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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




Have you ever participated in a thread where you did not, at some point, try to show off that you're some sort of RuneScape God With Inside Knowledge [tm] via a comment like this one?

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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2 years and it will be dead.




they said the same for 2 years ago lol and 3 years ago




Hell, there were people saying it the same year RS was launched.


There will always be doomsayers who get a kick out of predicting all kinds of stuff.




Quick! its the end of RS...drop your items and log!








even if all the current whiny kiddies quit today, new whiny kiddies would join to fill the gap...and even if that didnt happen, the hordes of dedicated mature young players, and even more so..the tens of thousands of adults who hold the vast majority of the top ranks will continue to play it...*whispers* "because we enjoy the game". We are dedicated, loyal, and enjoy the pace of the game...we are not going anywhere...and neither is the game, any time soon...why would they throw away a cash cow. live with it, and stop the drama


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




Have you ever participated in a thread where you did not, at some point, try to show off that you're some sort of RuneScape God With Inside Knowledge [tm] via a comment like this one?




hypocracy? coming from someone who runs TRUTHscape.




I'm not sticking up for 3hitu, I'm just merely pointing out a wee flaw in what you just said. Because you're the king of showyness...

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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




He's not backing up any of his posts anyway, so he can't be taken seriously.




As well as using a username associated with infamy...






On topic though, I really doubt the whole game will just bite the dust in two years. Maybe in a couple, but from where it is headed at the moment, 2 years is definitely not enough time for the game to die.

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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




Have you ever participated in a thread where you did not, at some point, try to show off that you're some sort of RuneScape God With Inside Knowledge [tm] via a comment like this one?




hypocracy? coming from someone who runs TRUTHscape.




I'm not sticking up for 3hitu, I'm just merely pointing out a wee flaw in what you just said. Because you're the king of showyness...


Thank god someone agrees with me. I think he has said a lot of great things, and as much as I enjoy his articles I can't help but think he is overly pretentious.

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.




Don't be daft. Do you think a company would lie to themselves and their employee's? Please. Jagex is a multi million organization under scrutiny of other beings than you, a fan, and other fans. What they inform publicly affects lots of things aside from the gaming population.


Lying about stuff like this is commercial suicide, especially since they are taking on a whole new game called Mechscape.


The GE is a Player Controlled Market! Bounty Hunter is a good replacement for the old Wilderness! The Duel Tournaments are a great way to make large sums of money!
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.




Don't be daft. Do you think a company would lie to themselves and their employee's? Please. Jagex is a multi million organization under scrutiny of other beings than you, a fan, and other fans. What they inform publicly affects lots of things aside from the gaming population.


Lying about stuff like this is commercial suicide, especially since they are taking on a whole new game called Mechscape.


The GE is a Player Controlled Market! Bounty Hunter is a good replacement for the old Wilderness! The Duel Tournaments are a great way to make large sums of money!




Not one pker, or otherwise EVEN MINUTELY intelligent runescape player would EVER say that the current Bounty Hunter is a good replacement. Not one.

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.




Don't be daft. Do you think a company would lie to themselves and their employee's? Please. Jagex is a multi million organization under scrutiny of other beings than you, a fan, and other fans. What they inform publicly affects lots of things aside from the gaming population.


Lying about stuff like this is commercial suicide, especially since they are taking on a whole new game called Mechscape.


The GE is a Player Controlled Market! Bounty Hunter is a good replacement for the old Wilderness! The Duel Tournaments are a great way to make large sums of money!




Not one pker, or otherwise EVEN MINUTELY intelligent runescape player would EVER say that the current Bounty Hunter is a good replacement. Not one.

But Jagex says it is... and Jagex NEVER lies...
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Players said that RS2 would be the end of RuneScape. It surged to newer and better heights.




Players said that the RSoF would be the end of RuneScape. Ignoring those forums has never been easier now.




Players said that more skills would be the end of RuneScape. (...)




Players said that a lot of updates happening in whatever current time frame you're in would be the end of RuneScape.




Listen, every time we start preaching gloom and doom, RuneScape miraculously survives yet another year, and it usually comes out stronger and better than before.




Spare yourselves the embarrassment and drama and knock off the "RS is dead" posts. It'll die when it dies.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.




Don't be daft. Do you think a company would lie to themselves and their employee's? Please. Jagex is a multi million organization under scrutiny of other beings than you, a fan, and other fans. What they inform publicly affects lots of things aside from the gaming population.


