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Retirement Signature + Clan Banner Pixels


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Hey guyses.


After reading the Picture of the month thread, I have decided to post some of my most recent artwork. This was made for Run_Foo12 of RSC and I will remove the sampling once he has paid me. I know under the circumstances discussing the selling of pixels is prohibited, but this was sold for cash in real life, which makes it a completely legal trade.




Here is the sampled piece, which will be unsampled when I receive payment.








Enjoy :P And if you feel Im worthy, go on and nominate me for the pic of the month ;)




Edit -




Here's a clan banner I'm making , again for someone on rsc, but this is pretty early in the WIP stage. I started with my old style of robes, but found a better one, so I'll redo the other two on the right when I get time. It is sampled still, so don't try to rip please, it'll be better for all :P








Enjoy and yeah, will update it when it's updated :P





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Nice to see you again. :)




Pretty good from what I can see, I'll come back to this once it's been un-sampled, but from what I can tell it looks terribly pillow-shaded. :|




Good job nonetheless - would like to see it unsampled soon. :)


Pixel Artist - Former Player Mod - Former Tip.It Mod

Not taking sig requests - sorry!

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Yea, looks pretty nice to me, but I can't really see the detail because of the samples. I just love the guy on the right, but the text is kind of on him. I would recommend you to make the text smaller and move it to the right edge.



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Thanks for the replies guys (Rhymes :P)




Faelenof - Yeah, I think it is pillow shaded, which I think comes from me doing the characters first, and yeah :( But I'll try take you're advice when I continue my 14 people banner I'm making for $40AUD.




And metsa - The samples are heavy due to me being ripped in the past. It took me ages of stress and action to finally get them to remove the ripped banner, and I really would rather not go through it all again. The text, was inspired by a great pixeler, Castelum of RSC if you haven't heard of him, I advise you to look up his works, he is fantastic. And I could make the text smaller but it would require totally redoing it, which I'd like to avoid, but would be more than happy to change if the requestor wants to.




Thanks guyses, and keep the posting :P



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It looks very well done - Id love to see it without the watermarks it is so very much pretty.




If the transaction goes to plan, then it should be a $20 USD signature, or $25AUD :P


Sounds relatively cheap for a work that well done, non the less you are getting paid for something you enjoy which is great.

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Thanks All for the comments.




Yeah, a few people have told me my work is worth more, but what would you, the good people of tif, believe my work is worth? :P It'd be interesting to see what people think :)

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Thanks All for the comments.




Yeah, a few people have told me my work is worth more, but what would you, the good people of tif, believe my work is worth? :P It'd be interesting to see what people think :)




If I had the money to spare I would pay upwards of $50 USD for that sig.



-All sigs by me.

[My Gallery]

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My cc:








Sorry, I didn't want anyone stealing it.








[i understand why you put SAMPLEs on it, but really, do you neeed to put so much on it, at that transparency?]


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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Thanks All for the comments.




Yeah, a few people have told me my work is worth more, but what would you, the good people of tif, believe my work is worth? :P It'd be interesting to see what people think :)




If I had the money to spare I would pay upwards of $50 USD for that sig.




:shock: 50USD? its a bunch of pixels man! #-o




I think it looks quite nice, the left part could be brighter though. But that is also a matter of taste.




How much did that guy pay for it? :)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Thanks All for the comments.




Yeah, a few people have told me my work is worth more, but what would you, the good people of tif, believe my work is worth? :P It'd be interesting to see what people think :)




If I had the money to spare I would pay upwards of $50 USD for that sig.




:shock: 50USD? its a bunch of pixels man! #-o




I think it looks quite nice, the left part could be brighter though. But that is also a matter of taste.




How much did that guy pay for it? :)






Yeah, but the amount of time...






And also:


If the transaction goes to plan, then it should be a $20USD signature



-All sigs by me.

[My Gallery]

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Thanks guys, and yeah pixels do take a while.




It's been 3-4 days and Run f0012 hasn't logged into RSC at all, thinking he might be tied up with school or something, But I'll wait a little longer before judging him. I've done a bit of a style study of the pixeler Castelum, and might try and apply his style of robes to my 14 person banner.




My banner is, unfortunately, not my best work, and this is because of the large scale of the piece, no doubt I'll try and turn it around, but yeah, sorry if I disappoint some :(





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Bumping this with a bit of an update to the situation.




Run foo has pmed me, and as I thought, he has been on vacation. He will be reviewing it soon to determine whether he's ready to pay soon, or whether I need to change stuff. So, seems positive :)




My banner has also taken a bit of a turn around in my opinion and I believe I may be able to improve my work, or keep it up to my standard with this new style study :P




Thanks guys, posts are appreciated a lot :P





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This is horribly pillow-shaded, and your lightsource should be easy to figure out in this sig tbh :-s




Apart from that it looks good.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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[i understand why you put SAMPLEs on it, but really, do you neeed to put so much on it, at that transparency?]




For the most part people don't need to put something like that. But he did some seriously nice work there, and if I was in his shoes, there would be more 'samples' than that.






Very nice work Ben. Glad to see you just keep on improving ;)

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Thanks all for the kind words, and I only sample like that because some dedicated people worked on unsampling my work, to put a terribly altered version of mine up from a similiar opacity, otherwise I'd be more careful as to my sampling.




Anways, I come with an update, I believe the pixel is finished, and that I should be paid farely soon. :) I'll keep you in touch with the situation :P

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Your such a incredible pixeller. I don't even have the patience for pixelling :P

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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