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Freemasonry and The Illuminati


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Don't call me a nutjob or anything because I'm not obsessed with New World Order or anything, but I've been doing alot of research and watching alot of documentaries about Freemasonry and The Illuminati. It's interesting to see how deep into the government and politics all this stuff goes.




Basically, I think the motivation behind this post is that I want a documentary or some information that'll debunk all the stuff that I've read and seen about the quest for a New World Order and Illuminati world control. All the stuff I've watched has always been biased to make you believe that's what's going on, and some of it is pretty convincing.




Bear in mind that this is a pursuit of boredom. I don't know how much of this I believe. Obviously you have to question some things like the Masonic symbols on dollar bills or what not. So, this thread is for the discussion of the topic, not for the attacks on beliefs that anyone might have. Even if you think it's nuts, it's still interesting as hell.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I'm going to join the Order of DeMolay (a group affiliated with the Freemasons).




I see nothing wrong with them. =\



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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The Illumanati and Freemasons are both REAL GROUPS. However, the Illuminati are a group of, well, people that aren't exactly tolerant of everyone. The Freemasons, however, are an all-male secret society that isn't completely secret. However, with modern standards, I suppose that you could call the Freemasons the good guys. I'm sure that there's some scandal or something the someone will throw at them sometime, of course, but hopefully nothing too bad will happen. I personally know several members, and I hope to become one myself (not for a few years though). :)




And to Baron, Angels and Demons is a fictitious work based on real groups, technologies, etc. While it might be fiction, everything described is completely possible.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Ah, read "Angels and Demons", have we? Great book. All the conspiracies, especially those about the pyramid's eye on the dollar, great stuff.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I prefer the Skull and Bones society in Yale. It's an elite group of students and you can't tell anyone your in it and you can only get in it by invitation. Former members from Yale speak of the elaborate plans they use to invite people. One guy said he was somehow drugged and woke up on an oak chair in the middle in a dark room somewhere. He was surrounded by guys in black cloaks that covered their faces and one of them spoke "The Order recognizes your special skills and extends an invitation... do you accept?"




Anyway the Order founded the CIA and something like 4 of the past 11 presidents have been members (including both of the Bush presidents). Also whenever a member of the Order is elected president, nearly the entire Cabinet is made of members as well :wink:

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Ah! Finnally another history/conspiracy/whatever freak!




I was going to post this topic but I see that someone else had taken my rightful place. Well, I know a littler VERY MUCH about both societies, what we must keep in mind is how these groups are connected. Don't even trust Angels and Demons, 90% of that book if ficticious, a good and interesting novel it is, but not a historical source...




Some facts about many groups:




Freemasons: Society semi-secret, it's semi-secret because if you scream in a park asking people to hands up if they're masons, not many people will do...However, they got their Masonic Temples, a place for gathering and teaching that anyone can see from exterior and is not hidden.


The history of masons got many roots, one of them becomes from a the masonic myth of a man called "Arim Abyff", he was a stonecutter/worker in the construction of the Solomon's temple, if I'm not wrong, he was the architect or something important, but, he mysteriously died, so the apprentices searched him by order of Solomon the wise, thus making the very first organization of workers that had the knowndledge to make such impressive and wonderfull constructions as the Solomon's temple.


Another masonic myth, is that the first masons were the responsibles from creating the Babel's tower:




"The babylonic empire, decided to createa big tower, it would be so great that it would touch the skies, then, the emperor's army should fight with the angels and defeat god, so the babylonians can live in the heaven as rulers of the world, however, God said something like "I will not stop you, but, I will make you a little obstacle". So then, all the workers started to speak different languages, like Babylonian, greek, latin, etc... But, god saw that there were architects capable of creating such wonderfull constructions, so he gave them other language made from symbols and signals to communicate their constructions secrets...They were the Masons!"



But, what the term "Mason" means?




Mason, comes from the french word "Mả̮̤̉on" what means something like "stonecutter". The thing is, that historically, the masons started like simply workers for the religion and the monarchy, they gathered in lodges where the Grand Master was a teacher for the apprentices, who kept in secret all the lessons, so only the masons could know how to make beautifull and stron castles and other edifications. Because this, they gained power, because they were the only ones who knew the correct constructions methods. In their existence, they envolved, getting even more knownledge beyond the construction, for example, some says the Freemasons know how the great Pyramids were constructed. The fact is, that they follow the "Hermetic tradition", of "Hermes Trimesgistro", a great and powerful aciwnt alchemist who was deidified by Egyptians as the god "Toth" and by greeks as "Hermes". Hermes Trimegistro wrote a very important thing called the "esmerald table" or "Kybalion". In these tables, there is powerful alchemist knownledge like laws of the universe, I.E "the law of atraction" that is becoming very famous thanks to the movie "the secret".




Later, in the medieval ages, there was a monastyc and military order called "The order of the poors Knights of Christ and the Temple of Salomon", you all know 'em by the name "Temple Knights". They colelcted many information that came from the arabic culture, including the secrets of the esoterical practices like the Kahbalah, they supossedly found the Saint Grial and the Spear of longinus, even more, they knew many hermetical secrets that no one outside their order could know...People think that they were in a conspiration by an order like the Sion's priory or more deep, but that's other story.


The thing is, that in friday the 13th October, of the year 1307, they were arrested in France by order of the King Phillip IV and the Pope Clemente V, for crimes of heresy. However, some knights escaped from this destiny with "their secret treasure" that might be the ark of convenant, the secret to the trasnmutation of matter and even more! It's rumored that they went to America and left the tresure, according to others, they went to the "Islas Canarias", an spanish archipielago. However, it's true that some Templars went to Scotland, a country where they mixed with the scotish MASONS and shared their secrets, that's why some masons claims to be the trully remains of the Templar Order, like for example, the creation of the masonic organization for youths called "Demolay" (named after the last Templar's grand master Jaques Demolay).




So, the masons got secrets, but the the mayor percent is not an evil man who wants to destroy the humakin...




Sorry for the big long explication, I jsut know a little very much :D, perhaps in a future I become a mason too, however, I know more about symbols and things, but I will explain 'em later. If you wish to chat with me http://[email protected] ah yes, my blog "http//darkluniux.blogspot.com"



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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My friends relative was a master mason. I got to read one of the handbooks of the master mason, it was nothing special.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I prefer the Skull and Bones society in Yale








Anyway the Order founded the CIA and something like 4 of the past 11 presidents have been members (including both of the Bush presidents). Also whenever a member of the Order is elected president, nearly the entire Cabinet is made of members as well :wink:




The last two president candidates were both member of this society. The results of the election were of no matter since allot of important decisions on world matters are made by the most important members of societys like this anyway.








- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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