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Burger King / The struggle for farmworkers, 1 cent more


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^ I can't find it...:uhh:




Found with a 5 second search, he's not making it up:




http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... Id=7443464





The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has linked peanut butter to a salmonella outbreak that's sickened almost 300 people since August. No one has died ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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^ Huh...I didn't, and I looked all over Dallas News. I guess it wasn't on there.




Trust me though, I definitely know about salmonella...:uhh:




It seems a lot of these cases happened in Texas, a Dallas lawyer has been put on the case of contaminated peanut butter. Hadn't heard much about it previously either, though.

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"Most tomato pickers still receive roughly the same pay as in 1978 - 40 to 50 cents for every 32-pound bucket of tomatoes they pick. To earn $50 a day, considered a good haul, workers must pick about 125 buckets of tomatoes, or about two tons . A penny more per pound, for each 32-pound bucket of tomatoes would provide the workers a 71-percent increase in wages."




I don't really understand this quote ...




If you make 50 cents for every bucket of tomatoes you pick, and they increase your wage


to 51 cents instead, that's ehh ... definitely not a 71% increase. That's 2%.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I avoid places like that anyway... Kebab > burgers :-w








What The Burger King does in his free time...




:lol: Kebab > Burger.




Waffle, I realize what you're trying to make happen, but in all honestly, it's stupid to think that it'll work. How many people on these forums do you think eat at Burger King regularly? Even if you got every one of those people to boycott Burger King, do you really think it'd make a difference? I mean, sure, the workers down in Florida probably deserve a raise, but whether or not they get it is most definitely not up to 30 people from an internet forum that decide to boycott it.




You'd be surprised at the power of social networking, and naÃÆÃâÃâïve to think viral campaigns don't work.




Just a reminder, Jagex spent a grand total of $0 on advertising, all of their business originates from the close friends of Andrew and Paul who spread the word on Runescape to their friends, they told their friends, their friends posted about it on a forum, those forum readers directed it to reviewers, reviewers hooked more people on the game, etc...




And it ended up in a business which has over 1 million people paying $5 a month to play a game.




GordanFreeman there are many flaws in your post. BlueLancer pointed out the first one, which yes this is grassroots, and if people tell people tell people it explodes / what BlueLancer said.




Sure, people on these forums may not eat at Burger King, but their friends might, and they could tell them. See ? (its common sense)




Of course us tip.iters might not be the leading force in this choice, but it's called grassroots. I doubt you've ever heard of it. It means everyone pitches in and make's it big.




Your attitude, shown in your post is something along the lines of " i'm just one person, what can i do? im just gonna be lazy and not get involved. "




You said " I personally don't (and have never) gotten tomatoes on anything at fast food places, so I think I'll go ahead and keep eating at BK. Angel "




That's got to be one of the stupidest things someone has ever posted in my opinion.




First of all, just because you don't eat the tomatoes at BK, your still supporting them. Duh. You think if you don't eat the tomatoes but you go there, you aren't doing anything bad. Wow. I don't think I need to go into anymore detail.












Kashi, every bucket is 32 pounds. Maybe that explains a bit more. That means instead of 40 - 50 cents per bucket , they get a extra 32 cents. Make sense? :P


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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"Most tomato pickers still receive roughly the same pay as in 1978 - 40 to 50 cents for every 32-pound bucket of tomatoes they pick. To earn $50 a day, considered a good haul, workers must pick about 125 buckets of tomatoes, or about two tons . A penny more per pound, for each 32-pound bucket of tomatoes would provide the workers a 71-percent increase in wages."




I don't really understand this quote ...




If you make 50 cents for every bucket of tomatoes you pick, and they increase your wage


to 51 cents instead, that's ehh ... definitely not a 71% increase. That's 2%.




Fortunately for the farmers, their request says:




A penny more per pound




Instead of 'a penny more per bucket'. :)

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Ahh damn, I thought that said "A penny more per round", and assumed "round" was meant


like, per trip? Simple, mistook a p for an r.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Ahh damn, I thought that said "A penny more per round", and assumed "round" was meant


like, per trip? Simple, mistook a p for an r.




Everyone makes mistakes , its fine. :)


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Well, I mostly boycott all fast food anyways, so...




That's horrible. Since 1978, does anybody know what the total inflation has been? Like if you were paid 5 an hour back then, what would that be today?




I'm taking a guess that it would be probably at least 7-10 by now... Although I'm no economy whiz.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Well, I mostly boycott all fast food anyways, so...




That's horrible. Since 1978, does anybody know what the total inflation has been? Like if you were paid 5 an hour back then, what would that be today?




I'm taking a guess that it would be probably at least 7-10 by now... Although I'm no economy whiz.




