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A NEW PIXEL SIG after a while...


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Ok i made this for a friend who's getting RS married soon so i went for a romantic one this time...




There will be 2 versions of this sigs, with inverted names so both of them can use their own at will...




I'm very happy with the result however anything can be improved so please leave C/C if you want. Thx
















Note : The border is a simple slim black line since i still don't know my friend's preferences about it...so skip that part in C/C :wink:

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omg i cant actually believe thats done in paint








friggin amazing









And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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oooooh :shock:








very nice reddish sunset. That will help me with my own sig, i couldnt get the sky right (lol i inverted the red and yellow part in the sky... no wonder it looks weird :roll: )








But this is awsome, with the birds, the shadows on the clouds and the good use of colors.




And then there is the water, really awsome, it has a nice glittering effect on it and even the shadows of the mountains.




And those 2 little devils give your sig the finishing touch... hehe i like them very much.








Good work












- Nachtshaduw

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:D god to see your face...eeh...sigs around here again Jeppoz :)








Just one little crit, the land which the castle stands on seems kinda floating to me...kinda seems like it isn't really a part of the image. Maybe make the line where the water and land meets kinda glittering, too, as if it's wet or something, I dunno.








ooh, and this is also alot better than the last one IMO, but I still miss your old sig :(

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Your good at "pixels" yeah, but why is this so alias? Doesnt look like it's made in paint at all, more like Photoshop.








I don't use paint, i use Graphics Gale due to faster palette interface and a useful layer system (it provides you a 1 color FULL transparency so that you don't mess up the whole drawing if you make mistakes on the finishing details).Text is in photoshop of course... Other than that stick to your 3d models or learn that you can antialiase in pixel 2...

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That is really beautiful, how long did it take?








Also love the imps!








Great Job! :D








Thx, it actualy took me shorter than expected...around 5-6 hours overall, mainly cause anything went the right way...




5-6 hours :shock:

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Nice to see another one from you, very nicely done. Few things I think would make it look nicer.








Maybe a sun of some kind? Or something else in the sky..








ALSO, I had a idea, you could have the birds in the sky making out a heart shape, I think that would look great, good work though.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Nice to see another one from you, very nicely done. Few things I think would make it look nicer.








Maybe a sun of some kind? Or something else in the sky..








ALSO, I had a idea, you could have the birds in the sky making out a heart shape, I think that would look great, good work though.








Yeah i considered both your suggestions but discarded them.




The sun wasn't that hard to place but would have changed the overall light, introducing some way 2 strong colors i didn't want in the scene (i aimed for something romantic, not 100% realistic).




About the birds, well the heart shape is a classic...and that's its real problem.




I'm not that big fan of obvious things if they can be avoided.








Thx for the feedback anyway, it's always welcome ! :D

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Congrats on another beautiful sig, looks like you really "paint" with the pixels. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the right island silouette (sp), would rather like it not branch out so much like the BG land. Awsome use of those colors, great again to see the details. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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I know how graphics gale works thankyou, I THOUGHT you were using paint from what others said. People seem to think I only do 3D, fact is I've been using photoshop allot longer, and have done isometric pixelart in the past. Doing alias stuff in pixel avoids the point of it being pixel. You may as well just do it in vector.


Quit RS 2005 | RSN: Johnalder

Back as of 5/7/2008!

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