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Working Out - Your Routine + Tips


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why not just go to the gym? it cant cost that much :?




Gyms can be expensive, I pay $500 a year for mine, just because it's a "Fitness Center", not a gym. :roll:




mm, well actually that's quite cheap








my gym costs 57 euros a month, but i split it with my parents...

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

Medical Doctor-2018?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon-2024?

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What a lot of people don't understand is that most of us have perfect abs, even severely overweight people do. But the key is eating well so that there's no fat covering your abs.








Wow, I was going to post that. A lot of teens talk about training their "ab muscles". When you want visible abs like you most likely do, you simply burn the fat which covers the abs (so that they aren't visible), not really the abs themselves.








That's entirely different from, for example, bicep training. Yes, you can get good looking biceps simply by using training to get rid of the fat covering them, but most people will also want to add a significant amount of mass as well.








If you want to add mass to your muscles, you must overload them. If you bench 150lbs for a month, try 170lbs the next month and gradually make it go higher. If you always stay at the same weight level, your muscles will have no reason to produce more tissue while you sleep. <--- Eat properly to make sure you have enough building materials in your body to really gain results.

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Also worth mentioning, if you're a vegetarian seriously consider taking a protein supplement - like one of those whey ones.

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned this. Stick a 15-20lb weight on your stomach while doing sit-ups/crunches, it helps a lot.








No it doesn't. It strains your lower back and if you do it enough, you will have back problems in the future.

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What's the best exercise then for burning the fat off abs which isn't simple cardio or situps?








Lyposuction? lol








I agree with (I believe it was) Peter and Bluelancer. Everyone has ab muscles, it's just a matter or burning the fat off so you can see them. I can see mine, but I have fat over mine for the most part so they're not defined like that typical "6 pack". I can only really see my upper ab muscles, the lower half of my stomach doesn't like to lose fat, but I try. :P

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ive had several work outs in the last 4 yrs lol.








the one that i like know u use the curl bar and do them all in a row to break same weight.








Skull crushers




bench (same bar put ur hands in close to ea other)




Then stand up and curl




then push the bar above ur head (dunno what its called)




then hold the bar below u and lift up to ur chin (dunno that name either lol)








4 sets of 8








that works a little of everything and takes like 30 min so its nice








Then on the next day I work soilders








vert, side, rotating and somthing else shoilers then delts and a bench press








always work abs (3lvl abs, throw down abs, crunchs etc.)








on the other day i decline bench lat pull down military press etc etc








(sry im on vicadine right now so im a little out of it i hope that helps)

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned this. Stick a 15-20lb weight on your stomach while doing sit-ups/crunches, it helps a lot.








No it doesn't. It strains your lower back and if you do it enough, you will have back problems in the future.








I'm just going by personal experience. It works for me so I'm going to keep doing it.

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned this. Stick a 15-20lb weight on your stomach while doing sit-ups/crunches, it helps a lot.








No it doesn't. It strains your lower back and if you do it enough, you will have back problems in the future.








I'm just going by personal experience. It works for me so I'm going to keep doing it.








actually if you put it behind your head and do 'crunches' then it will add mass to your abbs... Also the more reps for abbs comment is ridiculous, the abbs just like any other muscle should be worked in reps and sets. You dont go out and benchpress 100 reps do you?

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pff, working out. :cry:








I'm getting a beer belly, I want to get rid of it, I tried sit ups, but I'm my muscles hurt when I do 50, what's a better and less painfull way to lose the beer belly? :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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pff, working out. :cry:








I'm getting a beer belly, I want to get rid of it, I tried sit ups, but I'm my muscles hurt when I do 50, what's a better and less painfull way to lose the beer belly? :P








Pain is one of the things that come naturally with almost all training that includes getting more visible muscles or adding mass to them. There isn't really a way to avoid it. If you feel a sense of "burning", that's not a bad thing, that's exactly what's supposed to happen. I don't know how big your 'beer belly' is, but if it's not that severe, you could get rid of it in less than 7 months with proper training.








I'll write you a few you can use:
















Preferably use a mat and lay down on it, bending your knees slightly so that your feet are flat on the floor.