Lying about stuff like this is commercial suicide, especially since they are taking on a whole new game called Mechscape.


The GE is a Player Controlled Market! Bounty Hunter is a good replacement for the old Wilderness! The Duel Tournaments are a great way to make large sums of money!




Not one pker, or otherwise EVEN MINUTELY intelligent runescape player would EVER say that the current Bounty Hunter is a good replacement. Not one.

But Jagex says it is... and Jagex NEVER lies...


Oh...Jagex said that? Nevermind then :lol:

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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




He's not backing up any of his posts anyway, so he can't be taken seriously.




As well as using a username associated with infamy...






On topic though, I really doubt the whole game will just bite the dust in two years. Maybe in a couple, but from where it is headed at the moment, 2 years is definitely not enough time for the game to die.






how does that pertain to the relevant conversation?

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Runescape is garbage




Its no longer a game its a communist country, Jagex controls our economy.




I give it a year for it to slowly but painfully die.


Barrow Items: 45 (3 Guthan Spears)(12/25/06)(1/1/07)(04/07/07)

Proud Owner Of Quest Cape SINCE the day it came out

Got Visage July 31, 2007

Visage #2 August 4th, 2008

AFTER ONE HOUR of googeling i'v came to the conclusion that there is no game called real life :evil:
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To all who say RSC is better, unless my memory is terribly flawed, it wasn't. I suppose an argument COULD be almost made that after December 10 it became better, but even still... I have a hunch if we switched RSC and RS2 as main game and game with <5,000 players. I guarantee MANY more people would beg for RS2 back then have ever begged for RSC to come back. Old School doesn't mean better.

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


98% of people have signatures with made up statistics in them. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't, copy this and add it to your signature.

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Runescape is garbage




Its no longer a game its a communist country, Jagex controls our economy.




I give it a year for it to slowly but painfully die.




Wanna back that up with some fact? Because without it, you sound real stupid. Honestly, I'm not saying this to be mean, but I'm sure that someone could come up with a better argument than that (or at least defend it better).




To all who say RSC is better, unless my memory is terribly flawed, it wasn't. I suppose an argument COULD be almost made that after December 10 it became better, but even still... I have a hunch if we switched RSC and RS2 as main game and game with <5,000 players. I guarantee MANY more people would beg for RS2 back then have ever begged for RSC to come back. Old School doesn't mean better.




Yeah, I think your memory's just a little bit flawed there.




Sure, given the current stance and updates of RS2, it's no wonder that people will cry blood for this game instead of classic, but for those of us that actually enjoyed our times there...




The graphics were substandard, the gameplay was repetitive, and there was no sound. But for whatever reason it gave tens or hundreds of thousands of players hour after hour of satisfying gameplay. Who do you think funded the RS2 project, anyway...?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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You only hear the ones that complain the loudest.




Meaning, people who didn't care for RSC don't go around making threads about it or talking about it all the time. People who did love RSC and wish they could have it back do make threads and talk about it, and that's what we hear. There are many more, however, that didn't complain and just moved on to real life, other games, or RS2.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Quick! its the end of RS...drop your items and log!








even if all the current whiny kiddies quit today, new whiny kiddies would join to fill the gap...and even if that didnt happen, the hordes of dedicated mature young players, and even more so..the tens of thousands of adults who hold the vast majority of the top ranks will continue to play it...*whispers* "because we enjoy the game". We are dedicated, loyal, and enjoy the pace of the game...we are not going anywhere...and neither is the game, any time soon...why would they throw away a cash cow. live with it, and stop the drama




I agree with all that besides the bit I put in bold. :P Never be loyal with any gaming company or you will leave in tears. Even struggling developers will cast their loyal fan base aside once big money is involved. Jagex is an supreme example of this amongst many companies..




The bit in italic isnt so sound either. Most the old timers I know left years ago lol and I dont plan to play forever tbh. They are removing too much of the fun and everything left is under competition making it less enjoyable.




Pretty much the only bit that stands true is the dedication and leftover enjoyment thats thats being 'squeezed' out of the game. They are lucky the type of player I am is capable of and even enjoys grinding tbh. If I wasnt able to complete most other games within a day I wouldnt even need runescape. I do not believe most players think this way.. The casual gamer would rather play shootemups that are fast, easy and provide an instant buzz/enjoyment. Runescape is heading towards its skills which 'i' enjoy but I do not believe most others think this way..

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