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Playstation 3 and Nintendo Revolution


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Ill most definitly be getting the revolution and possibly one of the other, i dont know yet, but if i get a job ill probably end up buying all three :?








For those that think the revolution looks the worst out of the 3, theres a few more pictures Here








In one of the pictures there it shows 5 different colours, a very bold red one and one that sort of looks like vomit :? So you cant say you dont have a choice, thats if they end up releasing all these colours that is...








I cant remember where i read it, but the backwards compatability thing that lets you play 20 year old games or what ever it was, it works by downloading them with the online service nintendo is planning to release, im guessing you put them onto memory cards or what ever there using.

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@Daan: if you keep going through the gallery you notice that the Revolution is actually in a stand thingy, kind of like how the PS2 could be kept horizontally or vertically ;)

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Unless Nintendo comes with something better, I'll definitely buy a PS3. It completely (well, completely is a rather big word) owns Xbox (in terms of specs, that is). I love the design, the controller is so-so. I prefer the PS1/PS2 controllers way more. I don't see a slot for the original PS-controllers, so I think we'll be forced to use the bomerang. You might be able to use your DualShock and DualShock 2 controllers with an adapter which plugs into the USB ports, and pray that the adapter is given in the PS3 package.




But really, Revolution is mindblowing. It kind of looks like a slick external HD. If the specs are good, Revolution might just be a revolution.

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Well it is only slightly bigger than a standard CD-ROM drive...




I haven't seen any dimensional specs fro it yet, but the images get you a pretty good estimate of it's size :)

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Unless Nintendo comes with something better, I'll definitely buy a PS3. It completely (well, completely is a rather big word) owns Xbox (in terms of specs, that is). I love the design, the controller is so-so. I prefer the PS1/PS2 controllers way more. I don't see a slot for the original PS-controllers, so I think we'll be forced to use the bomerang. You might be able to use your DualShock and DualShock 2 controllers with an adapter which plugs into the USB ports, and pray that the adapter is given in the PS3 package.




But really, Revolution is mindblowing. It kind of looks like a slick external HD. If the specs are good, Revolution might just be a revolution.

Well it is said to be 2-3x as powerful as gamecube. Xbox 360 is 6x as powerful as xbox and ps3 double if not more xbox 360. Does anyone actually care about size? I'm sorry but I'd rather have a better console then something I can carry. I can already fit a modded xbox in my bag and who would walk round with a gamecube in their hand viewable. I mean common.
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Unless Nintendo comes with something better, I'll definitely buy a PS3. It completely (well, completely is a rather big word) owns Xbox (in terms of specs, that is). I love the design, the controller is so-so. I prefer the PS1/PS2 controllers way more. I don't see a slot for the original PS-controllers, so I think we'll be forced to use the bomerang. You might be able to use your DualShock and DualShock 2 controllers with an adapter which plugs into the USB ports, and pray that the adapter is given in the PS3 package.




But really, Revolution is mindblowing. It kind of looks like a slick external HD. If the specs are good, Revolution might just be a revolution.

Well it is said to be 2-3x as powerful as gamecube. Xbox 360 is 6x as powerful as xbox and ps3 double if not more xbox 360. Does anyone actually care about size? I'm sorry but I'd rather have a better console then something I can carry. I can already fit a modded xbox in my bag and who would walk round with a gamecube in their hand viewable. I mean common.




So then you're judging by power alone? I don't think anyone at all should have any judgements at all on Nintendo's system yet. Nintendo usually is modest about specs, where sony and microsoft exaggerate. Just wait until you see why Nintendo's system is going to be a revolution. I think people should wait to pass judgement until they see its controller and some footage of games, because I'm sure it's still holding back.

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You can never compare the specs from Nintendo against those for the xbox or PSX since Sony and Microsoft use raw data, not what it actually manages to run in a live enviroment.

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Unless Nintendo comes with something better, I'll definitely buy a PS3. It completely (well, completely is a rather big word) owns Xbox (in terms of specs, that is). I love the design, the controller is so-so. I prefer the PS1/PS2 controllers way more. I don't see a slot for the original PS-controllers, so I think we'll be forced to use the bomerang. You might be able to use your DualShock and DualShock 2 controllers with an adapter which plugs into the USB ports, and pray that the adapter is given in the PS3 package.




