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Everyone really should Quest More! 8 Combat now :o

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So, SaidinWoT's second blog. With a name no less strange than his first. What a bizarre person he must be.








But this is a special blog, a special secondary blog for a special secondary account. Yes, there is another SaidinWoT out there (though sadly the two can't exist at the same time, since they still are but one owner), and he is ready to undergo extreme burnout to achieve his goals.




The Goal


For most of the year, I've been planning to do all the quests again in the hopes of improving Tip.it's quest guides, and to finally redo quests I haven't done for years. This goal has been pushed to the side many times, but in light of updates which will soon be with us, I am left with no more excuses, no more chances for procrastination.




The Build-up


To complete all quests, a player's account has to have reasonably respectable levels. As of the start of this blog, the account 'Quest More' (title explained!) has an excellent 32 total level, with only hitpoints marring his perfect set of 1's. Now I could be a diligent, hard-working no-lifer, but the point of this account is quests, not the levels themselves. Thus, I have, over the past year, extracted promises of gifts to help the account get started up from a few friends. Torture was kept at a minimum. Of course, there are those quests which can be completed without any levels whatsoever, and these will be the first to go!




[hide=Necessary Levels]Attack - 15 - 2,411 experience


Strength - 60 - 273,742


Defence - 65 - 449,428


Ranging - 60 - 273,742


Prayer - 50 - 101,333


Magic - 66 - 496,254


Runecrafting - 50 - 101,333


Construction - 34 - 20,224


Hitpoints - 62* - Meh


Agility - 59 - 247,886


Herblore - 57 - 203,254


Thieving - 58 - 224,466


Crafting - 61 - 302,288


Fletching - 50 - 101,333


Slayer - 59 - 247,886


Hunter - 27 - 9,730


Mining - 60 - 273,742


Smithing - 65 - 449,428


Fishing - 62 - 333,804


Cooking - 70 - 737,627


Firemaking - 50 - 101,333


Woodcutting - 72 - 899,257


Farming - 53 - 136,594






The Plan


As this blog is first posted, the plan has still not been fully formed. Tonight is the night of this plan, and my intention is to have my questing and leveling scheduled by the end of the night.






No, I'm not foolish enough to appeal to the general public for donations. As stated above, a few friends have agreed to help this account get off its feet (and a few more have been drawn in today :wink: ). This is simply to record their generosity :)








[hide=Gayle (normanbiggs)]GayleDonation.png[/hide]










[hide=Ard Choille]ArdDonation.png[/hide]




That's all I have for now :o


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Hehe! Nice bloggy!


Good luck on quest cape \'




I like your sig btw O:)




Visit my blog if you have time :twisted:




1st post w00t!!!








Edit: 2nd post <.<

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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nm, im an idiot. good luck (i thought this was gen disscusion for a sec :wall: )



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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nm, im an idiot. good luck (i thought this was gen disscusion for a sec :wall: )




It was :wink: As soon as I realized my mistake I asked Tall to move it (so thanks to him :) )


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Good Luck Quest More!




Thats a nice goal and whoever but you, fits it best :)






Oh and I have a question for you. (I'm too good ::' )


Will you be doing Dream Mentor on this account? :o


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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Yep, though it may take me a while... I'm out of practice as far as combat goes, and still don't particularly enjoy it. This account is to do ALL quests on, which means, I believe, 7 more than SaidinWoT has been able to do :o


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Nice blog!




Good luck on completing all those quests once more. From what I've seen a lot of old quests have been updated to have nice cut-scene's, so it might be a lot more surprising and fun to do them than you think ::'


Click my signature to visit my blog: _The Endless Road To Advancement

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Lots of responding to do already :)




First things first, a HUGE thank you to Tallest, who made a huge donation which should get me through quite a bit of the early levels and some later ones \'




daehoidar, I certainly look forward to revisiting all these quests and seeing what's changed. Many of them I completed 3 years ago, so beyond new cut scenes, there's the simple fact that graphics have been improved in many of the quest areas since then! Can't wait!




Mc and Deiophobus, I'm sure I'll be contacting you at some point, don't worry :wink: I plan to get planning done soon, but I've been kind of procrastinating (something I said in the first post I didn't have time to do, crap)




iwatake, that was the main point of the screenname :)




Thanks for all the good lucks, and Ima_Target, you might find quests boring, but I have never managed to find one as such to date :D


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Necessary levels figured out (wasn't so hard, I just waited a while)... figuring out quest order will take a lot longer :oops:


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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The (Current) Plan!




I've decided for now that the most important part of Quest More is getting him sufficiently trained before trading with others dies out. Thus, I'm basically just going to be training straight through to all the levels in the third post. I will probably do some reworking to incorporate in rewards from some quests, but I'd feel best having my leveling out of the way.


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Reference Post!


As the title of this post may have given away, this post is for my reference :wink:




[hide=Levels necessary to complete all quests]


Attack - 15 - 2,411


Strength - 60 - 273,742


Defence - 65 - 449,428


Ranging - 60 - 273,742


Prayer - 50 - 101,333


Magic - 66 - 496,254


Runecrafting - 50 - 101,333


Construction - 34 - 20,224


Hitpoints - 62* - Meh


Agility - 59 - 247,886


Herblore - 57 - 203,254


Thieving - 58 - 224,466


Crafting - 61 - 302,288


Fletching - 50 - 101,333


Slayer - 59 - 247,886


Hunter - 27 - 9,730


Mining - 60 - 273,742


Smithing - 65 - 449,428


Fishing - 62 - 333,804


Cooking - 70 - 737,627


Firemaking - 50 - 101,333


Woodcutting - 72 - 899,257


Farming - 53 - 136,594[/hide]




[hide=Total experience value of quest rewards*]


Agility - 107000


Attack - 74500


Construction - 10250


Cooking - 12270


Crafting - 72500


Defence - 58600


Farming - 32500


Firemaking - 12500


Fishing - 27600


Fletching - 14250


Herblore - 36800


Hitpoints - 45000


Hunter -


Magic - 54400


Mining - 39100


Prayer - 51400


Ranging - 19500


Runecrafting - 17500


Slayer - 11000


Smithing - 46400


Strength - 83000


Thieving - 88000


Woodcutting - 39500


*This has a lot of rounding and ignores a few quests, it is by no means a good reference (for anyone but me)[/hide]


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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106 levels... in a single day?!? This person must have no life. He simply cannot have a life.




In fact, I do have a life! I just put it on hold for a day, mostly. I did manage to bake a pie (random Christmas thing) and watch a movie, so I did something today...




But yeah, 106 levels in only four skills. Leaving me 19 more to power level up relatively quickly (not that those 4 are anywhere close to slowing down).




Many many thanks to Syzygy, who was a willing slave from morning to night, helping me to get lots of experience along the way.




Ending Levels of today:










Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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