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The return of Muffin Maddy

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You only live twice. Once when you are born and once when you look death in the face.


Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...

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I nearly died today.


This morning, I had an argument with my mum about re- colouring my hair.


My sister felt sorry for me .. so she bought me a muffin at the bakery.


They said it had no nuts in it but I had an allergic reaction, and the only thing I'm allergic to is nuts.


I felt my face getting hot as soon as I tried it and I started coughing.


My sister was telling me "Maddy, you're red, you're red"


But I couldn't reply.


Thank God I had my epipen in my bag :pray:


The first injection didn't work and I started to feel my throat closing up, only half breathing :'(.


My sister managed to inject me and I continued coughing.


There was an ambulance and I went to hospital, I went home while my sister went to school.


I slept for about 2 hours before I fully recovered and went back to school...




where I got detention -.-


For getting an answer wrong in maths.




But nothing else is worth talking about.

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Epipen's to the rescue... :shock:




That must have been really scary! :?


You could probably sue them for "deceiving customers as to the contents of muffinz" or something but I doubt there's much point. Glad to know you survived the muffin! <3:




On less srs matters... how can you get a detention for getting a question wrong? If you get it wrong they didn't teach you well and they should go on a course to learn to teach you better and not give you a detention. :(


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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Yes, my teacher annoys me.


"I'm just trying to help you"


But she's not tbh :s


she says 'its not a detention'


yet she writes it in my detention section. :|

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I nearly died today.




Hope you are all well sugar :shock:! I've had a similar reaction where my allergies triggered a very bad asthma attack. It can be very frightening but I was lucky to have someone there just like you did. Its times like that where I believe someone out there is watching out for us...


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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I nearly died today.




Hope you are all well sugar :shock:! I've had a similar reaction where my allergies triggered a very bad asthma attack. It can be very frightening but I was lucky to have someone there just like you did. Its times like that where I believe someone out there is watching out for us...


Yes, I feel the same. I'm glad you were ok too, Lady S :)

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here;s a tip. dont eat anything your family buys for you before reading the lable. not just listening to their view, but actually physically reading the lable. srsly, my dad bought some honey nut cherios was said there werent any nuts. that made me facepalm like hell. So yeah..family phails. i wouldnt eat anything my sisters bought me anyway without checking the ingredients first.

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I nearly died today.


This morning, I had an argument with my mum about re- colouring my hair.


My sister felt sorry for me .. so she bought me a muffin at the bakery.


They said it had no nuts in it but I had an allergic reaction, and the only thing I'm allergic to is nuts.


I felt my face getting hot as soon as I tried it and I started coughing.


My sister was telling me "Maddy, you're red, you're red"


But I couldn't reply.


Thank God I had my epipen in my bag :pray:


The first injection didn't work and I started to feel my throat closing up, only half breathing :'(.


My sister managed to inject me and I continued coughing.


There was an ambulance and I went to hospital, I went home while my sister went to school.


I slept for about 2 hours before I fully recovered and went back to school...




where I got detention -.-


For getting an answer wrong in maths.




But nothing else is worth talking about.




Nao, dat iz not fun, really, get well pls... :|


Dumb maths teacher btw. -.-






I know wut iz fun 'tho... smileyz!




:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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Next time you could do a picture with an ordinary camera, with a onecolor background (if possible), and I can make you a very nice signature.


Did you read this? I am waiting that I could make you a sig. <3:




But you are very unhappy. Because you are allergic to nuts. And nuts are ftw.


Well, then not if they kill you, but otherwise they are pure 1337-ness.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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