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Runescape in the news again...


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People are forgetting one big fact....was the 22 year old really hot? If not...ewwww get away from me.


Theres a pic of her in the news page... Not very hot in my opinion.




Dear lord she's a martian! :-s

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[hide=Jard_Y_Dooku Response]





"On the online game 'Run Scape'"





California woman arrested for raping 13-year-old in Potsdam


Updated: 7/20/2007 6:07 AM


By: Katie Morse






POTSDAM, N.Y. -- Police say what began as a friendship through an online game turned into an inappropriate relationship between a 13-year-old Potsdam boy and a 22-year-old California woman.




Kathryn Brauch was arrested in Potsdam on Wednesday after police say she flew to the area to have sex with the boy.




"They had conversed over the internet, and eventually disclosed their age and names to each other and developed a relationship, and eventually traveled to Potsdam to meet the juvenile," said Officer Mark R. Murray, of the Potsdam Police Department.




Police say the two met on the online game RuneScape, an interactive game which lets you chat with other players.






Brauch was charged with second degree rape, disseminating indecent material to minors and a second degree criminal sexual act.




Police believe she's been in the area for more than two weeks, staying with the boy and his mother. The mother was also charged with a crime.




"She was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child for her role in permitting or being aware of some of the relations that were occurring," said Officer Murray.




Brauch and the victim not only met over the computer, but they also sent inappropriate sexual photos using a cell phone.




Police say this is just another example of the dangers that come with technology.








"It's definitely a wake-up call for all parents for children that have access to a computer, the internet and cell phones," said Officer Murray. "This is an extreme example, but it should raise your eyebrows and make you aware if what you need to be looking for."




Officer Murray says he's seeing more and more technology-related crimes, and offers his advice to parents.




"Monitor what your children are doing, who they're talking to, what programs and games they're playing, as well as who they're calling on their cell phones," Murray said.




Now, I put a lot of time into this post. Those who read it have two rules to follow:




Respond with INTELLIGENCE. If you reply with IDIOTIC remarks, I will ÃÆÃ

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People are forgetting one big fact....was the 22 year old really hot? If not...ewwww get away from me.


Theres a pic of her in the news page... Not very hot in my opinion.




Dear lord she's a martian! :-s




*Sees Pic*


No Thanks Miss.


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I also must post some responses to some other peoples' comments just because they are entertaining or idiotic... here we are:




Greetings Scapers!




We here at Jagex want to remind you how to get the most of your gaming experience...




Lmao, nice one.




Maybe Jagex will tell kids of other ways for pleasure?




That was truly a masterpiece. =D>




well maybe if it wasnt RS it could have been the official 'Meet child molestors online chat channel'. Blame the internet for existing- blame whatever. The woman ad the boy and his mum should know better.




Your response was far more intelligent than most. Good work.




Warning: incompetent post below!








any 1 over 18 that has sex with a minor is a rapist.




also if the BOY/MAN did not want to have physical contact in a sexual manor its rape. dont you watch TV? all the female teachers that get charged with rape on there students? sure the body can be willing but the mind is the verdict in a rape case.




No, anyone over 18 that has sex with a minor is NOT a rapist. Legally, sure. But the system is dysfunctional.




sure the body can be willing but the mind is the verdict in a rape case - and what the hell does that mean? You choose "yes" or "no". Simple as that. Your body will influence your decision but it doesn't do it for you.




Btw: The chick is not hot. I would run away from her if she came near me.




I found that entertaining. :) Why not just throw a large concrete object in her general direction instead? Just kidding... not really. :D




btw.. is it even possible for a woman to rape a guy??




From Wikipedia: "Rape is a form of assault where one individual forces another to have sexual intercourse against that person's will."




No mention of gender, so the answer is YES. By the way, just curious... what's your IQ?




Ugh, I hate the statutory laws in America. It sounds to me like it was consensual.




Intelligent, and your point is true.




Theres a pic of her in the news page... Not very hot in my opinion.




I agree.




OF course that mother is badly crazy,


but I dont understand why the 22 year old girl wants to live with and have sex with the 13 year boy, just because he is lvl 126 or something?




LMAO that is just overly awesome.




Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




13 isn't a "little kid". And I don't know why you're disgusted, I'm sure at 13 that would be a dream come true for you as would be for plenty others.








