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Godwar armour pixel signature.


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Its still a work in progress. Please give constructive crits. Or bring up my ego by calling me awesome works too.




Current state:






Some info about this piece: Hes wearing Berserker helm, beefed up firecape ( its ment to be made of fire, not flowing lava in my opinion) Bando's Chestplate, Bando's legwear. Wielding a Saradomin sword and a Strength potion in the other hand.


Time:Lots of hours atm, probably around 15 already (I work very slow, and I only do so much in an hour before I begin scouting on forums again )








Changed the lifting arm. Making it longer and more anatomical correct muscle wise. Made the aura around the firecape more brownish. Hand bigger and changed the colours of the face around a bit. Sorry guys but the empty eye sockets are here to stay. The eyes looked weird without em.






Changed shoulder area. Added mountains and volcano. Deleted mage arena.




bandosstrikesstb3.png Decided on a wasteland background. Maybe someone left dead near the sign will be added later.




bandosstrikessyx7.png Finished the path and the grass. Added frame for a dead guy, added skulls on a spear (yummy =P~ ) and decided on a rocky surface for the right side.




::Still need ideas for the dead guy :P. Idea's appreciated.::




Please have the decenty to try not to rip. I'd be flattered but this piece would become worthless if it was ripped :P .




Commence posting ::'


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Simple wow.




Amazing job, such great detail. :)




All I can really see is that the raised arm seems a little... mis-shapen? Something about it seems off.




But great anyway. Brilliant work. ::'

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I agree that the raised arm looks a little strange I think it's because of the placement of the muscle indents, it sort of makes it look like the elbow is really high up, and it doesn't narrow out smoothly enough, it gets too thin too fast. The only other thing is the face which i presume isn't done, I don't like that orange on it, makes it look weird, the eyes are crazy too. Apart from that brilliant job.


Sig by me....

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On the bottom part of his arm is a misconfiguration. Its nearly straight and then widens at his wrist. Most people I know have their wrist smaller than their arm. :roll:



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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thats freakin beutiful :cry:


id rate it out of ten but im not sure that numbers go that high




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I know you are trying to make him evil, but the eyes don't go right.




Your sample marks are covering up the potion, so no one can see what that area looks like.




I think some of the muscles on him need to be defined just a tiny bit more.




I don't know about the AA on the bottom of the sword.




Those are the negative points.




The positive points are:




Beautiful shading




The firecape is wonderful




The helmet is excellent




The bandos armour looks so lifelike. I could give praise about it for hours and hours.




The night sky is great. It gives it a dark atmosphere and really accents the man with the sword.




I love your stars.




I can imagine what your mountains and the rest of your background will look like. They will be great.






I could see a perfect follow up signature. A beaten man with a dented helm, bloody armour and matted hair pleading with him to spare him.




That type of masterful pixeling is what I want to be able to someday do.

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Finally. Thank you.




Onto the crits. Looking well on it's way right now, great job. Good colours so far, I think, though as someone mentioned above the eye colour is too "bahahaa I'm so uber evil" - doesn't look like you're done with the eyes yet, so hopefully you're going to move away from evil red eyes. :) Also, seems a tad bit overdithered around the flames of the fire cape - detracts from the glowy aura that would otherwise be good. You could either reduce the dithering, or introduce a less saturated colour into the dithering in order to get rid of the blatant orange that's showing up right now.




Neck seems awfully odd - either his neck is too long, his head is too far away from his shoulders, or his neck is too thin - thicken it up on his left side, maybe.




Right hand seems a tad bit small: looks like it's gonna break if he holds the sword that stiffly to his side. :uhh: Chunky up the hand a bit, or maybe even make the arm a bit longer. Seems out of proportion somewhat, but always take my anatomy crits with a grain of salt - I'm not all that good at it.




I reeeally like the shoulder guard and the sword, though the sword I think could use a teensy bit more gradual gradient on the sword edges. I also quite like the armour in general, actually, though the specular (shiny white bit) seems too harsh - tone it down a bit, maybe? :? The sky is great as well, although the fourth star from the left (the one at the bottom, the really faint one) is a little too obviously a bunch of dots. That's just me nitpicking though. :P




As Moonshadow said above, I do hope you'd reduce the opacity or whatever with the sample text so we can at least see the potion. :|




Not much else to crit on, I think. I'd love to see your next WIP, it'll give me something to look forward to on these boards. :) Can't think of anything to add in the background - you could use a few dragons or demons or whatever, but they're sadly overused in wilderness backgrounds. If you wanted to, you could use some artistic license and have a bunch of the God Wars monsters there (eg, Aviantese, trolls, Saradomin/Zamorak mages/warriors/archers, etc), to make a pseudo-God Wars setting as if your character's fighting along with them.




*shrug* Up to you. Once again, thank you so very much for posting this, it's nice to say something other than "read some tutorials". :)


- Fael


Pixel Artist - Former Player Mod - Former Tip.It Mod

Not taking sig requests - sorry!

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Arr, I kinda figured the short arm part a long time ago, but I was too lazy to do it :lol: .




Thanks for the crits guys, they won't go in vain.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Finally. Thank you.




