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Answer a question = gives 10 rice to the hungry.


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A whole 10 grains... wow. Slacktivist




thousands of people doing it at a time, and you give more then 10 grains unless your lazy :P




Less than the site that gives 1.1 cups of food per click, and you can click once a day.




i go to that website aswell



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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If they were serious about what they're doing, why don't they just donate the bloody rice instead of asking people questions before they do it?




I'm with Merc.




They's rather get a few million impressions and a few thousand clicks on their ads aswell, you know, for profit.

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I will donate a rice grain for every dime you give me.




haha nice one.




Anyway we can improve on our english at least

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Expanding my vocab can't hurt and if by "free rice" they don't mean "clubbing brown children" it should be at least a win-neutral or perhaps even a win-win.




But I'm going with merc's point too. If you think this should fill your life's charity quota to the poor of the world, In my opinion, you're not doing your job as a fellow human being.

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Got up to about 1.25k Grams, highest grammar or whatever level I got to was about 24. I remember doing something like this as part of school, with that hungersite.com thing :/ Still think it's better to donate directly :P

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I can understand what people are saying about the rice should just be dircetly donated in the first place, but surely the point is that at the end of the day, rice is going to be donated to children. Surely, from a consequentialist point of view, the fact we have to prove our vocabulary in order to do that should be outweighed by the very fact food is being donated?

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Clicking the questions does not make them give rice to people that need it. What they actually do is use the advertising revenue from the adverts shown on the page. However as a profit making organisation NOT a charity, they are not bound by law to give anything at all. For all you know only 1% of all profits actually go to people that need it. Your time is better off looking down the back of the sofa and donating whatever you find, probably end up being more money than what they give.




Yup, I'd suggest donating to the Red Cross or something like that though :P

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I can understand what people are saying about the rice should just be dircetly donated in the first place, but surely the point is that at the end of the day, rice is going to be donated to children. Surely, from a consequentialist point of view, the fact we have to prove our vocabulary in order to do that should be outweighed by the very fact food is being donated?




I think from the site owner's point of view, the point of the site isn't to donate rice nor test out our vocabulary - it is purely to make thousands off of the advertisements.

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I can understand what people are saying about the rice should just be dircetly donated in the first place, but surely the point is that at the end of the day, rice is going to be donated to children. Surely, from a consequentialist point of view, the fact we have to prove our vocabulary in order to do that should be outweighed by the very fact food is being donated?




I think from the site owner's point of view, the point of the site isn't to donate rice nor test out our vocabulary - it is purely to make thousands off of the advertisements.


You could also see it like this: They need to get money from somewhere if theyre going to buy the rice and the adverds give the money.




I was gonna quoote the website but it appears not to be working.. Anyways it says something like this in faq section:


Who is paying the rice? Our sponsors, meaning the advertisements on the below.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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I hope it goes to them. I donated 3,560 grains of rice. :)
There's about 100,000 grains in the average bag



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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