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did anyone notice the disapearance of draynor.net


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There will never be Tip.It signatures. Never. Ever. Not happening. Bandwidth. End of.




I have however noticed its dissappearence. Instead of posting "zomg my sig has gone noes! runeweb!" does someone wanna tell us why it's gone down?


entridging...i too would like to know...


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Well I'm a Moderator on Draynor (Aaron) and according to other Staff members, Clooth (Owner) is in Vacation currently, and hasn't paid for the server (Though I don't know this for sure).




All I can say is to have patience. Hopefully it should be back up soon. :wink:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Yea, Draynor was great :(


I thought it was just me, but when I saw this topic, It obviously isn't :P


Also, can someone confirm that rsbandb is safe? Sorry, I'm just a bit paranoid about RS Fansites.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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Yea, Draynor was great :(


I thought it was just me, but when I saw this topic, It obviously isn't :P


Also, can someone confirm that rsbandb is safe? Sorry, I'm just a bit paranoid about RS Fansites.




Yep, it's safe.

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Yea, Draynor was great :(


I thought it was just me, but when I saw this topic, It obviously isn't :P


Also, can someone confirm that rsbandb is safe? Sorry, I'm just a bit paranoid about RS Fansites.




Yep, it's safe.


Great, thanks :)

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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There will never be Tip.It signatures. Never. Ever. Not happening. Bandwidth. End of.




I have however noticed its dissappearence. Instead of posting "zomg my sig has gone noes! runeweb!" does someone wanna tell us why it's gone down?




Meh, if other sites can get it done, and clearly not losing money(since draynor.net has been around for years), then why can't tipit?




Anyway, there was no way that you could compete to draynor imho, but if they're not coming back, it's worth reconsidering :/

I know what I know and what I know might well not be what you want to know but then seeing as only I know what I know and you do not know what I know then you will not know if what I know is what you would like to know
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I acually really liked Draynor's Signitures. Although making an original signiture is better, it will be dissapointing if they are permanently down.

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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I don't think they'll be down long, probaly doing something with the high scores thing etc...




Can't be permanant...Hopefully...


They had the best sigs.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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There will never be Tip.It signatures. Never. Ever. Not happening. Bandwidth. End of.




I have however noticed its dissappearence. Instead of posting "zomg my sig has gone noes! runeweb!" does someone wanna tell us why it's gone down?




Meh, if other sites can get it done, and clearly not losing money(since draynor.net has been around for years), then why can't tipit?




Anyway, there was no way that you could compete to draynor imho, but if they're not coming back, it's worth reconsidering :/




Draynor has only been around since around October of last year. :P




I'm jsut hoping Clooth will sort it out soon, it's happened before when Draynor goes days with being offline, but that was only ever 4 days max. :|




Edit: Well according to a staff member Clooth has put Draynor for sale. :/

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Yeah I've heard that it's for sale as well. I didn't know they were that "young", appearantly they couldn't cover the costs after all then, and I was wrong.




To bad that they quit tho

I know what I know and what I know might well not be what you want to know but then seeing as only I know what I know and you do not know what I know then you will not know if what I know is what you would like to know
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Hang on, why are we discussing about a rival Fansite?




It's a deep shame to see, however, as their Signatures were very popular.




Ah well. Not much more to say about it.




- Honoured




Because Tip It is above such things




They had excellent signatures, and probably only one other FanSite could ever match their superiority.


Too bad that certain FanSite won't do dynamic signatures...

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Hang on, why are we discussing about a rival Fansite?




It's a deep shame to see, however, as their Signatures were very popular.




Ah well. Not much more to say about it.




- Honoured




Because Tip It is above such things




They had excellent signatures, and probably only one other FanSite could ever match their superiority.


Too bad that certain FanSite won't do dynamic signatures...




Honestly it was just a Tan sig bar, Runeweb's are more colorful and look better with the same information, also the one in my sig is from Runeweb, look similar to draynor's :?

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I'm a friend of Clooth (Draynor's administrator), and many other mods there, and I'm sorry to say Draynor's down for good. Clooth says he has neither the time nor money to keep it up anymore. He is willing to sell it though, no definite price has been given yet though. :(

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I'm a friend of Clooth (Draynor's administrator), and many other mods there, and I'm sorry to say Draynor's down for good. Clooth says he has neither the time nor money to keep it up anymore. He is willing to sell it though, no definite price has been given yet though. :(




I'm an administrator of Draynor.net (dev there) and will confirm this. In the meantime, I suggest you get dynamic signatures from runeweb or runite.




Sorry for any inconvenience. D:

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I didnt notice they were gone :( . Man I got to find a new siggy now. Anyone know how to make a siggy or another good place to get them?




Edit: Nvm runewebs ok... Still would like to know how to make a siggy.

Get me a whopper!

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Well, if this information is correct, it is indeed a sad day! :(


As the Manager of the KSA Food Shoppe on Draynor.net, I really enjoyed working with our customers there. It was a pleasant and friendly place, it will be sorely missed (including their fine signatures). :?





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It did indeed die?


I tried to go to the stie, you get some strange "Account Temporarily Disabled" error? Whatever that means.




I suppose I'll just delete my 99 hunt goal bar then... already gotten that level anyway ::'

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That's gotta suck not having money for the site.




How much is bandwidth? For like the sigs? What happen to those word ads? That could pay I guess?




I wish I could use the runescape thing and make my own ads :(

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It's annoying that it has gone :wall: But i have a new sig, well more like a pic! :lol: :lol:




I hope they haven't run out of money though, probably just their site is down :-k

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