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Wooden Shield For A Santa?

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~Current Item Sara Kite~







A while ago there was a programme on TV which showed how someone attempted to get a house from starting off with nothing but a paperclip. He started off with small transactions of paperclip for pencil and slowly growing etc. It was very entertaining and always made you wonder if it could happen.




Anyways, a couple of months ago I saw a guy on the RSOF trying to recreate the same idea which was a brilliant idea to see if a community could manage it, however the thread failed at around 2million in items which is a shame. So I thought of trying to accomplish the same thing with a more stable community of TIF.




The idea is to trade a wooden shield for something like an iron pick, and someone trades me black platelegs for the iron pick and so on and so forth eventually achieving the ultimate task of getting a santa hat for initially a wooden shield.




If this great task is accomplished, the santa hat will be sold and a community drop party will be held (of course people who helped with the process will have HIGH priority). :wink: Let's hope the prices remain at their current relatively high state.




I hope you will help to contribute to this magnificent task and if I am not on so that you can offer a transaction please post and I will get back to you when i return. :)






~Bbalking <.<














Wooden Shield for Rune Full Helm ~~~ Turbo Snail1


Rune Full Helm for Sara Kite ~~~ Koen Kolko

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Sorry to say, this has been tried on TIF 3 or 4 times already, but if you pull it off, you will be the first here to do it.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I remember seeing that on TV! He traded the paperclip for a fish pen, etc.




Unfortunatly, i'm not sure if this will work out so good on runescape...... hope it does!




Good Luck! (why didnt i think of that?!?)

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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I say a blog like this earlier called "the path of the potatoe" or something. Kid tried to turn it into a red mask.




It failed cause in rs, eventually someone is gonna get screwed over, trading something thats like 1m less than what they are getting.




In the real world, things are valued differnet. You could trade someone a mobile home for a vaccation home, cause they no longer use nor value the vaccation home, yet want to travel the country.




That just doesn't happen in rs, cause you could just sell the more valued item and buy the less valued item and have cash to spare. e.g. d skirt < d legs.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I say a blog like this earlier called "the path of the potatoe" or something. Kid tried to turn it into a red mask.




It failed cause in rs, eventually someone is gonna get screwed over, trading something thats like 1m less than what they are getting.




In the real world, things are valued differnet. You could trade someone a mobile home for a vaccation home, cause they no longer use nor value the vaccation home, yet want to travel the country.




That just doesn't happen in rs, cause you could just sell the more valued item and buy the less valued item and have cash to spare. e.g. d skirt < d legs.




I've handed out over 10m in donations or gifts to friends and I don't so why a community like this cannont accomplish it. Have faith :wink:

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Yeah I remember a topic like this. It might get a little harder with the more expensive items, because with things that are fairly common, people are likely to trade things that cost more than they are getting. But seeing as there isn't a plethora of expensive items (unlike in the real world) in Runescape, players aren't likely to give up there knowingly pricey items (if that makes sense lol :-k ).

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I believe you will be able to acquire very valuable items through this, but I seriously doubt it will go all the way up to a rare.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Its been on the RSOF for years and I just think its a cheap way to make easy cash.




Sorry, I won't be helping




The only way I want to gain anything from this is if the task is accomplished due to their being failures in the past. The money doesn't matter to me I prefer accomplishing things as you can tell by this thread so my money is earned by myself but no worries I expected many people thinking along the same lines as you when I was thinking of making this thread but also know that there are people who will see over the GP and actually take part in the only known succesful attempt. :)

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good idea




been done before




just a remake of the classic rs egg game.






But you'll nvr get a rare out of it unless u do it for years.




The value jump between most valuable normal item and a rare is 2 huge.




Plus once you get beyond the "noob" items into like whips etc people refuse to trade for anything but cash


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good idea




been done before




just a remake of the classic rs egg game.






But you'll nvr get a rare out of it unless u do it for years.




The value jump between most valuable normal item and a rare is 2 huge.




Plus once you get beyond the "noob" items into like whips etc people refuse to trade for anything but cash




Not true, people don't just have to trade 1 item for another item, mix and matched items can accomplish this task. I hate failing so, like you said, if it takes a long while I will persist :)

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Thats easy for you to say, you got 800m+ in your siggy. :-k


O well, Ill trade the iron pick tho!!




Sorry :P the current item is a Sara Kite, but thanks for the offer of the iron pick if it was still a wooden shield :)

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good idea




been done before




just a remake of the classic rs egg game.






But you'll nvr get a rare out of it unless u do it for years.




The value jump between most valuable normal item and a rare is 2 huge.




Plus once you get beyond the "noob" items into like whips etc people refuse to trade for anything but cash




Not true, people don't just have to trade 1 item for another item, mix and matched items can accomplish this task. I hate failing so, like you said, if it takes a long while I will persist :)




True you can trade more than 1 item for the next level but if you think about it. You'd need to trade to point where u say got a whip and rune kite.




Then you'd have to redo the rune kite to get another whip and junk item.




And you'd have to repeat that several times to get near santa value.




And you still hit the wall of beyond about rune items people rarely if every trade for items.




You'll be hard pushed to make someone part with a rare for ur items


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To me, this is begging :/




Anyway, good luck to you




i feel the same way, the first time it was done it was really funny and a cool idea, but now there are just tons of threads like this and i think they all want the same thing........and its not the sense of accomplishment i dont think

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