Onto the crits. Looking well on it's way right now, great job. Good colours so far, I think, though as someone mentioned above the eye colour is too "bahahaa I'm so uber evil" - doesn't look like you're done with the eyes yet, so hopefully you're going to move away from evil red eyes. :) Also, seems a tad bit overdithered around the flames of the fire cape - detracts from the glowy aura that would otherwise be good. You could either reduce the dithering, or introduce a less saturated colour into the dithering in order to get rid of the blatant orange that's showing up right now.




Neck seems awfully odd - either his neck is too long, his head is too far away from his shoulders, or his neck is too thin - thicken it up on his left side, maybe.




Right hand seems a tad bit small: looks like it's gonna break if he holds the sword that stiffly to his side. :uhh: Chunky up the hand a bit, or maybe even make the arm a bit longer. Seems out of proportion somewhat, but always take my anatomy crits with a grain of salt - I'm not all that good at it.




I reeeally like the shoulder guard and the sword, though the sword I think could use a teensy bit more gradual gradient on the sword edges. I also quite like the armour in general, actually, though the specular (shiny white bit) seems too harsh - tone it down a bit, maybe? :? The sky is great as well, although the fourth star from the left (the one at the bottom, the really faint one) is a little too obviously a bunch of dots. That's just me nitpicking though. :P




As Moonshadow said above, I do hope you'd reduce the opacity or whatever with the sample text so we can at least see the potion. :|




Not much else to crit on, I think. I'd love to see your next WIP, it'll give me something to look forward to on these boards. :) Can't think of anything to add in the background - you could use a few dragons or demons or whatever, but they're sadly overused in wilderness backgrounds. If you wanted to, you could use some artistic license and have a bunch of the God Wars monsters there (eg, Aviantese, trolls, Saradomin/Zamorak mages/warriors/archers, etc), to make a pseudo-God Wars setting as if your character's fighting along with them.




*shrug* Up to you. Once again, thank you so very much for posting this, it's nice to say something other than "read some tutorials". :)


- Fael




That practically covers all the C/C.




But wow, amazing!! :shock: I love the sword, the cape, the shading...




Fantastic job. :shock: ::'


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Small update. bandosstrikessez0.png.




Ill work on the background now. The person won't get any changes. His ensurrence won't pay out the money for the plastic surgery any more, so he will have to cope with his deformants. In your face!


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Chase you with a pillow shaded plank! Or something like that.




I like it, though I'm not too fussed about the fire cape :/ I would seriously consider making the arm weilding the sword a little better, to me, it gives off the illusion (in the armpit) to go into the arm, (where the bright part is) instead of what it should look like, and he looks like he is being a giraffe apprentice, I would seriously consider (I consider things seriously a lot :P) moving it down, or making it seem better.




But good piece, will be better when done, I'm looking forward to it ;)

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Arm looks much, much, much better. Good fix. And the eyes don't look so "zomg i r ebil" now, thanks for that too. :P Empty eye sockets weren't so much of a problem to me as the red tint of the eye sockets. :)




Thanks for moving the watermark as well - I can't help but feel there's something wrong with the way his left arm is bent, maybe need a bit more foreshortening on his elbow area, and I still have a bit of a problem with his neck/shoulder area, but as you said just before you're not gonna change him anymore so feel free to disregard this. ;)




Good luck with the rest of it, I'll be here to give any crits should you want them. :D


Pixel Artist - Former Player Mod - Former Tip.It Mod

Not taking sig requests - sorry!

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Oo sweet I like how you made the fire cape look like its burning.


Good job so far. Don't rush the background


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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Small update, Added mountains and deleted the what was ment to be mage arena.




Really need background idea's people :? . I can't think of any.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Small update, Added mountains and deleted the what was ment to be mage arena.




Really need background idea's people :? . I can't think of any.




He looks like he is commanding an army with hi's beautiful god sword


pointing in that fashion, perhaps have a "pk gang" in the distance or two


people fighting.




That is all i can suggest on the background it all ready


looks very good infact it looks very much finished to me


but what do i know.




looks great <3:

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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-Add some cuts or blood to him


-Maybe some dragons fought by players or a war going on in the background.


-Show the first version of the pixel. I want to see the changes to the arm from before.



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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Pretty decent work there, Only thing I don't like is that cape. Imo it looks quite stupid, but thats just me. Otherwise great job, and keep on drawing!




9/10 (always something to improve) ;)


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Brilliant! But the text ruins it a bit for me, only thing i would change..You should use a pixel font and put it in bottom left corner.




I see you are new to this. This is a work in progress, I write text all over it so noone can use it yet. If I made the text too small, we would have a whole invasion of this piece over every other forum. It would be nothing special.




When Im done and someone deserves to have it. Then it will bear his name so he can only use it.




Don't worry, the text will be changed. But thats the last step :wink:


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Wow! I really love the updated version. I think though you shoudl put a bit of blood on the sword, cover him with cuts and bruises a bit. like he was fighting off an army.(Sorry if some already said that but I just browse the rest of the comments.) And put by the volcano molten rocks flying everywhere, make it look like it's exploing. and put the flames on the cape down a bit.

Doesn't take chances. Look's cute, but dangerous. So don't mess with me.

TY to Cowboy14 for the awesome Avvy, and Unoalexi for the sig!


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