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I hate my life


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This is my life:




I get up


I sit around doing nothing


I get dressed


I get on the computer for a few hours


I watch TV for a few hours


I go to bed








sometimes I read or play guitar as well, but I hate this cycle and want something to happen.




It sucks. I wish school would at least start.




well sorry to whine but I just had to say something. I know you guys will all just [bleep] at me but I don't really care no one made you read this.

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That's pretty my life too, but I don't hate it. Just the impatience of school to start perhaps why you 'hate' it. Just look up on the start of school and try to do some new stuff in the computer, or find new shows in the TV.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Take her advice. She's an expert.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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my lifes about the same but i joined a taekwondoe studio, its pretty fun u should try it. Dont hate ur life, i just got scammed for over 1m by 2 noobs name . So total ive been hacked/scammed for at least 8-8.5+ mil. Dont hate ur life, hate those who make it suck :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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you sound a bit like I use to be. Go to a movie and talk to a girl you meet there or anybody you see. Once you make a friend try to branch off from this person, meet new people. With new people comes new opportunities. As soon as you get some friends you'll have lots to do! go to social events, parties, maybe start a band? If you don't have any friends it can be hard to do much.

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My life, currently...




Wake up at 5-6pm (afternoon)


Go on computer til 8-9pm


Meditate/drink tea/screw off in photoshop


Take shower


Go on computer








also eating can go in there in random places...




dont see me complaining. :XD:




when school starts you'll be [bleep]in' about that too.

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My schedule?




12pm - wake up


12:30 or so - about 2 - get on the computer MAYBE..otherwise play games


2-5 - do some work around the house, play games, computer..this is the random part


5-7 - probably supper, watching TV.


7-11 - more games/computer time


11-3 AM - TV..Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken/ATHF, Everybody loves raymond or bleach, FullMetal alchemist..inuyasha, malcolm in the middle, king of the hill.


3 pm - ? - sleep.




I basically do nothing. I'm happy \'




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I used to be alot like you until I got into rapping and got a job, the job has now become a nuisance since the new factor wore off and I've realized the work I put out is for [cabbage]tie pay but it'll help break the boredom. I now get to torture myself everyday til 12-1am waiting to see if my song excels on the soundclick charts :D

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This is going to turn into a thread where everyone talks about their schedules lol




Anyways, get a job, or get some friends? Maybe go outside and play some sports or just run? Work out in your house even

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Hey man listen up,




You know you shouldn't hate your life. I'm sure you live in a good/safe area, where most people in this world aren't fortunate enough to live in those areas. Sometimes, I get really bored i just have to tell everyone i hate my life, again, and again.




I Suggest you sign up for some sports, a club, look for a job if your old enough, volenteer, or hang out with friends.




Good luck, and always be thankful:)

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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Go join a fraternity or something, or hang out with your youth group if you're apart of a church.




At the moment, I'm trying to join the Order of DeMolay, a fraternity affiliated with the Freemasons.




My schedule on most days:




Day starts: 9:30AM-11AM




wake up




get dressed




wash hair, brush teeth, etc.


listen to music, surf net




go shopping, nap, get on computer/listen to music








listen to more music/MSN Messenger/Facebook/TIF


take out contacts, put on lip balm, put on acne cream, etc.






Day ends: 2AM-3AM




Then on Thursdays I go to the bowling alley with my youth group, and I may have other activities, etc.




I guess I can't complain.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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This is my life:




I get up


I sit around doing nothing


I get dressed


I get on the computer for a few hours


I watch TV for a few hours


I go to bed








sometimes I read or play guitar as well, but I hate this cycle and want something to happen.




It sucks. I wish school would at least start.




well sorry to whine but I just had to say something. I know you guys will all just [bleep] at me but I don't really care no one made you read this.




If you want something to happen, and an adventure to live, then find one. Go volunteer some time to a charity, or reread a good book. Make a friend, take a walk somewhere you've never been... Do something mildly stupid. Find out something that you never knew before. These are the things which make a life meaningful. Who you touch, what you've learned... What you've shared with others is what your life is worth, so go start building some real wealth.

"He is no fool who gives up that which he can not keep to gain that which he can not lose."

--Jim Elliot


"You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen, night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England. I did not then see what is now the most shining and obvious thing; the Divine humility which will accept a convert even on such terms. The Prodical Son at least walked home on his own two feet. But who can duly adore that love which will open the high gates to a prodigal who is brought in kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape? The words compelle intrare, compel them to come in, have been so abused by wicked men that we shudder at them; but, properly understood, they plumb the depth of the Divine mercy. The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men, and His compulsion is our liberation."


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Strange and cool stuff has happend to me so far in this summer, but that isn't helping you is it? :P




Just go outside man! There is always something to do, and make some friends, Belgium isn't known for it's friendly people, so making friends isn't that easy, i know it's much easier to make friends in other countries. So what i'm trying to say is that i'm sure you can make some friends, unless you look very nerdy, glasses and lots of pimples aren't gonna help ya :P


Thanks for the wonderfull sig Scar :)


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On work days:




Wake: 6:45


WorK: 8:00 - 4:30


Get home: 5:20


PC: 5:20 - 6:20


Eat : 6:20 - (something)


PC: 6:50 - 1am


Sleep: 1 am - 6:45.






Sleep time variates a lot, depending on how tired I am. Sometimes I'll take a mid day nap after work.






Only a week left of work though, cheers. I'm looking forward to college its been kind of boring here.

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Look at your life in an optimistic light. You have no worries and you have all the opportunity in the world to have fun. You need to take some initiative yourself if you want to do things beyond passively sitting on your computer all day. Don't expect a parade of friends to just ring your doorbell and have a great time. Call up friends and make things happen. Just enjoy your summer. Enjoy life. Later in school you'll be stressed out of your mind wishing you could be in this state of mind. So enjoy life as it is right now and make the best of it.

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When i read the title, i thought this would be another Emo related topic-


thank god its just depression instead. :thumbsup:




My life is like that too, but take a 10 minute walk every day and youll feel good :D




And then buy a games console or something :P


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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My schedule.




Wake up - 6:30 AM


Work 9AM - 3 PM


Come home and Nap - 3:30-4:30


PC - 4:30-5:30


Eat - 5:30


Get ready to go out - 5:30 PM - 6 PM


Go out 6 PM - 12:30 PM


Come home, PC - 12:30AM - 2 AM






That's work days, though. Weekends are diffrent, I go out\do whatever till whatever time.

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What? You hate your life? That's nothing to hate it for. Go do something. I do the same thing like you everyday. But at least I get some new things to do - go to movies, take a walk, work out at gym. That's a really lame reason to hate your life. Really.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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