I'm tired now... those are the best quotes I found.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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[hide=Jard_Y_Dooku Response]




"On the online game 'Run Scape'"





California woman arrested for raping 13-year-old in Potsdam


Updated: 7/20/2007 6:07 AM


By: Katie Morse






POTSDAM, N.Y. -- Police say what began as a friendship through an online game turned into an inappropriate relationship between a 13-year-old Potsdam boy and a 22-year-old California woman.




Kathryn Brauch was arrested in Potsdam on Wednesday after police say she flew to the area to have sex with the boy.




"They had conversed over the internet, and eventually disclosed their age and names to each other and developed a relationship, and eventually traveled to Potsdam to meet the juvenile," said Officer Mark R. Murray, of the Potsdam Police Department.




Police say the two met on the online game RuneScape, an interactive game which lets you chat with other players.






Brauch was charged with second degree rape, disseminating indecent material to minors and a second degree criminal sexual act.




Police believe she's been in the area for more than two weeks, staying with the boy and his mother. The mother was also charged with a crime.




"She was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child for her role in permitting or being aware of some of the relations that were occurring," said Officer Murray.




Brauch and the victim not only met over the computer, but they also sent inappropriate sexual photos using a cell phone.




Police say this is just another example of the dangers that come with technology.








"It's definitely a wake-up call for all parents for children that have access to a computer, the internet and cell phones," said Officer Murray. "This is an extreme example, but it should raise your eyebrows and make you aware if what you need to be looking for."




Officer Murray says he's seeing more and more technology-related crimes, and offers his advice to parents.




"Monitor what your children are doing, who they're talking to, what programs and games they're playing, as well as who they're calling on their cell phones," Murray said.




Now, I put a lot of time into this post. Those who read it have two rules to follow:




Respond with INTELLIGENCE. If you reply with IDIOTIC remarks, I will ÃÆÃ

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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It kind of angers me that people are calling that rape.




I understand that it is legally statutory rape...but to call it rape is ridiculous in my eyes.




I guarantee he was more than willing, and a word so strong such as rape, contradicts that very statement.




Yeah it may be odd and weird and disgusting to some of you...but love has no boundaries if that's what they have...at 13 I was fully capable of making decisions like that, just as well as I can 8 years later.




I'm not saying I would ever sleep with a 13 year old, I wouldn't...that is weird to me...but they were both consenting and 13 to me isn't as young as people make it out to be these days.


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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




13 isn't a "little kid". And I don't know why you're disgusted, I'm sure at 13 that would be a dream come true for you as would be for plenty others.








I'm tired now... those are the best quotes I found.




Why might he be disgusted, becuase that is a child, their body may not have even hit puberty yet, the fact is the majority of 13 year olds arn't mature enough to treat sex as a really serious issue, that's why there is an age of consent.




At the age of 22 that woman should know what's right and wrong, she should know that having sex with a 13 year old (somebody who's less than two thirds of their age) is wrong, who's to say he knows the risk? Do we know if they used protection? For all we know the woman could have an STD, the point is the law is in place to protect our youth until they are at the age where they should be aware of all this and be able to make educated decisions.




The fact is, the woman has broken the law and we don't know all the details, we don't know if the boy had second thoughts or anything, please can we just stick to facts we know, those being:




-The boy is 13 years of age, 3(? (not sure where this has happened) years below the age of consent.




- The woman is 22 years of age and therefore can be held responsible for her actions.




- The woman has broken the law.




Now it doesn't matter if the boy encouraged the woman, believe me I've seen this kind of siuation with a 13 year old who was fully developed and I was 17 and knew it would be (very) wrong.




I'm sorry, but all you seem to be doing in this thread is laughing at everybody who's opinion disagrees with you.




Just because somebody doesn't know the law doesn't mean they have a low IQ, please stop trying to make people feel bad for no reason.

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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.








Jagex says when you first make your account to read the rules and it's under there. So it's 90% the parents fault for letting the women stay there and 10% the kids fault for revealing information




Wouldn't the parent see obvious signs that are a bit strange? Like the fact the lady doesnt know you but is in love with your son... :notalk:




Stupid stupid people these days... <.<

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Ah yes, blame RuneScape so the little kid doesn't seem like a complete MORON. I mean it says they told each other their age before they met. If your 13 and someone your talking to says 'I'm 22, and I want to visit you' Are you gonna say SURE, here's my address! :wall: But let's not forget the moronic mother. 'Wow, my son has a 22 year old women friend! Come-on in and molest my little boy!'




If the sick women didn't use RuneScape to find her sex toy, she'd use some other way. If not the internet, she'd potrol playgrounds. Blame the playground? You can't blame the means in which these people find their target, blame the people themself!

