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These f2p'ers may be destroying themselves


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in this weeks runescape poll (wich is for free players only o.O) has an option that says "I already have enough to do in the free game" wich over 15,000 people voted on... Jagex may see this as an excuse to either revamp members with some major game-altering updates or even take some things away from f2p. It sounds heartless but from a financial point of view it would make a lot of sense and I was wondering if the f2p'ers knew what they were doing when they voted. discuss!

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?








:roll: ungrateful f2p'ers. but i doubt jagex will take anything else from them. i mean, what could they take? any skill they remove will cripple the rs economy. you take mining, well there goes regular ess. take smithing, no more cheap f2p armor. take rcing, no more cheap airs and such. take fishing, no more lobs for the f2pers. there really isn't much more they can take away.. :-k

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how many people total voted in that pole? because 15,000 seems like an awful small percentage, considering how many f2p players there are




over 200,000 voted and even though 11% may seem small thats 15,000 potential members who dont feel they need any new content

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how many people total voted in that pole? because 15,000 seems like an awful small percentage, considering how many f2p players there are




maybe the rest Dont know how to vote lol

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?


firstly, ALL of us do not complain and secondly sweety6556, we are not ungrateful. sure a majority is but the rest of us accept the fact, yes you pay its only right that you get more updates but only just recently in the past 2-3 months has F2P been getting very lucky especially with the party room in falador. not alot of people in P2P that i knew used it but yet some whinged that F2P were getting things they dont deserve. its like giving a baby a ball, it doesnt want it but when the other baby has the ball, the first one will want it. simple logic.




and no-one but jagex knows what will happen with the results of the vote. might go in favor of P2P or F2P all we can do is wait...






and nicrune008, saying that is basically saying were morons. take a look at "some" of the P2P pures that act cocky thinking there much better because there l33t and have 99 str compaired to my 77. my eyes, thats childish.


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^ Dark Aura that was a kick [wagon] post btw. 8-) I'm a p2p pro-f2per




Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?








:roll: ungrateful f2p'ers. but i doubt jagex will take anything else from them. i mean, what could they take? any skill they remove will cripple the rs economy. you take mining, well there goes regular ess. take smithing, no more cheap f2p armor. take rcing, no more cheap airs and such. take fishing, no more lobs for the f2pers. there really isn't much more they can take away.. :-k




I have no idea what your talking about, when and more importantly where do f2p complain? If your a member you wouldn't know if they complain or not in f2p worlds, and I haven't seen any major complaint except more bank space from f2p, which everyone knows they won't get.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I voted for 'I already have enough to do in the Free Game'. It's a F2P only poll, so if you don't think there was enough in the F2P, you would become a member. So the poll does make sense. Enough cheap shots already???


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Theres barley any F2pers that complain most accpet the fact that they don't pay.




Did you notice when they got the party room they didn't complain but we get 1 minor update and we have a riot in world 99 Fally. Most memeber are cocky and think they deserve whatever they want pures especially.




I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising

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670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?


firstly, ALL of us do not complain and secondly sweety6556, we are not ungrateful. sure a majority is but the rest of us accept the fact, yes you pay its only right that you get more updates but only just recently in the past 2-3 months has F2P been getting very lucky especially with the party room in falador. not alot of people in P2P that i knew used it but yet some whinged that F2P were getting things they dont deserve. its like giving a baby a ball, it doesnt want it but when the other baby has the ball, the first one will want it. simple logic.




and no-one but jagex knows what will happen with the results of the vote. might go in favor of P2P or F2P all we can do is wait...






and nicrune008, saying that is basically saying were morons. take a look at "some" of the P2P pures that act cocky thinking there much better because there l33t and have 99 str compaired to my 77. my eyes, thats childish.







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I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising




And all members come from F2P.






yea i dont think its a good idea to be like, heres a game pay $5 monthly for it.








wow really could do this,because after seeing some gameplay you would know if you might want to play it. runescape is kind of like, oh ill try, its free..

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I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising




And all members come from F2P.




i didnt necessarily say they would take out f2p all I said was that Jagex may take away some content or overhaul members (and if f2p generates so much income why would jagex want more members?)

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allot of that 15,000 could also be members who are a f2p player for a short while or people who are members and are voting on their f2p pures...




i personally am f2p and since i dont pay, i dont complain! i mean i would like f2p updates....but were not going to get them so GET OVER IT!!!




