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I never realized how charitable I was


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I never realized how charitable I was until this garbage change was put into effect. I constantly give away whatever skill I'm working on at the moment. I give food when I'm cooking, armor when I'm smithing and random stuff in between if someone makes me laugh. All that is gone now, and it just doesn't feel like the same game to me. I know, I could just keep on playing, but part of my getting better was so that I could share that higher skill with others. It almost feels like I'm playing the entire game with NPCs now. I'm glad I was able to give away one of my santa hats before Christmas while I still could. It was the last good thing I could do in the game.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.




Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.




People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things.

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Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.





Your overwhelming compassion is really touching. Being nice is all it takes to tug at your heartstrings. That's beautiful....it's a shame that's being taken away. :roll:




C'mon man, fess up, it's just another reason to complain about the latest updates.




Between here and RSOF, you'd think RS was being played by a bunch of Mother Theresas with some of the posts I've seen.




Yeah, it sucks to not be able to help out friends from time to time but I think we'll all manage. They'll be other ways to help them and other ways to pull off trades

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.




Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.




People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things.

Plus, on the advice front, there's a whole bloody knowledge base if the helpee would take two seconds to click on the link.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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transferring a lot of money really isn't a way to help out your friends. You should all go do something together like kill monsters or something and try to get a good drop ...




On top of that, they are going to help out people with more questpoints and let the trade limit go further so you can actually transfer items to your friends




On top of that..... they are putting in a borrowing system so you can lend things to your friends and you get them back after you or him log off....

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I don't consider myself a generous person or even amiable most times. But everyone has those moods late at night where they just wanna be chat and be helpful. A couple of weeks ago i was camped at the fire giants for a good week and I rememberl at least 6 instances where someone who was relatively new to the game didn't realize that you didn't have to wear glarial's ammy once you enter.




I gave them my glory at least 5 times since i was about to bank anyway... that is 50kish, so after jan 1st., it is much harder to randomly support players. My mantra used to always be that I would try to undo some of the negative aspects of the runescape community by being nice (in small ways) to random people who didn't expect it... believe it or not it goes a looong way in shaping players opinions about some of the other people in this game.




50k isn't alot ot me and most players of this game... but to some newer players that is a small fortune. it is just sad that players won't be able to give small gifts like that after the 1st.




I know many are sick of the complaints but realistically... something very important to the positivity of the Runescape Community is going to be lost after the 1st. They got rid of alot of negative, sure, but it certainly is worth noting what positives will be lost.

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transferring a lot of money really isn't a way to help out your friends. You should all go do something together like kill monsters or something and try to get a good drop ...




On top of that, they are going to help out people with more questpoints and let the trade limit go further so you can actually transfer items to your friends




On top of that..... they are putting in a borrowing system so you can lend things to your friends and you get them back after you or him log off....




I'm f2p. He's p2p. If the most qp I had is 39, how the hell do you suggest I help him?




Yes, transferring money does a LOT. I gave one guy 300k once and he boosted his stats dramatically in a month.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.




Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.




People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things.




Financial help is useless if your friend doesn't need it.






Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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Money doesn't buy friends, but I see your point.




But I do my charity through helping people start good ways of making money that they find enjoyable.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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I never realized how charitable I was until this garbage change was put into effect. I constantly give away whatever skill I'm working on at the moment. I give food when I'm cooking, armor when I'm smithing and random stuff in between if someone makes me laugh. All that is gone now, and it just doesn't feel like the same game to me. I know, I could just keep on playing, but part of my getting better was so that I could share that higher skill with others. It almost feels like I'm playing the entire game with NPCs now. I'm glad I was able to give away one of my santa hats before Christmas while I still could. It was the last good thing I could do in the game.




Stop whinging, stop looking for attention. Its been weeks since the update, and you still complain. Learn to adapt to it, or just don't play. So instead of posting random garbage ranting about things long gone, use your time posting something productive and that actually makes some decent information, find out other ways to be more 'helpful' (some great ones have been mentioned already), or just quit. Will save so much hassle for everyone.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.




Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.




People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things.




Thats BS. And if the only way you cuold make money was merchanting you neede some advice too because their are other ways. If you friend needs financhal help so much and you are in a position to give money, than chances are you have at least 1 level that can produce a profit. Try lending that skill to your friend so they can make their own money. I have loaned my hunter level to a friend a couple times when he was having trouble, and he was able to make enough of red chins to help himself without wasting hours of my time. I realise theres now a limit and this is not as effective, but fiinancal aid is still a real possibility.

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And people wonder why JagEx always makes "Horrible updates".




Instead of telling everyone stories of how awesome Runescape has been before the Trade Restriction, how about maybe suggesting changes so that you CAN help other people, like JagEx has asked us to..




Sometimes the worst things that happen to you are brought on only by yourself.

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Assist system, giving advice, being friendly i can go on for ages.You can do so many more things than give money..




Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it.




I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend.


Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend.




Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help.




Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people.




People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things.




Thats BS.




Not in RuneScape, it isn't.




And if the only way you cuold make money was merchanting you neede some advice too because their are other ways. If you friend needs financhal help so much and you are in a position to give money, than chances are you have at least 1 level that can produce a profit. Try lending that skill to your friend so they can make their own money. I have loaned my hunter level to a friend a couple times when he was having trouble, and he was able to make enough of red chins to help himself without wasting hours of my time. I realise theres now a limit and this is not as effective, but fiinancal aid is still a real possibility.




There are ways of making money other than merchanting? Really? Well Christ I though 87 mining was only for show! lolol




Yeah, real good suggestion there buddy. I'm going to bring both of us out to the rune rocks to get bombarded by revenants and waste food while he mines the ore and gives me xp I could have gotten if I'd just mined it myself. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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I tried giving some lobsters to some low level guys training in the desert with the guard brothers or whatever. I was going to give them 100 each, but with the trade thing, I could only give FOURTEEN.


And I am quitting. I just can't give my stuff away now. Talk about a TOTAL waste.

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You can give your friends stuff if you know what you're doing. Just talk them in to going to BH with you in a sorta empty world, tell them to kill you and you'll die, leaving your gift for them. I suppose that one can also use this for drop trading and, yes, RWT. But don't tell JaGEx that. They might go overboard and scrap BH, not realizing it does more good for the economy than harm.

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