But really, Revolution is mindblowing. It kind of looks like a slick external HD. If the specs are good, Revolution might just be a revolution.

Well it is said to be 2-3x as powerful as gamecube. Xbox 360 is 6x as powerful as xbox and ps3 double if not more xbox 360. Does anyone actually care about size? I'm sorry but I'd rather have a better console then something I can carry. I can already fit a modded xbox in my bag and who would walk round with a gamecube in their hand viewable. I mean common.




So then you're judging by power alone? I don't think anyone at all should have any judgements at all on Nintendo's system yet. Nintendo usually is modest about specs, where sony and microsoft exaggerate. Just wait until you see why Nintendo's system is going to be a revolution. I think people should wait to pass judgement until they see its controller and some footage of games, because I'm sure it's still holding back.




Yeah, it wont have much effect in game qaulity. Xbox was more powerful than the PS2 and GC, but good games were few and far between.




After looking at the 360 picture, I laughed at how terrible it looked, but I have to admit the others arent much better. I don't like the new upright look of them, but heh, I guess looks don't matter too much.

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I don't really care about design either, but because everybody keeps talking about it I thought I'd put my opinion in it too.








I agree the design doesnt mean much at all to me, it's more of the specs that matter. :wink:








Also, as long as it runs it gets my approval.

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First, do you think Nintendo would tell IBM\ATi (who are also making the XBOX 360's processor and gfx card) to tone it down? Nintendo is pretty modest.








Also, Nintendo could be playing us all for fools, goto Nintendoon.com. Guess who most likely registered it? Reggie. The person who did the conference. It has his name in a who is search. Also, the video has info that Nintedno hadn't disclosed prior to the launch AND the models\etc are far too good to be "faked".








Thats just my opinion. I can't wait till E3 '06 or SpaceWorld...


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If you know anything about the history of Sony, you know to not trust a word that comes out of their mouth. They are the kings of exaggeration, and will say anything to hype up their system. When Sony, and to a much lesser extent Microsoft, announced how many polygons the PS2 and Xbox could render per second, they gave raw, completely theoretical numbers of how many polygons could be rendered without any bells or whistles (lightning, textures, etc). Nintendo is much more conservative in their estimates. Well Sony may say the the PS3 is "30 times as powerful" as the PS2, that may be true, but only in technical aspects, it doesn't translate to scale onto real games. When Nintendo says the Revolution is "2 to 3 times as powerful" as the Gamecube, they are speaking from a different perspective, you can't compare the two statements.








Now, onto the Sony's PS3 game footage. For the most part, it's fake, plain and simple. The only developers that showed off true game clips were Electronic Arts, Epic Games, and a few others. You can read a short excerpt from an employee of Epic Games here: http://www.gamersreports.com/index.php?sid=1479




That beautiful, breathtaking Killzone 2 clip? Nothing more than Pre-Rendered CGI. Now I'm not saying that the PS3 can't do stuff that good, I'm sure it can, but the fact remains is that you should take those movies with a grain of salt.








Now, that was unbiased fact. Now onto my personal opinions :P








I watched a bit of the MS and Sony conventions. Sony focused a lot on technical dribble, which would be boring to most gamers, unless they really fancy the technology. MS had the best conference from what I saw, it had decent demonstrations and gave a lot of information on their plans for Live, etc. The Nintendo conference was a flop. The GameBoy Micro was kind of neat, but the footage of GameCube games was unamusing, and ugh.. Mario Party 7. MP6 was horrible. Information on the Revolution was lacking.








The PS3 looks sleek, but you can't move pas the fact that it DOES look like a George Forman grill when it is lying horizontal, or a high-tech fridge when vertical. The controller looks like a boomerang, it would be nice if Sony tried to innovate instead of using the same basic design three generations in a row, it's not near perfect. Both the Xbox 360 controller and system look decent, except for that round convex shape at the bottom (or right) of the system, for some reason in still pictures, it just doesn't look real! The Revolution is the worst looking imo. It certainly is tiny. Black is so last generation, I'd rather have silver or pearl white. Black could still work though, but the Revolution design needs some improvement. Of course we haven't seen the Rev controller, as that is the "revolutionary" part.








