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Brains..Or Beauty?


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I would choose brains, then they can figure out a way to be beautiful :twisted: (super plastic surgery anyone?)




Because brains can think of a way to do that. Good idea.

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If there can't be a mix than beauty. Ugly but smart people always end up alone. And I don't want to be alone.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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At this point in my life (things might change when I'm older and wiser)...




I wouldn't go for a girl who is very ugly but very smart. Just can't happen. I would have a hard time even starting a conversation with her, even if she initiated it. It might sound shallow, but I also wouldn't go for a girl who is incredibly hot but incredibly stupid. Somehow the two are related though. Compromise. If there was something in between I'd take it. But since there's not, I'd prefer a hot girl with a shred of intelligence where I'm at in life now.

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I have neither brains nor beauty, but I'm happy enough. If I were more intelligent or more attractive, I wouldn't be me.




As far as a partner goes, I think the old saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" stands firm. Intelligence wise, stupidity is obviously a turn-off but I'm not expecting everyone to be rocket scientists.


The Poison Fairy

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i wonder when people will realise when they're supposed to pick one or the other not both...




I was thinking the exact same thing. Truly amazing how people fail at such a simple task.




That, and people STILL don't seem to get that this is what you would rather have, not what you would rather someone else have. . .




I say it again, I would rather have brains, for the reasons that I already posted.


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i wonder when people will realise when they're supposed to pick one or the other not both...




I was thinking the exact same thing. Truly amazing how people fail at such a simple task.




That, and people STILL don't seem to get that this is what you would rather have, not what you would rather someone else have. . .




Good grief, what's the matter with some of you? Is it not enough that people are thinking about it and posting their opinions? Why do you feel the need to dictate exactly what we should be saying? We are all quite capable of independent thought and are equally capable of verbalising those thoughts. And we will do so with or without your permission.




Now, can someone please help me down off this horse? It's awfully high up here.


The Poison Fairy

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Good grief, what's the matter with some of you? Is it not enough that people are thinking about it and posting their opinions? Why do you feel the need to dictate exactly what we should be saying? We are all quite capable of independent thought and are equally capable of verbalising those thoughts. And we will do so with or without your permission.




Now, can someone please help me down off this horse? It's awfully high up here.




My apologies, milady. *bows*




Now, might I offer you my hand to help you from this horse that you speak of?


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i wonder when people will realise when they're supposed to pick one or the other not both...




I was thinking the exact same thing. Truly amazing how people fail at such a simple task.




That, and people STILL don't seem to get that this is what you would rather have, not what you would rather someone else have. . .




Good grief, what's the matter with some of you? Is it not enough that people are thinking about it and posting their opinions? Why do you feel the need to dictate exactly what we should be saying? We are all quite capable of independent thought and are equally capable of verbalising those thoughts. And we will do so with or without your permission.




Now, can someone please help me down off this horse? It's awfully high up here.




i dont have a problem with any one saying who would they rather be with just people saying "id rather be both because blah blah blah."




we all know everyone would rather be both but the question is intellect or beauty

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Beauty, I prefer to be the intelligent one in relationships 8-)




However, by saying that, I'd be treating the girl like a peace of meat.. which is a bad thing ...or is it?




In a short term relationship - beauty, long term brains.






Real life both 8-)

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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probably brains so we wouldn't have bounced checks everything in debt lol :P




All women do that. I swear to God, they have no sense of where money comes from or how much they're actually spending. My dad would be a millionaire if it wasn't for my mom's inane spending habits. We literally have 2-3 copies of everything we own because she forgets she buys things...Then doesn't return them.




Thankfully, my girlfriend hates to shop. :lol:




To the OP:




I'd date an ugly, smart girl sooner than a hot, dumb girl. Dumb girls annoy me to no end and I'd rather smash into them with my car than talk to them, let alone date or breed with them.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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probably brains so we wouldn't have bounced checks everything in debt lol :P




All women do that. I swear to God, they have no sense of where money comes from or how much they're actually spending. My dad would be a millionaire if it wasn't for my mom's inane spending habits. We literally have 2-3 copies of everything we own because she forgets she buys things...Then doesn't return them.




Thankfully, my girlfriend hates to shop. :lol:




To the OP:




I'd date an ugly, smart girl sooner than a hot, dumb girl. Dumb girls annoy me to no end and I'd rather smash into them with my car than talk to them, let alone date or breed with them.

No breeding? :o! But they are so easy, and you can use the lamest excuse to end it with them! =P~

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Without reading any replies:




I like brains in a girl but she can't be a total dog. I have to be physically attracted to her too. If she's okay looking and has brains and a good personality I have no problem with her.

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