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How do you like your music?


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Not quite your typical Music question, as it's not actually about music, but how do you folks listen to your music/PC's/TV? Wireless headphones? 5.1/2.1? Noise-cancelling, in-ear plugs?




The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking to buy a 5.1 set for my PC to go to Uni with (good for me, not so good for people on the same corridor ::' ), but I'm struggling to find something that I actually want to spend money on. I want a set that sounds pretty hot, but also looks the job as well. After having pretty much decided on a set of Logitech Z-5300's, which are supposed to be top class, I can't find anywhere in the UK that sells them.




Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe you live in the UK and have managed to get hold of a set of these...

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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That really depends on the song. I like my heavy metal (most of it anyway) played through my cheapy PC speakers or my big 2x12 guitar amp. They give a simular kind of sound but the bass is much louder and clearer through the amp.




I like my rock, pop, ska and any bass driven music through my head phones though. They have a really thick bass sound thats awesome.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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From CD. Mostly under a pair of headphones only listening to music (so doing nothing else). But I don't mind having something 'lighter' on the background while browsing the world wide web. Sometimes I have some 'heavy' (emotionally heavy, not as in rough instrumentals) music on while doing things on the computer, but it's not the same, although sometimes I get a bit carried away, but never all the way.




It always saddens me a bit, when you see all those people listening to music on the pc. I wonder how much people on here actually take time to really listen to their music. I'm sure there are some, but I think most of our generation just consumes their music rather than taking the time for it. Or am I completely mistaken on this? And to the people who mostly listen to music on their PC while doing something else. Why do you that? Is there a reason that you are doing this? Or is it just out of a habit?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I'd agree to an extent How2PK, but I do both really. I don't like to sit in silence unless I'm struggling to comprehend something, but I often find that I can concentrate better when I'm listening to soft music, even reading. A lot of my friends look at me incredulously when I read/work with headphones in, but I find it more conducive to a focused state of mind that listening to the general babble of a classroom full of people.




But like I said, it cuts both ways. I feel, like you, that not enough people really take the time to listen to music properly and appreciate it's true worth. While I work to music, I will often just lie and listen to stuff like Pink Floyd, for example, where there are so many little bits of absolute musical perfection that you could listen to their music for years without getting bored. Ditto with some kinds of more classical music, I'm starting to get really into 'New-Age piano' music at the moment (if you like that kind of thing, look up Jon Schmidt - not very well known, but the music he plays is breathtaking), they are often listened to as background music, but if you listen intimately, you realise the endless mounds of absolute genius that you have been missing, by not giving it your full attention.




Not quite sure how I managed to spout that load of gubbins from a discussion about speakers, but you brought up the topic so I ran with it!

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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I listen to music, as in metal, jazz, indie, etc., when I'm on the computer. But I also listen to classical music when I go to bed. Relaxes me.




And to the people who mostly listen to music on their PC while doing something else. Why do you that? Is there a reason that you are doing this? Or is it just out of a habit?


It's developed into a habit. Thing is, I concentrate better when I'm listening to music, because I've grown so accustomed to listening to it while I do things that it's harder to concentrate when I'm not listening to it. And also, regardless of how carefully I'm listening to the piece of music playing, as long as it's actually good, music makes me happy.




EDIT : 666th post. :)


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My PC is plugged into my hi-fi, stereo, whatever you want to call it. 2 sub-woofers, 2 super-woofers and 4 satellites. I don't think I could ever go back to PC speakers, the depth and clarity I get is unbelievable.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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My PC is plugged into my hi-fi, stereo, whatever you want to call it. 2 sub-woofers, 2 super-woofers and 4 satellites. I don't think I could ever go back to PC speakers, the depth and clarity I get is unbelievable.




I'm in a similar situation. I hacked together two 100 watt JBL speakers and a Logitech 5.1 surround system for effectively a 7.3.




Considering I paid around $100 for it all said and done I'm more than happy.




And How2PK, when I can't sleep I lay in bed and listen to music through headphones. It is for this reason that I started ripping all my MP3s at 320kbps - because I can hear the difference and I enjoy the sonic nuances when I do that ;).


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I'm guilty of listening to it while doing whatever, well, if I'm not listening to people on ventrilo.




Really it keeps my mind busy. Many times I'll spend time when I first get a song just listening to it, and absorbing the whole thing, but after that I just have my playlist on repeat.

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im almost constantly listening to music from the time i get up til i go to bed.




music on the computer*, my PSP*, and my CD player... get quite a bit of use everyday, just for music alone*.




I dont leave the house without my music :P

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I listen to music with a fairly wide range of methods.




50% on the PC. Despite what people say about listening to to music on a computer, I disagree. I've spent a few hundred on an increadible Creative Labs platinum sound card and 5 point speaker system, scattered around my study. I can enjoy my PC music with full genuine surround sound.


30% on my Ipod and K800i. I commute to work and like to listen to some chillout stuff on my mobile devices. I don't like to annoy other people on the bus/train, so if I'm listening to loud stuff, i'll use those uncomfortable deep ear plus. Otherwise, I use my large sneider headset.


10% on my Ipod whilst lying in bed, for about 30mins before I go to sleep. Again I use my sneider headphones which are awesome and expensive. This is my favourite type of musical enjoyment. Just me and the music, with no distractions.


5% listening to other people's music on their crappy mobile phones. It's becoming a major annoyance for me now with chavs sitting on the bus/train with their "pumping tunes", blasting out of a crappy little speaker on their mobile phone.

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Most of the time I listen to music on my computer. The second most of my music is hear on the Chris Moyles show on the way into work and then on CD/iPod link on the way home in my car. I also listen to my iPod when I'm walking to/from the pub sometimes but not if I'm going to a club afterwards in case it goes "missing" in the cloakroom.




I'm with Harrington with the annoyance of mobile phone music on a crappy tweeter. Chavs should be punched in the face for the amount of crap they blare out using those tinny speakers.




edit: Wanted to add a bit more after reading Daans comment about listening on a PC. Firstly the speakers that are on my PC are not cheap left/right speakers in standard stereo sound. I have 5.1 surround sound so I've got a front left, front centre, front right, back left, back right and a sub.




I do however mostly only listen to music while I'm doing something else such as chatting online, posting on forums or reading articles and things. The only time i listen to music on my PC just on its own is on a Saturday morning or when I'm reading a book, which is generally not very often.



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