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Opps yes 22 years old, but she must have had Sex Ed. No? Age has to have some factor.




NO. Age doesn't matter. Competency tests should be required instead.




It kind of angers me that people are calling that rape.




I understand that it is legally statutory rape...but to call it rape is ridiculous in my eyes.




I guarantee he was more than willing, and a word so strong such as rape, contradicts that very statement.




Yeah it may be odd and weird and disgusting to some of you...but love has no boundaries if that's what they have...at 13 I was fully capable of making decisions like that, just as well as I can 8 years later.




I'm not saying I would ever sleep with a 13 year old, I wouldn't...that is weird to me...but they were both consenting and 13 to me isn't as young as people make it out to be these days.




Finally! Another intelligent person! Through all your paragraphs...




It angers me as well. Stupid democrats.




Very true.








I have absolutely no doubt in my mind at all that you were perfectly capable of making such a decision at 13.




Good points.




Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




13 isn't a "little kid". And I don't know why you're disgusted, I'm sure at 13 that would be a dream come true for you as would be for plenty others.








I'm tired now... those are the best quotes I found.




Why might he be disgusted, becuase that is a child, their body may not have even hit puberty yet, the fact is the majority of 13 year olds arn't mature enough to treat sex as a really serious issue, that's why there is an age of consent.




At the age of 22 that woman should know what's right and wrong, she should know that having sex with a 13 year old (somebody who's less than two thirds of their age) is wrong, who's to say he knows the risk? Do we know if they used protection? For all we know the woman could have an STD, the point is the law is in place to protect our youth until they are at the age where they should be aware of all this and be able to make educated decisions.




The fact is, the woman has broken the law and we don't know all the details, we don't know if the boy had second thoughts or anything, please can we just stick to facts we know, those being:




-The boy is 13 years of age, 3(? (not sure where this has happened) years below the age of consent.




- The woman is 22 years of age and therefore can be held responsible for her actions.




- The woman has broken the law.




Now it doesn't matter if the boy encouraged the woman, believe me I've seen this kind of siuation with a 13 year old who was fully developed and I was 17 and knew it would be (very) wrong.




I'm sorry, but all you seem to be doing in this thread is laughing at everybody who's opinion disagrees with you.




Just because somebody doesn't know the law doesn't mean they have a low IQ, please stop trying to make people feel bad for no reason.




Go read my other post.




I don't need to repeat myself. I don't give a [:!:] how old he was. If he consented, that's fine.




"Who's to say he knows the risks", you say?




WHO'S TO SAY HE DOESN'T KNOW THE RISKS?! Me. I say so because someone has to bring logic into this low-IQ infested world.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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that sounds hot no seriously, why couldnt have it been me

I only read 3 of those spoilers, but I will hunt you down and kill you!!! I don't care if that's a threat. I've waited too long (and have another 2 weeks to wait) for this series to be ruined by some arrogant little twit like you!!!!
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that sounds hot no seriously, why couldnt have it been me




No offence, but you're a moron! This could have easily been another case of a 50 year old man acting like a young women... I'm sure you'd love that surprise. :|

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O my [cabbage] God :shame: :shame:




What sick twisted losers! :shame: :shame: :shame:




All I have to say is that it's the moms fault would you let a 22 year old sleep over? Come on! Seriously i think the mom should be sent to jail for a long time. O well atleast the kid is ok. This will only make parents think runescape is a a place where crazy syco peopel go to pick a kid to do "stuff" with.




Well free publicity! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:










Off topic: You said that is your 700th, so you made 33+ in one day? :uhh:






On topic: Meh he deserved it in my book.

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that sounds hot no seriously, why couldnt have it been me




Are you kidding me? What if you would have gotten the women preganted? lmao to drop out and work or to be force to have abortion (NOT RECOMMENED!!! DON'T KILL AN INNOCENT LIFE!!!!!)

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O my [cabbage] God :shame:




What sick twisted losers! :shame: :shame: :shame:




All I have to say is that it's the moms fault would you let a 22 year old sleep over? Come on! Seriously i think the mom should be sent to jail for a long time. O well atleast the kid is ok. This will only make parents think runescape is a a place where crazy syco peopel go to pick a kid to do "stuff" with.




Well free publicity! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:










Off topic: You said that is your 700th, so you made 33+ in one day? :uhh:






On topic: Meh he deserved it in my book.




Deseves to have sex at such a young age? :shock:

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