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I'm using a dual 1.8ghz intel 2 duo core, 2gb ram, 7900GS (256mb) and am running it on all high. I'll have a lag [bleep]e here or then though because I don't have a 512mb card).




That's great. I guess I will download it now.




Wait... download? I hope your not meaning pirating...


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I'm using a dual 1.8ghz intel 2 duo core, 2gb ram, 7900GS (256mb) and am running it on all high. I'll have a lag [bleep]e here or then though because I don't have a 512mb card).




That's great. I guess I will download it now.




Wait... download? I hope your not meaning pirating...


I know you're a girl and everything but you don't have to be so uptight about downloading.

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I'm using a dual 1.8ghz intel 2 duo core, 2gb ram, 7900GS (256mb) and am running it on all high. I'll have a lag [bleep]e here or then though because I don't have a 512mb card).




That's great. I guess I will download it now.




Wait... download? I hope your not meaning pirating...




That could mean a bunch of things. He could mean download the demo, download through steam, or be one of those people that says download when they go to get anything :P .

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I'm using a dual 1.8ghz intel 2 duo core, 2gb ram, 7900GS (256mb) and am running it on all high. I'll have a lag [bleep]e here or then though because I don't have a 512mb card).




That's great. I guess I will download it now.




Wait... download? I hope your not meaning pirating...


I know you're a girl and everything but you don't have to be so uptight about downloading.




Does Lion know? (yes/no)

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I'm using a dual 1.8ghz intel 2 duo core, 2gb ram, 7900GS (256mb) and am running it on all high. I'll have a lag [bleep]e here or then though because I don't have a 512mb card).




That's great. I guess I will download it now.




Wait... download? I hope your not meaning pirating...


I know you're a girl and everything but you don't have to be so uptight about downloading.






Does Lion know? (yes/no)






wouldnt answering that question give whatever it is your keeping secret away?




come to think of it... doesnt asking it kind of make it obvious that there's deception afoot?

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Man this game keeps getting more and more brilliant each time I turn around.




I'm almost to Ryan now... some of the recent stuff that has happened has been strange as hell.










Also my wrench can now freeze enemies and give me HP back, lol. Plasmids = win :D

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Would you kindly?




Man, this game is great.






Can someone please tell me what's the plot of the game?






The game takes place in 1960 in a fictional large underwater metropolis called Rapture, built on the seabed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Built in 1946 by Andrew Ryan, Rapture is designed to be entirely self-supporting, with all of its electricity, food production, water purification and defense systems powered by undersea volcanic openings. During the early 1950s, Rapture's population peaked at several thousand, and was composed of people Ryan viewed as the best examples of mankind. A large and tiered economy grows among the people, catering different quality products to different levels of the society.




A scientific discovery upsets the balance of the society. A young German scientist named Bridgette Tenenbaum discovers a species of sea slug that could secrete pure stem cells. These could be used to enhance one's body, improving physical or mental capabilities, curing diseases and healing injuries. Needing a financial backer and supplies for her research, and having been turned down by all the respectable labs, she turns to Frank Fontaine, the leader of a smuggling ring inside Port Neptune.




I hope you don't mind copy-pastes..




And apparently there are two endings!


I'm off to beat the game for a second time now.

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IVe got in on PC, ive had alot of trouble trying to install it with problems with the activation codes you need to put in, but i think it was due to the activation severs for Australian gamers being down for some reason.... But theres being problems with the activation codes stillafter the sever came online and there is being a patch thats going to be released soon to fix the problem.




Anyway, i feel like ive scratched the surface so far in the game, im up to the bit where im about to inject myself with the telekinesis upgrade, but i have no spots left for it, and i dont partically want to get rid of my shock and fire upgrades.




So i have a question, is there a place that i would be able to get to, considering how far i am in the game, (dental surgery) that i would be able to buy an upgrade to allow me to carry more Plasmids? At the moment i can only carry 2, I want to be able to carry more if possible.

permanantley muted for offensive language! pwnd some noobs though XD
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this game has so much baggage tied to it.


I hope im not the only one reading about its faults...




What faults?




Besides that small wide screen issue, and the high graphics demand, there dosent seem to be a problem.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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this game has so much baggage tied to it.


I hope im not the only one reading about its faults...




What faults?




Besides that small wide screen issue, and the high graphics demand, there dosent seem to be a problem.




http://kotaku.com/gaming/more-bioshock- ... 292222.php




http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/BioShoc ... finest_pic

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1. I didn't have a problem with the activation (Almost thought it failed, but thats because i put an o instead of a 0.)




2. They person updated the first article. You have to uninstall and reinstall the game and it will still work.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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This is the best story line i've ever seen in a video game for sure.


If it beats KOTOR, it has to be something.


But I already reserved Halo 3, so it's either this or Mass Effect...Argh, which one?

OR you could get a job! :XD: :XD: :XD:




I played through about half of KOTOR so I'm not sure how it will compare but of the games I've played its got the best story line of them all.


Well, I'm not old enough to get worried about my lack of work yet, but I get your point.


Your other sentence was rather vague, but I'll assume you meant Bioshock has the best storyline ever. Interesting...

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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This is the best story line i've ever seen in a video game for sure.


If it beats KOTOR, it has to be something.


But I already reserved Halo 3, so it's either this or Mass Effect...Argh, which one?

OR you could get a job! :XD: :XD: :XD:




I played through about half of KOTOR so I'm not sure how it will compare but of the games I've played its got the best story line of them all.


Well, I'm not old enough to get worried about my lack of work yet, but I get your point.


Your other sentence was rather vague, but I'll assume you meant Bioshock has the best storyline ever. Interesting...




I think he means KOTOR had the best story.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Faults aside, it's still a great game; I just beat it today on 360, on Medium, netting me a nice extra 800 Gamerscore \' genius storyline, really.


I beat it too, with 860 points and 44/50 achievements...would have had 49 achievements if i didn't kill a certain musician #-o

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Ha. Me as well, me as well, no worries. I'm gonna hate getting the diaries, though. >.<


I saved in the room RIGHT before the final fight so i could use the bathysphere to get the 10 i missed...gunna zoom through it on hard and go back for tonics + weapons when i be the __________

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this game has so much baggage tied to it.


I hope im not the only one reading about its faults...




What faults?




Besides that small wide screen issue, and the high graphics demand, there dosent seem to be a problem.




http://kotaku.com/gaming/more-bioshock- ... 292222.php




http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/BioShoc ... finest_pic




Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!




In other words, soon there will be a work around and it won't be a problem anymore.

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Got my new graphics card :D




Had problems with getting my computer to like it, but it seems the two are behaving together now.




The game looks amazing, and I can play it on high!




Just a wee bit lagy during fight scenes with alot of splicers, but thats my ram.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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