having mod friends. ;)




^ Quite nooby, I know, but I've never been that good at posting in forums.




Thanks! Sorry, my friends list is actually full, but I'll send you a hyt if I see you in-game kay?








Gratz again nub <3:<3:<3:




Thanks!! <3:








Gratz on 1700 total dadi !! <3:




Thanks! <3: ::'




grats dadi :D now get 2376 total >:D




Thanks! <3:




I'm workin on it. :P




thanks for that 5gp donation ::'




When was this? :P :lol:




Congrats on 1700 total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




yay ::'






Thanks!@!@ <3:<3:








Phew...lots of answers. :P




So I hear I'm halfway!








My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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I'm gonna win tbh.


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: <3: :twss:




You're on noob. :twisted:




I vote for Diesel, cause he r pro farmer :twss:




Grats on halfway there, keep it up ::'




Lol. :twss:




Thanks! ::'








Took a quick break (not too long) from fletching to bring my house up to date. Then I used up the remaining oak planks from before to level a bit.








But worry not, I'm back fletching now.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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noooooooooooooooooo teh dadi noob caught up to me! :ohnoes:




Oh well. im still like 50k xp ahead :thumbsup:




I'm ahead now. ;)




Only by a little bit. :P






Had to work all day today so I'm just getting to Fletching now. I'm off tomorrow and Monday so lots of fletching then.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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this is a 3-mode race or wut!!!!1 dont tell dadi, but i want that the agent and cruz win.




























Fail :P <3:<3:<3:<3: go pwn those nubs ;D

Road to success <--- Blog :D


99 Hunter 99 Firemaking 99 Cooking

99 Thieving 92 Runecraft 99 Fletching

99 Herblore99 Agility

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this is a 3-mode race or wut!!!!1 dont tell dadi, but i want that the agent and cruz win.




























Fail :P <3:<3:<3:<3: go pwn those nubs ;D




Lol, I think Cruz is gonna win. ;)








~90k clue.




Back to fletching.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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