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World 16 Airs Trade Spam. - Simple Solution.


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Okay, this rant is NOT about Runecrafting. So please dont post here saying 'Pfft, why you doing airs at 44 Rc, do natures'.It is about the relentless spam trading of players at World 16, wanting to trade.




Right, so i like to keep my players happy by making sure if they trade first, i'll see to them first. To do this, i trade from the first person who traded, and then work down the list looking at my box chat. (chat to hide).




Now, theres nothing more frustrating then seeing this;




'A wants to trade'


'B want to trade'


'C wants to trade'


'C wants to trade'


'C wants to trade'


'D wants to trade'


'C wants to trade'


'D wants to trade'


'B wants to trade'


'C wants to trade'


'E wants to trade'


-You can see the pattern.




Now im stuck trying to see who traded me second, third and fourth, aswell as catch then names before they fly off my chat because some Kid has spammed me hard.


The worst thing is, there is no option to add that player to ignore, as you cant 'Add Ignore' when someone has offered to trade, only when they chat.




Its extremely frustrating, as i then lose people as traders, and feel like an idiot when they hurl abuse at me.






The solution is extremely easy... Make a limit to how often you can trade a person before being allowed to do it again. Much like the report abuse sytem.






'Player A wants to trade'.


*Player A tries to trade 3seconds later*


Message to player; 'You have just traded this player, please wait 15seconds before attempting to trade again'.




Its simple and will save alot of Runecrafters, and World 2 traders alot of pain.




Any ideas?

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I wouldnt trade in world 2 for anything lol, but thats me. I use forums exclusively when dumping clue rewards, whips, d boots etc...soooooo much easier...:"meet me in W46 at edge"....*poof*...trader pops in, we trade, say "ty" and voila!.......however, for those who do use the mad riot called W2....what you suggest is a really great idea. Articulate it nicely and put in RS Official suggestion forum. Even I would benefit, I won't get nubs power trading me while I am in bank. Hehe






RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I wouldnt trade in world 2 for anything lol, but thats me. I use forums exclusively when dumping clue rewards, whips, d boots etc...soooooo much easier...:"meet me in W46 at edge"....*poof*...trader pops in, we trade, say "ty" and voila!.......however, for those who do use the mad riot called W2....what you suggest is a really great idea. Articulate it nicely and put in RS Official suggestion forum. Even I would benefit, I won't get nubs power trading me while I am in bank. Hehe








Thanks. I was considering posting in RSOF. Only problem is, they're all so whiny and childish, they wont see the logical side of this.




I've posted it in Suggestions here though :D

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It's a great idea. However then you need to think in places like world two when things disappear off your screen quicker. It would be a pain to have to wait 15 seconds in world 2 to trade simply because you trade has been wiped because of all the people buying or selling things.


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Cool idea, but who reported this it's a good idea....?


Reported to be moved, not locked. ;)




Moving to suggestions as I do think it's a very good idea and will be noticed moreso for what it is in suggestions, than in rants. :) I also think you should try to get a suggestion up on the RSOF, there's no need to try to trade someone more than once every 15 seconds:?


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

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Turn chat to trade only, voila, problem solved.




The whole point of this thread is because when you set chat to trade, they spam it.




Did you even read the post?






And Thanks Dork.

Takes a lot of spam to fill a chat window with nothing but trades in it, but if this happens to you then yes your suggestion is good :thumbsup:
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Turn chat to trade only, voila, problem solved.




The whole point of this thread is because when you set chat to trade, they spam it.




Did you even read the post?






And Thanks Dork.

Takes a lot of spam to fill a chat window with nothing but trades in it, but if this happens to you then yes your suggestion is good :thumbsup:




Oh, i see where you're coming from.


And yeah, some places really do go mad with trades. I had the perfect example of a trade but forgot to save it.




Thanks for the support guys :)

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i feel ur pain dude. i hate that too.




when those runners dont get their trade they shouldnt hurl abuse. i mean 2k is a lot of money to be giving for their service. they should be thankful.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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i feel ur pain dude. i hate that too.




when those runners dont get their trade they shouldnt hurl abuse. i mean 2k is a lot of money to be giving for their service. they should be thankful.




Exactly. And its even worse when the patient ones dont get a chance as their name has flow off the screen due to spam trades from the impatient ones.

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Umm... I spam trade at W16, nothing wrong with it. Unless its been changed, if you don't spam trade, you won't get the trade.... Its happened to me so much. I'll trade once.... Wait for 30-40 seconds... Trade again. I'll never get the trade. I just trade well, not spam, I do about every 10 seconds.... But still.




Not a very good idea, sorry. I mean, I could see how people like it, but I don't. :cry:

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Yes, a great idea! Would ease a lot of traders in world 1, 2 etc. too.

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Great Idea! I rarely trade as I prefer to get my own items etc... but I'm quite certain that if this was implemented I would trade more often. See, I'm one of these patient people who get totally thrown out of the trade area because of kindness. #-o




I'm sure that this would be a fairly successful suggestion on the RSOF so give it a shot, if you don't try you will never get. :thumbsup: Good luck

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I'm sure that this would be a fairly successful suggestion on the RSOF so give it a shot, if you don't try you will never get. :thumbsup: Good luck




Doubt it. Most of the people on the RSOF are the people that spam trade... Most of them will whine about it.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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You should make it so that if a person trades you 3 times in 5 seconds, you can't trade anybody for 30 seconds.




Yeah, thats would also work.




Thanks for the support.




I doubt i'll post on RSOF, as like someones already said, they whine alot :S

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An idea I had a while ago on this (and I mean a long while ago, no one will find the topic on it) was something to the following which would probably be just as effective as the original idea.






When you receive a trade, a list appears in the top-right of your game screen (not the mini-map, the actual screen of the game). This would list players in the order that they traded you, and would only list them once. You would then be able to click a player on that list and choose to accept or decline their trade. Declining would disable their ability to trade you for 1 minute to prevent spamming.




After accepting a trade, the name gets removed from the list and you can then see who the next person in line was. After 2 or more trades appear, a "Decline all" option could also appear, which automatically declines all trades and lets you get on with your business.








That's what my idea was, as far as I remember it.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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Just deal with it seriously..........




In fally park world 2 it takes 10 secs for a trade to leave.




That meens you can miss a trade because they can't trade again.




Just be a quicker trader.




Also don't be nice and trade the first trader trade the person who u click on.

Click for My Blog



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100% support.




An idea I had a while ago on this (and I mean a long while ago, no one will find the topic on it) was something to the following which would probably be just as effective as the original idea.






When you receive a trade, a list appears in the top-right of your game screen (not the mini-map, the actual screen of the game). This would list players in the order that they traded you, and would only list them once. You would then be able to click a player on that list and choose to accept or decline their trade. Declining would disable their ability to trade you for 1 minute to prevent spamming.




After accepting a trade, the name gets removed from the list and you can then see who the next person in line was. After 2 or more trades appear, a "Decline all" option could also appear, which automatically declines all trades and lets you get on with your business.








That's what my idea was, as far as I remember it.


Gin and Tonic's idea seems a lot easier to use and to put in the game then yours, yours is too complicated.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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