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Lame names.


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You only need to Google someones name to see if it is original or not :D


Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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I think one of the main reasons is that there are so many people playing runescape, and then most people have several accounts, so the amount of names you can pick go down a lot. I know when I joined up I tried everything to get a name without a number, all my usual gaming names were taken, everything was taken, so I picked rainchaser07, mainly because it was raining outside. The weather came in handy!

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I didn't even try "Madmax" when I signed up. Truth be told, 410 (April 10th) is my birthdate. So yeah, they have a reason. the name hasn't failed yet. I have it as my usename on all of the accounts I own on other websites.








Also, it does get annoying to see "0n3d 2 lummy n00b" everywhere. But there ARE original pure names out there. Too bad they get copied as soon as their seen.



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there is always a way to get something nice, ive been searching for hours and hours and fetched some nice names.


ive been using my main name for a few years now and its quite original.








get lotsa nice comments on it \'




got names like Toxificated, Subduce, last king

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My pet hate is badly spelt names, I'm hardly one to talk my spelling isn't the greatest.




But why do so many females think they are angles?






I don't :twisted:








I think my alias is original, just over a year old too.


There are many other names left out there, creativity is they key.


This isn't my real life name either.


I get alot of nice comments about my name too, people like it <3:






~ Saskia Snow

Old 'Scaper - returned * Former TET Leader * Council of Elders Member * Confirmed Scaredy Cat * Mother of 6 * Quester * Friend to many



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When I first started playing RS (some time ago now!), I promised myself that I would never speak to anyone with "poo", "poop" or "pee" in their names.




I can proudly say I have never broken that promise.





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There is no such thing as original anymore.




Mine is original "EJD" is my rs username ^^ my type of name (eg: 3 letter ones) are of a dying breed now...




All rs names are original in a sense as there is no other EXACTLY like it :lol:

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You only need to Google someones name to see if it is original or not :D


Actually, I found out a while ago "Madmax" is a movie. I haven't even watched that movie, Madmax is just a nickname I've had since I could remember.




Sometimes the relevence between things is just a coincidence I guess :-s



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People can't think of anything original!


i think mine is original :lol: but i did get banned for my username.......when i was lvl 102 :roll: unbanned 2 months later :wink:




I read about that In the Tipit times, its good to know you came out unscathed (for the most part) :)


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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I find that annoying too.




I like my username though.


"Happy Crayon"


Short, simple, easy to remember.




On the OTHER hand...


we have things like...


"Sup3r sk1llz 010912"


^not that that would fit or anything...


but you get the point.

Some of us like wearing marshmallows on our feet.
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Names derived from a famour player's name (zezima, n0val1fe, uloveme, the_old_nite etc) are annoying.


names with pker, trip to lumby etc. just give away the purpose of a pure, which is to look like a weak player, but hit hard.


names with random letters, like "wwe233ffs" are just stupid.


the names of autoers are all annoying, cos they belong to autoers.


I hate names with rude words or insults like 'your_mom99' or (and i have seen this one before) dmbsh*t211




Thankyou for letting me have my rant.





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some people just aren't creative enough. i could go and probably instantly get an original game related name if i chose to.




that's where i got this one. took me 5 minutes to decide what kind of name i wanted etc. and find it.



In real life I'm actually afraid of needles.scared-1.jpg


Needle Count: 0.

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I love my name, I wouldn't ever chose anything else.


Smi = my nickname


Mandos = I play mandolin...




And I have never seen a Smi or a Mandos. Ever.




I also made an account called Nam0 Mand0s (with 0s because Namo Mandos was taken) after the Tolkien one. But I never go on that. I logged onto him for the last Halloween event and he was still wearing the stuff from 2006. But that's beside the point...




I once made an account called Edgar Spoon. That was short lived as well... I was on there for 5 minutes and got bored.






Other unoriginal names I can't stand are...




Killer, Ki11er, Kill3r (or any varient + numbers)


Anyone named after a band/artist, particularly Slipknot & Eminem.


Any "Babe" type name...


Too many Xs, Os and Is that have nothing to do with the name.






What annoys me most of all is when these people are talking to NPCs, doing quests etc and they're introducing themselves... the thought that they are introducing themselves as "Hi, I'm Ki113r Babe54353654"


It makes me shudder! How can you put up with that?

Along the coast road, by the headland

The early lights of winter glow.

Ill pour a cup to you my darling.

Raise it up --- say cheerio.

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*Reads half of 2nd page*




*starts crying*




Why people always hate me? -.-




I cant say that "MY N31M 1S M0R3 0R1G1N@L TH4N Y0URS" but at least its short and simple, im easy to add and easy to say my name. :)



Runescape is mostly 13+ with just a few under that age.

Drops: Bones

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Honestly, I was a pure. But the average pure name disguested me. Too many 0s, Xs, 1s, etc. So I found an origional one. (We're talking around 2004 here) So I created it, and didn't think much of this character until last year. I started it up, and it's pretty good. I'm now going into my 99 range goal when I get members back. So mine is at least pretty origional, ( When I made it, few people said haxx lol to my knowledge. )




So bam. My name in a nutshell.

Tetris is about using the equal force of the working power to build up the glorious people's republic of Russia....
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I really do hate numbers in names and other things like copies of peoples names.




I've got:




Ansith (Main) - Which is basicly the username I use for everything.




Time Vulture (Pure) - The Time traveling Vulture of course.




Zombineh (Skiller) - The Combine Zombie with a H for added Awesome.




I always keep numbers out of names, just looks so bad. I mean some of the bots had better then names then people.




I really hate when I see names like zezima3242 at level 100+, I mean why steal Zezima's username then get it that high?




Or maybe even Motorbike1125, as much as you may want to believe it, you are not a motorbike.




And yes those people with Numbers and nothing else, I wouldn't bother playing if I had to use one of those.

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