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A debate, Heart or Brain?


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Which one really controls you? Is it your heat or your brain?






Of course some will probley say your brain controls you. But I don't mean it that way.


I mean in when your in love or when you think your in love. Which controls you most the brain or the hear?


So in a metaphorically way then.






P.S I'm not wanting this to be a Joke but a real debate(if possible)


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Brain, all your heart does is pump blood. There's no "feelings" in that.




You clearly don't understand the metaphorical idea behind the heart.








I think for most people it would be their heart. People always say they're going to be rational and take love slowly, but as soon as anyone meets someone they fall for rationality is the first thing to go. I say heart.

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I went to a talk about emotional vs. cognitive attitude changing recently. Interestingly there is research showing that some people are more receptive to emotional pleas ("this car is blazingly fast, and bright red, and and you'll look like a hero when you drive it"), some are more receptive to cognitive pleas ("this car has a V8 engine and goes 0-60mph in 5.4 seconds"). Some people are actually not very responsive to either, and it is theorised that they respond best to social pressure ("everyone else has this car, why don't you?").




I myself am more cognitive. (brain).

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I'm with brain-dude here. While it was a lovely poetic statement, the heart frankly does nothing. If I had written it, I would have identified the two sections of brain, one that controls emotion, the other that controls pure logical thought supported by quantitative data, then gone from there.




But in your statement, I believe that the brain does all decisions for your body. In the Emotion v. Quantitative data, I'm still with the brain, primarily because it's the powerhouse for all logic in you, and if you were acting on pure emotion, you turn into a fool. (Just look at a lot of women in todays acting world - acting with logic and only with emotion.)

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There's always stories in the papers of lovers who have split up or something but one still loves the other and trashes their car to win them back ( :XD: ...was an actual story i read) but if they had went with their "brain" instead of their "heart", they wouldn't have done something stupid as they would have thought of the consequenses.

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So we're choosing between a having intellect and having a love life? Love obviously and I'm surprised how many people would rather just have a brain.




No. What they mean is would you 'Follow your heart' (I.e. emotions) or would you follow complete logical based thought?




I really have no idea what to say. I'm at a stage where I just want everything to be run on logical thought and for people to stop being ruled by their emotions... but at the same time emotions seem to be the key to some things.




I am confused. <---My answer.


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Love is just the Hormone oxytoxin level being increased in your brain, thus creating affection towards a person.




Meh, I'd still take the brains. You can still care for your children without a hormone that temporarily lowers your testosterone levels and gets you affected to a person you'll break up with in 5-10 years.




People always say they're going to be rational and take love slowly, but as soon as anyone meets someone they fall for rationality is the first thing to go.




I only noticed that behavior in pubescent teenagers. Adults don't need to go nuts and mortgage their house to buy expensive gifts to their newfound love. You can still love someone and not be an idiot.

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I still don't get what exactly the question is here. Are we being asked whether we live by passion or logic, or which organ is more imprtant, or somewhere in between? :-s




I'm thinking passion vs. logic is the one that makes the most sense.


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It's more in depth than that. Some people are not ruled by love interests, nor are they controlled by rational, logical thought processes. They go with whatever their gut feeling's telling them to do at the time.




I myself am ruled by the brain. In fact, I've read up on my own psychology. Not claiming I'm an expert, but my psychological traits are incredibly ambivalent and confusing. :|

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In fact, I've read up on my own psychology. Not claiming I'm an expert, but my psychological traits are incredibly ambivalent and confusing. :|




Tell me about it... Last November 2 months ago I was at a casino on TX holdem tables, and I made a large bet with the obviously best hand (full house using pocket cards). A guy raised the bet to all-in with his short stack, I obviously called... He only had a jack high and a 3.




It cost him the better part of $800, so I asked him why he did it... "I just wanted to see what the river [last card] would be".




Go figure. :-s You just can't predict some people...

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I tend to take decisions made on careful planning and rational logic rather than on my guts or my passions. I'm fairly sure that my brain controls me.

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Brain, all your heart does is pump blood. There's no "feelings" in that.




You clearly don't understand the metaphorical idea behind the heart.



I wasn't talking in metaphor.




brain != rationality


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Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I just want to know where the whole idea of the heart controlling love and emotion came from.


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The only time I can really remember 'following my heart', things really went [bleep] up and ended up being probably the most embarrasing night of my life. Never again. <.<




Brain please. :notalk:

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The only time I can really remember 'following my heart', things really went [bleep] up and ended up being probably the most embarrasing night of my life. Never again.




Care to elaborate on that? Sounds funny ::'




I just want to know where the whole idea of the heart controlling love and emotion came from.




It's a metaphor, smart one.

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