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Looks like someone is spamming some really stupid answers for these questions. Please stop it. You've had your account for like 2 days and you have over 700 posts!!! This is for brawl, not for your silly posts. Btw when is next tournY?


Caxis has been on these forums for 4 years ya moron. #-o




And he created this thread. #-o #-o :roll:

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Looks like someone is spamming some really stupid answers for these questions. Please stop it. You've had your account for like 2 days and you have over 700 posts!!! This is for brawl, not for your silly posts. Btw when is next tournY?


Caxis has been on these forums for 4 years ya moron. #-o




And he created this thread. #-o #-o :roll:




He is...




our mother....




(Lol, saying random thing's is fun. Especially when it doesn't count towards anythign in the future.) :lol:








FACON PUNCH! (no typo)

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Guys, you may as well give Alex the tourney. First time we tried sorting this contest last night, he stopped because there was too much lag. Now he doesn't like me spamming arrows and 'rangs, so he DC'ed half way through. Apparently there's a universal rule against it, which I've yet to hear of. Universal rules don't even apply here. At least, they didn't during mine and Soma's match anyway.

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Guys, you may as well give Alex the tourney. First time we tried sorting this contest last night, he stopped because there was too much lag. Now he doesn't like me spamming arrows and 'rangs, so he DC'ed half way through. Apparently there's a universal rule against it, which I've yet to hear of. Universal rules don't even apply here. At least, they didn't during mine and Soma's match anyway.




If he d/ced on purpose that would be a win on your part methinks.

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Ginger would you like to do a spam match? Your TL vs my Pit?


Sounds like a deal, but later. I gotta cook tea. It's 6:15 PM and everyone seems to have forgot about it. :uhh:




For the matter, I just looked the SBR recommended rule list which doesn't apply here anyway, and there's nothing about spamming. Only stalling, and SHDA/'rang is not stalling.

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Ginger would you like to do a spam match? Your TL vs my Pit?


Sounds like a deal, but later. I gotta cook tea. It's 6:15 PM and everyone seems to have forgot about it. :uhh:




For the matter, I just looked the SBR recommended rule list which doesn't apply here anyway, and there's nothing about spamming. Only stalling, and SHDA/'rang is not stalling.




Alright, just post when your ready. I will go on smash boards or youtube while I wait, so just take your time with your tea ;)

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Caxis - Let me clarify this - I am Ness, Ginger is Toon Link. We are both under lag. His entire battle strategy is spamming with arrows and boomerang - Which I am under able to dodge because my controls do not translate into the fast enough because of the lag. I can hardly recover. Most of my attacks miss because of the lag alone. The spam is extremely frustrating, especially the fact that I cannot dodge them.


Also the spam displays no skill associated. I can under stand him using the arrows a bit sparingly, when it is a part of a more sophisticated strategy, but, when the arrows and boomerang are the strategy and I cannot defend myself against it, spam has gone too far. The spam takes out both the fun and the competitiveness of the Tournament.




Also, I have been to my share of real-life tournaments - each has disallowed over-spamming.




Here are my solutions :




1)We do around 15 2-stock matches with a time limit of 3:00 - so that you may review each one.




2)Outlawing Spam.




3)Postpone the Tournament until Ginger acquires a better connection.




Yes, I hate the fact that an honor system similar to the Player Killing enabled Wilderness used to have. But in Runescape, there is no real display of skill (at least in Runescape 2).




Yes, I beginning to sound like a tourney-tard posting this, but you've got to admit this takes the fun and the competitiveness (lol, fun and competition usually don't go well together) out of it.




I say we split the tourney from here, make it so that Ginger and I never pair with each other.




I'd rather play Kent then play Ginger again- Ginger is much harder under these conditions, also, playing with Kent is much more fun and less frustrating.




No- Ginger, I do not take handouts. It's either I win or you win by traditional ways.






Kc, the matches will not be the same - Ginger's and my connection do not pair well. I can usually deal with spammers, but not under these conditions.












Side-note: Yes, I finally got the pancakes I was promised yesterday! (instead, I got over 8 hours of chores.)






But, I do not feel like eating them. :(


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Ginger would you like to do a spam match? Your TL vs my Pit?


Sounds like a deal, but later. I gotta cook tea. It's 6:15 PM and everyone seems to have forgot about it. :uhh:




For the matter, I just looked the SBR recommended rule list which doesn't apply here anyway, and there's nothing about spamming. Only stalling, and SHDA/'rang is not stalling.