Thanks for not supporting BK, if you have friends that go there, tell them please.


I'm no economy wiz or math wiz either. BlueLancer, I'll leave this up to you




My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Well, I mostly boycott all fast food anyways, so...




That's horrible. Since 1978, does anybody know what the total inflation has been? Like if you were paid 5 an hour back then, what would that be today?




I'm taking a guess that it would be probably at least 7-10 by now... Although I'm no economy whiz.




I'm not really an economy whiz either but let's dig up inflation statistics. :)




$5 bucks in the year 1978 is $1.50 in 2007. Which means, if something cost $5 in 1978, it would cost about $16 bucks in 2007. Yet, these farmers are still recieving their old salary, which by modern standards has less than two dollars of purchasing power compared to 1978 (when the salary was set).




That's pretty sad..




Edit- You can also use inflation calculators like this one for sums different than $5. You'll still get the same results as above, give or take a few cents (I just did rough calculation based on inflation). However that calculator only goes up to the year 2006 but you get the point

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Well, I mostly boycott all fast food anyways, so...




That's horrible. Since 1978, does anybody know what the total inflation has been? Like if you were paid 5 an hour back then, what would that be today?




I'm taking a guess that it would be probably at least 7-10 by now... Although I'm no economy whiz.




I'm not really an economy whiz either but let's dig up inflation statistics. :)




$5 bucks in the year 1978 is $1.50 in 2007. Which means, if something cost $5 in 1978, it would cost about $16 bucks in 2007. Yet, these farmers are still recieving their old salary, which by modern standards has less than two dollars of purchasing power compared to 1978 (when the salary was set).




That's pretty sad..




Edit- You can also use inflation calculators like this one for sums different than $5. You'll still get the same results as above, give or take a few cents (I just did rough calculation based on inflation). However that calculator only goes up to the year 2006 but you get the point




Thanks <3:


Great resource for inflation


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Heh, we're never gonna get people to boycott. maybe a few rebels, but total profit loss would be easy to earn back. I mean, an extra 1 cent means 10 dollars per ton. each worker getting 10 dollars... Burger king is simply gonna point out with their fattened fingers that they would lose a large sum of cash.




But I do agree with the farmers. A 1 cent wage increase doesn't seem that horrible.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Heh, we're never gonna get people to boycott. maybe a few rebels, but total profit loss would be easy to earn back. I mean, an extra 1 cent means 10 dollars per ton. each worker getting 10 dollars... Burger king is simply gonna point out with their fattened fingers that they would lose a large sum of cash.





They'd just be paying back something that is long overdue. Most professions get their pay adjusted every year according to inflation... How come these guys' pay rate hasn't been adjusted for two decades?




BK should consider themselves lucky they aren't being sued for the amounts they'd lawfully own to those farmers, by keeping their pay at 1978 levels. Adding $0.01 per pound of tomato is actually a ridiculously easy and cheap way for them out of this situation.




Not just that, but they will reverse their negative publicity they've been recieving over this upon doing so.

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Heh, we're never gonna get people to boycott. maybe a few rebels, but total profit loss would be easy to earn back. I mean, an extra 1 cent means 10 dollars per ton. each worker getting 10 dollars... Burger king is simply gonna point out with their fattened fingers that they would lose a large sum of cash.





They'd just be paying back something that is long overdue. Most professions get their pay adjusted every year according to inflation... How come these guys' pay rate hasn't been adjusted for two decades?




BK should consider themselves lucky they aren't being sued for the amounts they'd lawfully own to those farmers, by keeping their pay at 1978 levels. Adding $0.01 per pound of tomato is actually a ridiculously easy and cheap way for them out of this situation.




Not just that, but they will reverse their negative publicity they've been recieving over this upon doing so.




Right <3: Publicity is the main factor that is going to put the heat on BK.


That's how they got Mcdonalds and Taco Bell to change mainly.


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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$5 bucks in the year 1978 is $1.50 in 2007.




That's a typo right? :P




I think so :P


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Does anyone else agree with the overall message of this thread, but agrees that Defender's views are really kind of exaggerated? I could be dead wrong, but that doesn't seem at all plausible...At least, not to that extent.




I guess my niece was exagerating too when foam came out from her mouth and her eyes dead.




I am going to bed before I say something that will probably get me banned. I really can't stand idiots like this..


I honestly don't know much about this issue, but either you're making up crap or over exaggerating things. And dude, sorry about your niece, if that actually happened. But, like I said, I just think your post is over exaggerated. I could be wrong, though.




What do you mean IF? Why would I make up something serious like that?!




And just to fill in some gaps, her eyes went dead. I"m not sure how to explain it, but they went all white, and she started foaming and having a seizure basically.




Did this just happen to me and my family? WRONG.