Curling your hands behind your head, slowly lift your shoulders off the mat, squeezing your abdominal muscles with each raise. Be sure not pull your neck upwards; rather make it a natural, smooth-flowing motion.








Reps: Do three sets of 30 reps, taking only a few seconds of rest between sets.








Knee ups








Sit on the edge of a bench, grasping on the sides of the bench with your hands to maintain steady balance. With your legs extended outward, slowly pull your knees into your chest, squeezing the abdominal muscles during the contraction. Hold this position for two seconds and then slowly extend your legs before repeating the motion. Try to keep the rocking and bouncing at a minimum.








Reps: Do three sets of 25 to 30 reps.








Knee Raises








Make sure that your feet are not touching the floor. Trying not to swing, slowly bring your knees toward your abdomen so that your knees are locked at a 90 degree angle. Squeeze your abs and hold for a moment before slowly releasing your legs back to a straight position.








Reps: Attempt three sets of 10-15 reps per set.








Remember that a reasonable amount of ab training, just like with any muscle group, is 1 to 3 times a week maximum. Go past that and you'll do more harm than good for your body, ask any gym leader/couch/etc.

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What's the best exercise then for burning the fat off abs which isn't simple cardio or situps?




Every exercise that burns fat. You can't "target" fat burning unfortunately. :(












pff, working out. :(








I'm getting a beer belly, I want to get rid of it, I tried sit ups, but I'm my muscles hurt when I do 50, what's a better and less painfull way to lose the beer belly? :P




No pain, no gain - Rocky :wink:

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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My beer belly isn't very bad, it's just that you can't see the small six pack I had six months ago, just the upper two, so that kind of makes it a double pack. :P But thank you very much for the information Bluelancer! I did a print of your post and I'm going to check out which training works best for me, maybe I'll do a combination of those you mentioned! :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Wow, some great tips here people! Thanks a lot folks, and I'll give em all a try.








Btw, Bluelancer your tips seem pretty good. I'll work on em and let you all know how its working out :wink:








Thanks again,









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If anyone has any workout questions, feel free to ask.








Somebody said this, I find it hard to believe...








Does working out every day really make your muscles weaker (or just not grow) because they don't have time to grow?

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I have found that changing the type of ab exercises you do every two weeks helps keep the muscles stimulated. If you do the same exercise week in and week out the muscles become used to it and it can start to hinder your progress.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I guess I've been wondering if I'm overworking or what. Here's what I typically do every night just before bed:








Three rounds of 30 pushups




Three rounds of ab exercises (crunches, leg lifts, etc.)








I do other exercises, but normally every other day. Are those exercises too much, and should I start doing them every other day?

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If anyone has any workout questions, feel free to ask.








Somebody said this, I find it hard to believe...








Does working out every day really make your muscles weaker (or just not grow) because they don't have time to grow?




Yes, they grow alot better if you give them good rest. Rest is one third of muchle grown, the other third is food and the other oblivously workout. I've heard all of them ar as important.




Don't know what the actual word is in english but everyday working out without rest can also overload your body, which is bad.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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What's the best exercise then for burning the fat off abs which isn't simple cardio or situps?












cardio then when ure thinner do sit ups and u pile on the abs :D








i did more situps so its rock hard down their somewhere :P so just a lil more cardio then its perfect








also if ure just starting out and as said before having weight in ure hand then raising ure arms so ure arms are horizontal with ure shoulders its better to start lower i can do over a min with only 3kg but my 10kg weights i use for curles i cant even get em 45* so :?




try lighter stuff first and work up...




..... goes of to get weights




















:D :D :D

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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  • 3 years later...

I think resistence exercises are better than excercises that just test your strength. And remember to do sets of low numbers instead of just going for high numbers in a row (do five sets of 30 pushups instead of doing 150 in a row). It is better to let your muscles relax.





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I think resistence exercises are better than excercises that just test your strength. And remember to do sets of low numbers instead of just going for high numbers in a row (do five sets of 30 pushups instead of doing 150 in a row). It is better to let your muscles relax.








wow, amazing. why did you bump this up?

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