Well it looks like we are gonna have a spamming match between the 3 of us (Pit, TL, and Samus/Mario). ;)


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Ginger would you like to do a spam match? Your TL vs my Pit?


Sounds like a deal, but later. I gotta cook tea. It's 6:15 PM and everyone seems to have forgot about it. :uhh:




For the matter, I just looked the SBR recommended rule list which doesn't apply here anyway, and there's nothing about spamming. Only stalling, and SHDA/'rang is not stalling.


Well it looks like we are gonna have a spamming match between the 3 of us (Pit, TL, and Samus/Mario). ;)




I'll head down now. \

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Stupid lag causing so many problems v.v...





Here are my solutions :




1)We do around 15 2-stock matches with a time limit of 3:00 - so that you may review each one.




2)Outlawing Spam.




3)Postpone the Tournament until Ginger acquires a better connection.





I don't know how bad the lag is, so it's a bit difficult to answer.




I'm not sure how the online game hosting works, but I don't lag much with Ginger or with you. I'm thinking both of you join a game I make, and we'll see how bad the lag is. It's worth a shot at least..




In the mean time I'll try to think of something else...

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Tell you what Alex, you win. There you go. I resign from the tournament. I really can't be bothered arguing with someone who whines everytime he starts losing about how the conditions (which are equal to both people) are 'unfair'.




Well done, congrats. You're the champion. =D>




See if it means anything now you've done it with me, mano, kc and Kent resigning.




You wanna go prove your 'skill', go to an offline tournament, not here. You wanna talk about "universal opinion" - I'll tell you that the universal opinion of the SBR is that online tournaments display little actual skill compared to offline ones anyway.

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I resign then. Soma is the winner.




So far, I have been to three real life Tournaments - winning two out of the three, losing the one during the launch date.




I'd rather prove myself better than you in the fairest conditions, but you want to have all your little advantages over me.


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Most intelligent statement I've heard all day.


Amen to that.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Tell you what Alex, you win. There you go. I resign from the tournament. I really can't be bothered arguing with someone who whines everytime he starts losing about how the conditions (which are equal to both people) are 'unfair'.




Well done, congrats. You're the champion. =D>




See if it means anything now you've done it with me, mano, kc and Kent resigning.




You wanna go prove your 'skill', go to an offline tournament, not here. You wanna talk about "universal opinion" - I'll tell you that the universal opinion of the SBR is that online tournaments display little actual skill compared to offline ones anyway.


I resign then. Soma is the winner.




So far, I have been to three real life Tournaments - winning two out of the three, losing the one during the launch date.




I'd rather prove myself better than you in the fairest conditions, but you want to have all your little advantages over me.


I swear you both just love to [bleep] and complain don't ya? Now before all the flaming happens out of nowhere and gets this thread locked, I say we find a solution to both of your mental problems before you start flaming at me.


Ginger says he can be awesome since he has no lag against SS4. SS4 says he's pissed because of the unbearable lag against Ginger. Now while Ginger is fighting SS4, Ginger says to himself he is freaking awesome while SS4 can't dodge, run, block, attack, etc.




Here I have two solutions:




Ginger: Get better quality internet and have a sportsman's attitude when playing against people.








SS4: Don't be so damn focused on Ginger and add him on your foes list so you don't have to hear his words for the rest of your life so you can be a very happy Brawler like the rest of us!




If any of you have better options than me then please just shoot me with them so I don't have to hear anyone [bleep] about [developmentally delayed]ed stuff like this!


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Since both of you guys are gung-[garden tool] about forfeiting, why don't you just play the games anyway? It seems like you guys just don't care anymore...




Also, I've got another idea for a competition thingy, I'll post it after the tournament is done with.

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I tried playing the games. I don't get why I'm the one being victimised here. Twice I've said "Let's play", twice he's DC'ed once we've started.




Here's my solution: Frankly, I don't care. I don't like arguing with people like this, 1) Because of the rules of the forum, and 2) Because arguing with this level of hostility just upsets people and gets no one anywhere.




So I'm distancing myself from this thread. At least, that's what I meant to do by resigning. He's won. End of. Make a new tournament, I won't participate in it, you can all move on happily. Get on with it.

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Trying to make me look like the bad guy eh?


No. I really could not care less about how other people feel about you. It has no impact on me whatsoever. I don't get kicks off "being in the right".




I'm not getting a new connection. Forget any idea of it. It's not happening.




It takes two to argue, so I'm walking away.

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