Do not count the Revolution out. MS and Sony have played their hands, Nintendo still has something up their sleeve, I can feel it. Expect something big in the next two days. :wink:








Well, you see, its raw power. OBVIOUSLY the better the raw poer is, the better the game could, theoretically, be....but thats up to the game designers on how realistic it could be.








And your 'factual' information about the fake previews lol? *LOUD BUZZER NOISE*, your wrong. "But most of those movies, which I probably watched 3 or 4 during rehearsals for the event, look very achievable and some were probably rendered on the actual box but in non-real-time." So, it WAS running from the PS3 and WAS ABLE to be seen, except it just wasn't done in front of the people. They just did it beforehand, so they could fit in more of the action, like the rocket launcher at the end of the Killzone2 clip. Another quote, "When a system is year away, heck even with a system is 6 months away, it is reasonable to expect the power of the dev kits would still only be a fraction of the power of the final system," simply states that you havent seen anything yet...and if you think its all fake, your dead wrong, and itll be a wonderful surprise.








Gameboy micro? Apparently that just came out, I havent even heard of it...kinda stinks that gameboy seems to be going in the direction of Sega...in fact, the entirety of Nintendo is going in that direction...:(








If Nintendo does manage to pull something out of their sleeves, it better be something big....maybe they just held their hands back to see what the others would show, before they made any moves...they might go back and tweak. Itll be interesting to find out :)

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Why do people go "omg, like nintendo didn't release their OMG LIEK specs!!11 they suck1!1"








The console isn't going to be released till next year. Why would the release the specs now? MS's XBOX is going to be released now.








People forget, the gameboy is Nintendo's, um, forgot the word. Also, their console (probably not games) made the most profit. $7B. They ARE not heading in the direction of SEGA.


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I really like the the nintendo system.








The PS3 looks ok, if the games are good, except for the terrible controller.




The Revolution looks plain and GAY. It looks like a book

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Okay nintendo said the gc2 will be about the sixe of 3 standard dvd cases stacked on top of eachother, so there's a rough size. I'm getting the gc2 for a few main reasons:








-backwards combatable qith gc and can download old nintendo games from online








-wi-fi connection with the internet (no more annoying ethernet cable)








-i'm also a very strong nintendo supporter and they have been making consoles for the longest, i dont care about power as much as i do the classic, original, fun games which they will remake and also you can play the old ones








wel theres what i have to say, i'll also get a psx but probably not an xb360 as ive never been a fan for xbox except the online...

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Obviously u know that the ps3 is going to be the best because u have to sink to posting stupid childish pictures that have no real reason to try and make the ps3 look bad :lol:








Im not saying ps3 IS going to be better than the revolution or 360 im saying that it probobly will be with those specs :P.. But we will just have to wait and see on the release day.

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Some people seem to misunderstand what 'raw data' and 'raw power' mean. When Sony say that the PS3 has 20 or so times the power of the PS2, they're fiddleing with the statistics. When in a 'full game mode', where everything, lighting, shade, physics etc as well as pixels, the PS2 could run, say 20,000 pixels. I have no idea of the actual figure, I'm just using an example. Rendering just the pixels, nothing else, the PS2 could run about 50,000 pixels. Sony is using the 20,000 statistics.








Also, with the PS3, they're using statistics gathered from only pixels being rendered. Add lighting and stuff, suddenly that '20 times the PS2's power' will drop back down to 2 or 3 or 4 times.








And it's not only Sony that fiddle with the stats. Micro$oft do it as well, and Ninty cook the 'amount of sale's books, buy using weird combinations and 'confidence interval tests' that sound clever but actually mean nothing.








People need to start taking what every games company (be it Sony, Micro$oft, Nintendo, or even Jagex) says with a very large pinch of salt.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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