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allot of that 15,000 could also be members who are a f2p player for a short while or people who are members and are voting on their f2p pures...




i personally am f2p and since i dont pay, i dont complain! i mean i would like f2p updates....but were not going to get them so GET OVER IT!!!




theres an option of "I already pay for a member account" and another one for people who lost memberships so I find that unlikely

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?








:roll: ungrateful f2p'ers. but i doubt jagex will take anything else from them. i mean, what could they take? any skill they remove will cripple the rs economy. you take mining, well there goes regular ess. take smithing, no more cheap f2p armor. take rcing, no more cheap airs and such. take fishing, no more lobs for the f2pers. there really isn't much more they can take away.. :-k




Firemaking :lol:

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?








:roll: ungrateful f2p'ers. but i doubt jagex will take anything else from them. i mean, what could they take? any skill they remove will cripple the rs economy. you take mining, well there goes regular ess. take smithing, no more cheap f2p armor. take rcing, no more cheap airs and such. take fishing, no more lobs for the f2pers. there really isn't much more they can take away.. :-k




Firemaking :lol:




as pointless as that is id bet there would be a sticky for it in rants :lol:




"wtf jetex i wants fire anyplace"

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those votes can also been done by ppl that try to destroy the game or just like 1 skill, per se mining




or maybe its done by very young people that actually only know to do 1 thing? anythings possible...

Take your time to post on my blog please!


Open up your hate and let it flow into me, madness is the gift that has been given to me...

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15k out of the 280k+ responses to that poll question. Think it's not worth dramatizing. It is, obviously, stupid of them to vote on it, but still they shouldn't lie in a poll so they get updates. Also it doesnt mean they wont be tempted later on to buy a members account, might even motivate Jagex to do better updates to P2p to seduce them, but like I said at the beggining, it's only 15k/280k+ votes.


Runescaper since June 2005


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15k out of the 280k+ responses to that poll question. Think it's not worth dramatizing. It is, obviously, stupid of them to vote on it, but still they shouldn't lie in a poll so they get updates. Also it doesnt mean they wont be tempted later on to buy a members account, might even motivate Jagex to do better updates to P2p to seduce them, but like I said at the beggining, it's only 15k/280k+ votes.
its really not the ratio of voters that coems to play here, 15,000 potential members are a lot to pass up 15,000 people paying 5$ a month would be a nice raise
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15k out of the 280k+ responses to that poll question. Think it's not worth dramatizing. It is, obviously, stupid of them to vote on it, but still they shouldn't lie in a poll so they get updates. Also it doesnt mean they wont be tempted later on to buy a members account, might even motivate Jagex to do better updates to P2p to seduce them, but like I said at the beggining, it's only 15k/280k+ votes.
its really not the ratio of voters that coems to play here, 15,000 potential members are a lot to pass up 15,000 people paying 5$ a month would be a nice raise


Yes of course, I'm not saying it wouldn't. But relatively to the amount of people who would like to become P2p and can't it's not that much.


Also, I'm sure all the f2p players realize that, so I think that by voting for the "I have enough to do in the free world" option, it doesn't exclude the possibility of them becoming members later on, because, fact is, f2p is a fun place but can only take you so far when it comes to "pixel satisfaction". So I'll end this with the same way I started: I think there's no need to dramatize it too much.


Runescaper since June 2005


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15k out of the 280k+ responses to that poll question. Think it's not worth dramatizing. It is, obviously, stupid of them to vote on it, but still they shouldn't lie in a poll so they get updates. Also it doesnt mean they wont be tempted later on to buy a members account, might even motivate Jagex to do better updates to P2p to seduce them, but like I said at the beggining, it's only 15k/280k+ votes.
its really not the ratio of voters that coems to play here, 15,000 potential members are a lot to pass up 15,000 people paying 5$ a month would be a nice raise


Yes of course, I'm not saying it wouldn't. But relatively to the amount of people who would like to become P2p and can't it's not that much.


Also, I'm sure all the f2p players realize that, so I think that by voting for the "I have enough to do in the free world" option, it doesn't exclude the possibility of them becoming members later on, because, fact is, f2p is a fun place but can only take you so far when it comes to "pixel satisfaction". So I'll end this with the same way I started: I think there's no need to dramatize it too much.

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