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That time of year.


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When we're going back to school (well some people). I'm going into the 6th grade (don't flame me, i've seen 11-12 year olds on here before) so i'm just saying wich grade are you goin into, when are you goin there, and are you nervous/excited? I don't really care but i'm a little worried about homework and what not.




I'm going August 27th.

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When we're going back to school (well some people). I'm going into the 6th grade (don't flame me, i've seen 11-12 year olds on here before) so i'm just saying wich grade are you goin into, when are you goin there, and are you nervous/excited? I don't really care but i'm a little worried about homework and what not.




I'm going August 27th.




LOL! Grade 6......your like 10? When you registered on tip.it their is an agreement if your 13 and over you know-.-




Anyways im going to 10th grade and im pumped

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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I start in 10 hours, 10th grade.




I'm excited, lots of people I haven't seen in a while, and every day I ussually go across the street from school to eat/go to starbucks and that's always fun. I love the busy-ness of my school (4000 students)




*High-five* yay sophomores. . . Or I dunno, depending on where you live it could be different. . .




But I'm taking some different classes this year, I've got Java Programming, won't that be fun? I'm only apprehensive about Spanish, cuz I got the easiest teacher ever last year and kinda just coasted through. . . be a bit of an adjustment to make if my teacher's an evil bat.


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When we're going back to school (well some people). I'm going into the 6th grade (don't flame me, i've seen 11-12 year olds on here before) so i'm just saying wich grade are you goin into, when are you goin there, and are you nervous/excited? I don't really care but i'm a little worried about homework and what not.




I'm going August 27th.




LOL! Grade 6......your like 10? When you registered on tip.it their is an agreement if your 13 and over you know-.-




Anyways im going to 10th grade and im pumped




Actually i'm 12 and alot of other people are 11 or 12 here. Please no more flaming.

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When we're going back to school (well some people). I'm going into the 6th grade (don't flame me, i've seen 11-12 year olds on here before) so i'm just saying wich grade are you goin into, when are you goin there, and are you nervous/excited? I don't really care but i'm a little worried about homework and what not.




I'm going August 27th.




LOL! Grade 6......your like 10? When you registered on tip.it their is an agreement if your 13 and over you know-.-




Anyways im going to 10th grade and im pumped




Actually i'm 12 and alot of other people are 11 or 12 here. Please no more flaming.




That wasn't flame. He was pointing out your disregard of the age requirement. And before you say it, no this isn't flame either. Happy schooling.


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Goodluck in middle school. As long as you don't get into any trouble, those three years will fly by.




Oh and I'm going into highschool. Can't wait for it. 4 more years and I'm off to college! :shock:

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im in 8th grade first year of jr high! \'
Isnt 8th grade the last year of Jr. High?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Another Sophmore posting! :o




Best thing about this year is: Last year of PE woot! So damn boring...would be better if we just ran everyday...




August 27th, here I come. \'

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I thought your title was "that time of the month"(girls know what I mean), but anyways school isn't that harduntil high school of course.. :lol:




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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I thought your title was "that time of the month"(girls know what I mean), but anyways school isn't that harduntil high school of course.. :lol:


ROFL!!! I was thinking Christmas, but it's not Christmas so I thought it was spam for a sec. #-o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Goodluck in middle school. As long as you don't get into any trouble, those three years will fly by.




Oh and I'm going into highschool. Can't wait for it. 4 more years and I'm off to college! :shock:

You're my age? I coulda sworn you were a year older. :-k
mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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I'll be a junior in high school this year.




I have no clue as to what I'm doing for the rest of my life, or what college I wish to attend. Procrastination = win.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Going to 10th grade this year. \'




More excited then anything. This is about the time girls hormones are raging like mine. :-w




Lulz but seriously, I'm excited. No longer a freshman, even though that year was a lot of fun. No one messed with me like I expected, I was just... '' cool '' with everyone. :o :oops:

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