It was all over the news, a massive recall on their peanut butter. They gave people a number, and if your peanut butter had the last 4 numbers as 1111, then it was the bad kind and you had to return it, we had 3 jars of peanut butter like that. We told everyone at work too about it so they wouldn't get sick.




And here's the twisted thing of it all... the company KNEW it had the disease it in, but thought it wouldn't hurt us because the flames or whatever they do to make peanut butter, would kill it out and it would be safe. Yeah thats right.. they knew it had a disease and didn't even TEST it after making a single jar, and sent out 1000's to the population, and tons of people got sick, including my niece.




So anyone who thinks corperations care or this is a 1 time incident can go stfu and screw themselfs, it only shows how ignorant you are.







Not every company is out the crush the little guy. Get over yourself.




Yah, maybe I should listen to the guy named "Led-Zeppelin" and probably doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Maybe one day, you'll have a life-death situation on your hands due to some corperation trying to squeeze money, and just MAYBE you'll wake up from your isolated utopia box were corperations "really do" care. As they say on this forum, greed is human nature, even if it takes human life, doesn't stop them from trying[/hide].




Yeah, and you can go back to hating the world? Sour grapes mate, sour grapes.




Even though huge corperations squeeze money, they do alot of good in the community and give alot of money back (even though they have their reasons, appearing good in the public eye, publicity etc.) it's still better then the local fruit and veg shop down the road isn't it?

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Does anyone else agree with the overall message of this thread, but agrees that Defender's views are really kind of exaggerated? I could be dead wrong, but that doesn't seem at all plausible...At least, not to that extent.




I guess my niece was exagerating too when foam came out from her mouth and her eyes dead.




I am going to bed before I say something that will probably get me banned. I really can't stand idiots like this..


I honestly don't know much about this issue, but either you're making up crap or over exaggerating things. And dude, sorry about your niece, if that actually happened. But, like I said, I just think your post is over exaggerated. I could be wrong, though.




What do you mean IF? Why would I make up something serious like that?!




And just to fill in some gaps, her eyes went dead. I"m not sure how to explain it, but they went all white, and she started foaming and having a seizure basically.




Did this just happen to me and my family? WRONG.




It was all over the news, a massive recall on their peanut butter. They gave people a number, and if your peanut butter had the last 4 numbers as 1111, then it was the bad kind and you had to return it, we had 3 jars of peanut butter like that. We told everyone at work too about it so they wouldn't get sick.




And here's the twisted thing of it all... the company KNEW it had the disease it in, but thought it wouldn't hurt us because the flames or whatever they do to make peanut butter, would kill it out and it would be safe. Yeah thats right.. they knew it had a disease and didn't even TEST it after making a single jar, and sent out 1000's to the population, and tons of people got sick, including my niece.




So anyone who thinks corperations care or this is a 1 time incident can go stfu and screw themselfs, it only shows how ignorant you are.







Not every company is out the crush the little guy. Get over yourself.




Yah, maybe I should listen to the guy named "Led-Zeppelin" and probably doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Maybe one day, you'll have a life-death situation on your hands due to some corperation trying to squeeze money, and just MAYBE you'll wake up from your isolated utopia box were corperations "really do" care. As they say on this forum, greed is human nature, even if it takes human life, doesn't stop them from trying[/hide].




Yeah, and you can go back to hating the world? Sour grapes mate, sour grapes.




Even though huge corperations squeeze money, they do alot of good in the community and give alot of money back (even though they have their reasons, appearing good in the public eye, publicity etc.) it's still better then the local fruit and veg shop down the road isn't it?




I would disagree, corporations usually reap third world countries and poor people in order to gain their profits. The money they give back to the community is nowhere near their profits. The local fruit and veg shop down the road might be better, plus you're supporting people from your community that are getting good wages. That's my opinion.


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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$5 bucks in the year 1978 is $1.50 in 2007.




That's a typo right? :P




I think so :P




Sorry, that was poorly worded. :lol: I meant $5 dollars in 1978, equals the current purchasing power of $1.50 dollars today in 2007. In monetary value, 5 bucks would be worth over $15 today.

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When you boycott burger king the farmers that supply them dont get ANYTHING. mmm



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When you boycott burger king the farmers that supply them dont get ANYTHING. mmm




I know what you mean, but as you too know.. It's a necessary evil to pressure them into raising wages.




Like when public transport workers went on strike in the UK.. Sure, if they were paid by the hour, they lost some money. Maybe some even lost their monthly salaries.




But without acting to show somehow they are serious about wanting a raise, the government would never give in their demands until they realize it's bad publicity and in the end, they lose more money collectively, than the single worker.




If BK gets negative publicity and can directly associate this with lost sales, they can be compelled to raise the wages just as McDonald's did.

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