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High-Calorie Foods


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Basically, i need to find food that is easily accessible and contains a lot of calories. I'm sick of my figure (9 stone at 6 foot) and i want to put on at least a stone as fast as possible. I'm pretty sure that essentially, calories come with fat, but i dont want to eat much fat - any help?

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tricky one also watch out for sodium (salt) in the foods because this will raise your blood pressure








i was goin to suggest maccas but thats like all fat :(












first person ive seen trying 2 put on weight
















:D :D :D

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Try those high calorie energy protein drinks. I drink boost in the morning. Gives energy for school usually, tons of nutrients, and has a nice amount of fat for gaining weight. Hasn't gained me any weight to be honest because I just don't put on pounds, but it does help with energy and it has tons of daily nutrietional % values if that matters to you.

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Maybe best to try to gain muscle rather then fat. Eating too much high calorie foods could be bad for your health. So probably best to just eat a decent amount of heathly food and try to build up some muscle strength. Maybe best to also see the doctor in regards to this.

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For god sakes don't eat junk food it wont only give you fat, but also make you sick.








If you want to get some weight, try working out and drinking that "Buff you up"(I don't know the name...) stuff they sell at GNC.

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Maybe best to try to gain muscle rather then fat. Eating too much high calorie foods could be bad for your health. So probably best to just eat a decent amount of heathly food and try to build up some muscle strength. Maybe best to also see the doctor in regards to this.








Yeah, I'd make a post or research a health website like WebMD or something like that, I'd try somewhere different than a game forum.








A note, I thought you had to have fat or something there in the first place for mucsle be built? It doesn't just come out of nowhere. Or am I wrong?


Gamertag: King Arizona

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A note, I thought you had to have fat or something there in the first place for mucsle be built? It doesn't just come out of nowhere. Or am I wrong?








You don't need fat necessarily, but you need to intake something for the muscle to be made out of. The perfect thing to take in is extra calories in healthy foods for that muscle. The best way to gain weight is to eat a lot and not exercise, but that will just get you on the path to obesity. Needless to say that's not realistic. So your next best bet is to eat a lot of high calorie, high protien, healthy foods and work out in a healthy way. You gain muscle, get stronger, and weigh more.

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Whey protein is made specifically so skinny, hard-to-gain-muscle type guys can gain weight. It makes you fat, so when you work out, your body converts it to muscle...So if you just want fat, try that, but uhhh, not junk food, you'll get sick. lol

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Your sick of your figurine? I can't get how fat can help it. It will just go to your waist and you have a bigger belly, thats what u want? :?








Work out and get muchles, much better way to get better figurine, trust me.

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The best way to gain weight is to eat a lot and not exercise, but that will just get you on the path to obesity.








Metabolism > *








Eating junk food and not exercising was my lifestyle all through high school.




I struggled to maintain weight no matter how much food I ate.

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Milkshakes from McDonalds. In my opinion they taste bad (I don't eat at McDonalds-everything tastes bad there to me), they make you feel bad, but you'll pack on weight extremely fast. It's one of the very worst things you can eat, and they are easily accessible, cause McDonalds is everywhere. 1150 Cal in a Large Chocolate milkshake.

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This is all very good info, gonna try and eat a lot of dairy and eggs :)




Northern - i'll be working out too so it won't all go to fat. Not today though, still aching from that party last night. Headbanging. Fighting. Brain. urrghh.

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just eat one of these every morning












Sweet Jesus, what an amazing article. I almost died of laughing when I read it, damn, I think I can pass my sit-ups for today. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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just eat one of these every morning












Sweet Jesus, what an amazing article. I almost died of laughing when I read it, damn, I think I can pass my sit-ups for today. :P








Amen... rofl. :P








Anyway, I guess I need to make this post somehow be on topic... erm... don't eat lots of fat and stuff, just eat lots red meat, protein, and exercise alot. Oh yeah, and drink lots of water - it's great for building muscle.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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you want to gain 14LBS, eh?








Milk products, like icecream. Or look for body builders powders...don't excersize...those powders have a TUN of calories.


One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

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I feel for you bro. I don't see why people complain they cant lose weight. I CANT GAIN IT. I eat just as much as the next person to me, heck i even eat the leftovers of my friends. Dam metabolism. They have weight gaining powder at GNC, but just don't be lazy like me and drink it everyday. If you want the beer belly, dont work out while drinking it. If you want muscle, work out. DRINK A LOT OF WATER!!!! that's the best thing for you. With all of that powder, it's easy to get a kidney stone. McDonals and stuff like that is just junk. More cholesterol than anything. Not worth it. Fish has a lot of protein, stuff like that.


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soda(soda pop, pop, whatever you people call it)...110 calories per 8 oz drink 2, 2 liters a day and you're good








Are you kidding me? Might as well IV sugar into your bloodstream. I hope you don't like your body or your teeth if you drink that much soda.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

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