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Poll: fave style of media


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hey guys just wanting an idea of everyones fave style of media wether its pixeling, abstract, landscape, photography, psp (if u consider psp a style).








but plz dont say music or somthing like that cause im talking like about visual media, maybe even if u want u can include a sample of your work on your fave style








anyways my fave style is drawing :P but my scanner is bummed so i can scan a sample of my work... :roll:

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How would Psp be seen as a style?




Thats the same as saying: 'My style is photoshop' :roll:




Psp is a program, you can do lots more with it then just lame filterpiles..












Hmmz, I kinda like everything, as long as its done well.

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How would Psp be seen as a style?




Thats the same as saying: 'My style is photoshop' :roll:




Psp is a program, you can do lots more with it then just lame filterpiles..












Hmmz, I kinda like everything, as long as its done well.








aha thats why i said if u consider it a style, because i dont really know if its its own style because i see so many diffrent things done in psp so i dunno if u would classify it as a style cause some ppl might...








(:P yeh btw i know what psp is as i use psp7 :) just so u know, and dont think im dum :P)

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Decent anything.












I like abstract as a background to something.... having a few unidentifiable swirls with a border isn't something I like....








Abstract should be looking at things in a different way/showing them in a different way








Whoever said that if you make an abstract and the first name that comes to mind is 'chaos' you've made a mess of it I agree with....



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How would Psp be seen as a style?




Thats the same as saying: 'My style is photoshop' :roll:




Psp is a program, you can do lots more with it then just lame filterpiles..












Hmmz, I kinda like everything, as long as its done well.








aha thats why i said if u consider it a style, because i dont really know if its its own style because i see so many diffrent things done in psp so i dunno if u would classify it as a style cause some ppl might...








(:P yeh btw i know what psp is as i use psp7 :) just so u know, and dont think im dum :P)








Right, then its all cleared up :) Another psp7 user I see :P I use psp7 too.. ALong with various other programs though :P

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well i like everything thats done decent.. i hate filter piles tho.








but these are my favorite:












-GOOD 3D like IW or Entangle.. nothing less




-Airbrushing (love that)




-GOOD simplistic








i hate everything thats bad lol.. (logic tho) i cloud it tho...

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Photo Manipulations - I dont mean bad paintmashes. I mean real photos mmanipulated into something completely different. I prefer humorous manips like on b3ta.com but serious stuff which shows a lot of skill is also very good too.




Brushed art and drawing - The kind of stuff tttia does, same goes with mrxman's drawings.




Serious pixel art - I say serious because 99.9999999% of the pixel art posted here is crap (imo). TJ ownz. End of story.








Gone off:




Space scapes - Were good for a while but I tried a few myself and they are so easy to make that they lose their artistic value




Landscapes - Click, click, drag, click, drag, click... and shazzam a terragen landscape.




Abstract - This is an odd one really. Some abstract is amazing but like with pixel art most of it is crap. A good abstract artist knows what they are trying to acheive and doesnt just filter pile a few brushes until something looks good.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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